Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?


Well-Known Member
i am supported by the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climate scientists who have come to overwhelming consensus on the issue. you were over in the other thread defending bible thumping and you've damned me to hell for trolling you. you thumping a book of mormon or something? the stormfront manifesto? what?
Funny, your the only one here who has admitted to frequenting Stormfront.


Well-Known Member
What list? You've yet to show it. You don't make any sense. And your comments on the dead show just what an ass you are. You should be mad at all the guys fucking your wife, not me. Or be mad at your wife for not letting you fuck her. Or yourself for being such a failure that you're wife can tell you to sleep outside with the dog while she fucks the neighbor.
your wife and kids killed themselves rather than let you rape and abuse them. that's saying something.


Well-Known Member
thumping the bible tends to predispose someone as being somewhat against scientific findings. not necessarily, but it's a good indicator. in stormfront red's case, it correlates very well.
Except I've never quoted the Bible here. Big hole in you're logic, there.


New Member
and that's exactly what fuels the non-scientific denial studies so that the koch brothers and company can go on building their empires. you're catching on quickly, little piggy.
Obama, Gore, Soros & Strong went quite well with the chicago climate exchange if you want to talk about empire building


Well-Known Member
I really should go now. Bucky's poor little dog is going to get it hard tonight, and it's partly my fault.


Active Member
science found talking snakes and zombies who can walk on water?
A true intellectual can find value in both science and religion. Are you trying to refer to the old testament? Mind you when that was written Science was in its infant stages as well ex. earth was flat, there was one major land mass, that curing ghonorhea included a flat surface and a hammer. Everything progresses including religion I can find stupid ideology in must about any human practice that has been around for thousands of years. Science has evolved academic value as well as religion. Talking snakes? That is a figurative battle between good and evil. Zombies?