Well-Known Member
Can someone name something else that 99% of international scientists agree with that they think is false?
any takers on evolution?

Can someone name something else that 99% of international scientists agree with that they think is false?
I'm sure someone here may choose to prizefight and lead with his jaw. I'm happy being a content contrarian.
Well thanks, I appreciate the kid gloves and a lot of your posts. But dude, some of your posts, the harsh ones, the way over the top tear a heart out harsh ones, that I sometimes chuckle at. Well, they're just harsh.which is why i leave you alone. no fun to troll someone for their opinion, it only gets good when they start asserting that they know better than the climatologists publishing peer reviewed studies on the matter.
Well thanks, I appreciate the kid gloves and a lot of your posts. But dude, some of your posts, the harsh ones, the way over the top tear a heart out harsh ones, that I sometimes chuckle at. Well, they're just harsh.
Yes, in 1400, nearly all scientists agreed the world was flat. And tobacco causes global warming.
They certainly are. Politics determines what "facts" you are told, what "data" is compiled and what is discarded. The politicians, oportunists, and fear mongers can't tell you what to think, but they can fool you into false conclusions, which works just as well.
Can someone name something else that 99% of international scientists agree with that they think is false?
if red insists on resorting to falsehoods about me, i'll go for the dead wife and kids jokes ALL DAY LONG. no shame.
99% of International Communists insist Marxism is awesome. this doesntr make marxism awesoime, it just means if you ask marxists theyll all agree.
99% of scientists (even the international ones) can agree on a lot of shit, in principle. once you get down to loop gravity vs string theory, epigenetics vs regular genetics and whether or not pluto is a planet thats when the fur starts flying.
if your assertion is that 99% of all scientist believe al gore's movie is factual, or humans are causing the seas to boil and melting icepacks aredrowning polar bears you are gonna have to bring some real strong evidence to back up that claim.
even of those who agree that the climate does have trends (which 99% of scientists will agree is pretty much a surety given the ice ages we already have seen) it does not follow that they all agree what the individual causes are, and in fact even noaa doesnt make the claim that human action IS causing it, only that it could be contributing. then they punt to the politicians on the ipcc for the wacky assertions.
even climatologists (the only ones with real expertise in this feild) cant agree on whether human action has had any real impact on the global climate, they merely show small increases in co2 concentrations and speculate that this may result in warming.
the global warmin/climate change loons use the signatures of "Doctors of Psychology" and "Clinical Homeopaths" to "prove" the scientific community is on board but 197 climatologists sending a skeptical letter to the IPCC is just a ploy by the Koch brothers to sell more dirty coal to schoolchildren.
Exactly the type of response I predicted.
The science is real, the causes are accepted by the majority of scientists because the majority of scientists can test them themselves.
Hopefully one day the skeptics of climate change can get on board..
This threads gotten real long but I don't know if this was mentioned because I don't have time to read them all but just a year or two ago if everyone remembers correctly scientist forged, made up,lied about findings that they claimed were global warming facts/arguments... If it's good science then why lie about it
he didn't lie about it, he was exonerated.
wanna know how i know you're a poor consumer of information? you're happy to blather about the oft-reported and completely manufactured controversy but completely ignored the less reported on exoneration that occurred a few weeks later.
stellah critique delivered.
not being run out of town on a rail, or lynched in the faculty dining room is not "exonerated" and some other self masturbatory nonsense.