Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?

It's your list, not mine. Are you having trouble keeping up?

you're too chickenshit to gamble on the non-credentials of the engineers and medical doctors and dead people on that list.

what a pussy. no wonder your wives offed themselves.
lol, do you? i think we should start putting incompetent machinists up against peer reviewed, publishing climatologists and see what happens!
So let us see this list of "peer reviewed, publishing climatologists" you keep referring to. If I'm such an incompetent machinist, why do I make so much more than you? Oh yeah, forgot you have no marketable skills, except "internet spellchecker". How's that been working out for ya?
all i'm doing is deferring to the vast majority of publishing, peer reviewed climatologists who have formed overwhelming scientific consensus on the issue. and at least i can keep my wife alive, something you apparently suck at doing.
You got it backwards. You're wife is keeping you alive.
So let us see this list of "peer reviewed, publishing climatologists" you keep referring to. If I'm such an incompetent machinist, why do I make so much more than you? Oh yeah, forgot you have no marketable skills, except "internet spellchecker". How's that been working out for ya?

it's been fairly relaxing.
I cannot deny science for any political cause. I believe you do this in the forwarding of your agenda. This makes you no better then the Koch's or the Gore's for that matter. A lie is still a lie, propaganda is still propaganda!
I cannot deny science for any political cause. I believe you do this in the forwarding of your agenda. This makes you no better then the Koch's or the Gore's for that matter. A lie is still a lie, propaganda is still propaganda!

you're not making any sense.

why don't you publish a peer reviewed scientific study disproving anthropogenic climate change, collect your millions of dollars, and then call me a little bitch?

oh, i forgot. you can't, little piggy.

har dee har har har.
except we're not the ones positing wildly impossible conspiracy theories about something that the scientific community is already in consensus about. so it doesn't work both ways.
"wildly impossible conspiracy theories"? Those UN emails conspiring to lie to the public proved it to be very possible. Consensus? Hasn't been shown.
"wildly impossible conspiracy theories"? Those UN emails conspiring to lie to the public proved it to be very possible. Consensus? Hasn't been shown.

what lies? they were exonerated, shit snout.

so you're positing that thousands of scientists in dozens of countries are all actively conspiring against you, only to be foiled by a bunch of dipshits who think vaginas magically repel rape?

yeah, good luck with that one, stormfront red. stick to thumping bibles and killing your wives.
actually, it really does. you're just too wrapped up in bibles and old, stale romney semen to take notice.
Since I am neither Christian nor a Romney supporter, you failed. Again.
Since I am neither Christian nor a Romney supporter, you failed. Again.

so when you damned me to hell for trolling you, what religion was that in the name of? :lol:

and don't even try to say you weren't rooting for romney, the quotes aren't even 2 months old you lying shit stain.