Introduction (first post, first grow, am I prepared?)

Hello, I'm Autogrower. I bought 1 feminized Auto Bubblelicious seed by Nirvana, and 1 feminized AutoBlueberry seed by Dutch Passion from The Single Seed Centre (and they made it here.) I also purchased a 48"x24"x60" grow tent off of amazon. I have a 400W HID light (MH bulb but I plan on buying an enhanced spectrum HPS bulb.) Just set up the tent last night in a guest house in the back yard.

I plan on buying:
a carbon filter
a couple in-line fans
yo yos (for the light, all I have at the moment is shoe strings)
a pH tester
square pots (3-4 gallon)
fox farms oceanic soil
an oscillating fan
30X magnifying glass (I'll probably use it to smoke too, I heard you can use it to burn the weed and it acts as a vaporizer)

I will probably LST
It'll probably be on 20/4 the entire time
I am probably going to take care of co2 by having a yeast and brown sugar mixture in a bottle in the tent. I might even make a hole in the cap on the bottle and feed the co2 through a tube that leads up to the oscillating fan so that it blows directly on the plants.

1. Do you think that if I taped up a trash bag or similar black plastic to half of the grow tent I could effectively block off light so that I could cut down one plant (when the time is right) and hang it to dry in the dark half while the other finishes growing in the light half? That way my carbon filter could take care of the odors from both.
2. Whats the best way to control humidity (add to it, subtract from it)
3. What are some yields you've seen come out of similar set-ups?
4. Should I add any nutes to the water? Or are the nutes in the soil good enough? If so, what nutes? (unless chemical fertilizers are better, which I doubt they are, I would probably prefer organic)
5. After they germinate, should I plant them in the 3-4 gallon pots? Or should I plant them in something smaller and transplant? I'm worried about that stunting the already short veg period of an auto.
6. If I wanted to order more seeds (Which I might. I was expecting free seeds to come with the order but I guess they ran out) how many more do you think I could fit in there?
7. How close should the light be? From seedling, to veg, to flower. Since I will be doing LST the light should be spread out evenly over the plant.

I smoke a lot of pot, and the idea behind this is to explore different types of weed, and have fun. I guess that makes me a bit of a connoisseur. The reason I picked autos is so that I can just put a new one in there anytime I want, and they can all stay on the same light schedule. I will be charting temps, hight, how often I water, and other notes. Once I actually start growing, I will post updates, with questions, pictures, and whatever else everyday so that you guys can help.

I've done a lot of research, has it paid off? I want to be confident that I know what I'm doing before I start. I want to be prepared.

Enjoy the links :)

- Autogrower


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm Autogrower. I bought 1 feminized Auto Bubblelicious seed by Nirvana, and 1 feminized AutoBlueberry seed by Dutch Passion from The Single Seed Centre (and they made it here.) I also purchased a 48"x24"x60" grow tent off of amazon. I have a 400W HID light (MH bulb but I plan on buying an enhanced spectrum HPS bulb.) Just set up the tent last night in a guest house in the back yard.

I plan on buying:
a carbon filter
a couple in-line fans
yo yos (for the light, all I have at the moment is shoe strings)
a pH tester
square pots (3-4 gallon)
fox farms oceanic soil
an oscillating fan
30X magnifying glass (I'll probably use it to smoke too, I heard you can use it to burn the weed and it acts as a vaporizer)

I will probably LST
It'll probably be on 20/4 the entire time
I am probably going to take care of co2 by having a yeast and brown sugar mixture in a bottle in the tent. I might even make a hole in the cap on the bottle and feed the co2 through a tube that leads up to the oscillating fan so that it blows directly on the plants.

1. Do you think that if I taped up a trash bag or similar black plastic to half of the grow tent I could effectively block off light so that I could cut down one plant (when the time is right) and hang it to dry in the dark half while the other finishes growing in the light half? That way my carbon filter could take care of the odors from both.
2. Whats the best way to control humidity (add to it, subtract from it)
3. What are some yields you've seen come out of similar set-ups?
4. Should I add any nutes to the water? Or are the nutes in the soil good enough? If so, what nutes? (unless chemical fertilizers are better, which I doubt they are, I would probably prefer organic)
5. After they germinate, should I plant them in the 3-4 gallon pots? Or should I plant them in something smaller and transplant? I'm worried about that stunting the already short veg period of an auto.
6. If I wanted to order more seeds (Which I might. I was expecting free seeds to come with the order but I guess they ran out) how many more do you think I could fit in there?
7. How close should the light be? From seedling, to veg, to flower. Since I will be doing LST the light should be spread out evenly over the plant.

I smoke a lot of pot, and the idea behind this is to explore different types of weed, and have fun. I guess that makes me a bit of a connoisseur. The reason I picked autos is so that I can just put a new one in there anytime I want, and they can all stay on the same light schedule. I will be charting temps, hight, how often I water, and other notes. Once I actually start growing, I will post updates, with questions, pictures, and whatever else everyday so that you guys can help.

I've done a lot of research, has it paid off? I want to be confident that I know what I'm doing before I start. I want to be prepared.

Enjoy the links :)

- Autogrower
you have indeed done much of the homework and that speaks well to your resolve, unfortunately, most of the answers to your questions are best answered through experience, ...there is no teacher like experience.

...i guess the best advice i can give you is to not start with those 2 store-bought beans but rather learn your chops using free seeds from some of that pot you've been smoking, i popped 30 beans my first time out and i managed to kill them all within a few weeks, upset as i was it'd have been much worse if i'd have spent money on the beans.

btw, my second try i popped 30 more and had 5 survivors of my ineptitude and 4 of those turned out female and i grew and cloned those 4 females for almost a year before i threw down on store-bought genetics, ...i waited until i was dead certain i could reliably reproduce any keepers i might find and i have a few i've had in my collection for more than 4 years now.

...and it's my desire to find reproducible keepers that has always kept me away from autos, i just can't stand the idea that i might find a plant that produces the best buds i've ever had and i can only grow it once, ...i can pop more seeds of the same variety but i can't be sure they will be as good. that's my second piece of advice, the future, ...don't buy autos, lol.

peace, bozo
Autos just seem so much easier to start out on. After I've successfully grown a couple plants, then I'll get non autos. Hopefully I won't have to throw anything out (which is the idea behind doing all this research)

Are there any common newbie first time grower mistakes that you could share so that hopefully I can avoid them?


Well-Known Member
Autos just seem so much easier to start out on. After I've successfully grown a couple plants, then I'll get non autos. Hopefully I won't have to throw anything out (which is the idea behind doing all this research)

Are there any common newbie first time grower mistakes that you could share so that hopefully I can avoid them?
lol, where do i begin.

no, really, the most common mistake committed by new growers is to smother their plants with too much love, ...learn how heavy your pots feel when they are dry and only water when they feel light to lift, mj likes a definite wet/dry cycle and does NOT like 'wet feet' and many many new growers end up watering too often and killing the roots and the plants they support.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
Then what's the best way to know when to water? Or how often should I be watering in general?
Stick your finger an inch under the soil, if it feels dry then water. How often you need to water depends on the size of plants, size of container, heat and light cycle.


Well-Known Member
lol, where do i begin.

no, really, the most common mistake committed by new growers is to smother their plants with too much love, ...learn how heavy your pots feel when they are dry and only water when they feel light to lift, mj likes a definite wet/dry cycle and does NOT like 'wet feet' and many many new growers end up watering too often and killing the roots and the plants they support.

peace, bozo
Then what's the best way to know when to water? Or how often should I be watering in general?
as i said earlier, some things you just have to learn by doing, have already done a good deal of the homework so you have already shown a strong desire coupled with some advanced planning, feel good about that first but also know that confidence can only come through experience.

my first ever grow space was a store bought humidity dome in my bedroom window, and i failed miserably, except i didn't fail because i didn't give up, it's time you decided to trust in your conclusions and pop a few beans and lets see if we can't grow you some bud!

peace, bozo

technical dan

Active Member
I use bat guano and make tea to feed as well as amending the soil with it but if you are doing straight ffof you will not need to add it directly. You will be able to wait on nukes for a bit, again ffof.

Yes use the magnifying glass to smoke. It only tapes it if your spot is not small enough to start it burning. Solar bowls have a certain smoothness to them and are my favorite way to smoke. He bigger your magnifying glass the easier it will be to light. Also wear 2 pairs of sunglasses while you do it so that your don't see green spots/ hurt your eyes when you're done.

The seeds should go directly into heir final pots bc of the short veg time.

Just try it with some I killed a 5 pack of seeds when I started. You are far more prepared than I was but you will have to learn for yourself.

I water based on pot weight. You can tell when to water once you know how a pot with wet soil feels compared to a dry one.


Autos just seem so much easier to start out on. After I've successfully grown a couple plants, then I'll get non autos. Hopefully I won't have to throw anything out (which is the idea behind doing all this research)

Are there any common newbie first time grower mistakes that you could share so that hopefully I can avoid them?
I thought the same thing, I'm still on my first grow Amphetamine Automatics day 46, and imo I should have started out with photos. As far as tips go, I grow in DWC and don't know much about soil grow. But make sure not to feed too much, I use 1/4 strength nutes and even then get a light nute burn here and there. Also, check out my thread The Life Cycle of Auto-Flowering Cannabis.
I started with autos, I was impressed by the quality of the weed, but thoroughly disappointed in the yield. For personal use I would recomend it if you like the product, for commercial use it's low profit . That is just my personal opinion, other's may have had more luck with it
I've put some thought into it and I think I'm gonna do photo period plants next, with the line up most likely being Dr grinspoon, Blue dream, and Lsd.
I just realized something, however much I yield will be more pot than I've ever had all at once (excluding the compressed shit that comes from Mexico) cause the most I've ever had at once is a 1/4 Ounce (which I paid like $120 for)


I just realized something, however much I yield will be more pot than I've ever had all at once (excluding the compressed shit that comes from Mexico) cause the most I've ever had at once is a 1/4 Ounce (which I paid like $120 for)
you're gonna be like " like...... oh my gosh!" lol
i've only been growing for about 2yrs now, you wont regret it