Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?

I make sense you just deny it, and your name calling and charter belittlement shows defeat in your argument. When you attack a person and not their argument you prove your lack of knowledge or understanding of a subject.
I make sense you just deny it, and your name calling and charter belittlement shows defeat in your argument. When you attack a person and not their argument you prove your lack of knowledge or understanding of a subject.

dude, i am still waiting on your citation for your made up number.

once you can cite your own claim, we can move on from there, little piggy.
i'm not making any claims, i'm simply deferring to the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climate scientists who have come to overwhelming consensus on the issue. nothing that contradicts your bible thumping worldview is worth your consideration, you're prejudiced.
You just claimed you are supported by " the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climate scientists who have come to overwhelming consensus on the issue". And pretending I'm a "Bible thumper" is both a lie and irrelevant.
You just claimed you are supported by " the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climate scientists who have come to overwhelming consensus on the issue". And pretending I'm a "Bible thumper" is both a lie and irrelevant.

i am supported by the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climate scientists who have come to overwhelming consensus on the issue.

you were over in the other thread defending bible thumping and you've damned me to hell for trolling you. you thumping a book of mormon or something? the stormfront manifesto? what?
What does bible thumping have to do with global warming? Are you incinuating that 100% of christians don't believe in scientific ideology? Maybe christians believe global warming is God's will?
he's pointing out that the activities of man have an effect on the environment. does this upset you, stormfront red?
Just because your getting upset doesn't mean anyone else is. I was just pointing out stench doesn't contribute to global warming. You seem to like to attribute you're opponents with all sorts of motives, biases, and thought processes that you couldn't possibly no. You even go to elaborate schemes to falsely portray others as racists, homophobes, pedophiles, or what-have-you's, just to discredit them. You are truly pathetic.
What does bible thumping have to do with global warming? Are you incinuating that 100% of christians don't believe in scientific ideology? Maybe christians believe global warming is God's will?

thumping the bible tends to predispose someone as being somewhat against scientific findings. not necessarily, but it's a good indicator.

in stormfront red's case, it correlates very well.
Just because your getting upset doesn't mean anyone else is. I was just pointing out stench doesn't contribute to global warming. You seem to like to attribute you're opponents with all sorts of motives, biases, and thought processes that you couldn't possibly no. You even go to elaborate schemes to falsely portray others as racists, homophobes, pedophiles, or what-have-you's, just to discredit them. You are truly pathetic.

i'm not upset, i was just pointing out that ginwilly was talking about humans having an effect on their environments. you didn't get it, so i helped you out with the reading comprehension assist.

you, on the other hand, seem a bit upset. take it slow, red. i have dead wife jokes for days.
romney and his band of merry old science haters have certainly fooled you into a conclusion contrary to that of the overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists.
overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists..........overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists.............overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists..........overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists.............overwhelming and vast majority of peer reviewed, publishing climatologists.

repeating a truth doesn't make it a lie, stormfront red.
thumping the bible tends to predispose someone as being somewhat against scientific findings. not necessarily, but it's a good indicator.

in stormfront red's case, it correlates very well.

Current religion vastly supports scientific findings, I feel like when you invision religion you see a witch doctor putting hexes on dolls, LOL
you're too chickenshit to gamble on the non-credentials of the engineers and medical doctors and dead people on that list. what a pussy. no wonder your wives offed themselves.
What list? You've yet to show it. You don't make any sense. And your comments on the dead show just what an ass you are. You should be mad at all the guys fucking your wife, not me. Or be mad at your wife for not letting you fuck her. Or yourself for being such a failure that you're wife can tell you to sleep outside with the dog while she fucks the neighbor.
well, whatever we're doing, it's sure better than your method. i can make dead wife and kids jokes all night if you want to, stormfront red.
Well, you can hardly call them "jokes". So is that the limit of your debating skills? I guess it's time to put you back on the list.
what lies? they were exonerated, shit snout. so you're positing that thousands of scientists in dozens of countries are all actively conspiring against you, only to be foiled by a bunch of dipshits who think vaginas magically repel rape? yeah, good luck with that one, stormfront red. stick to thumping bibles and killing your wives.
" they were exonerated". Actually, not.
so when you damned me to hell for trolling you, what religion was that in the name of? :lol: and don't even try to say you weren't rooting for romney, the quotes aren't even 2 months old you lying shit stain.
I damned you to Hell? Where? Dissing Obama isn't "rooting for Romney". Are you getting upset, Bucky?
it's right above you. 13,926/13,950 = .9983 no wonder you're an incompetent machinist, you can't do math.
I do math with real numbers, not made up ones from a graph that is obviously falsified. Perhaps I should go now. Buckys getting upset again. He may abuse his poor dog again just cause of me upsetting him.