Club 600

Will be quite the day when we can go to a cannabis lounge in some idyllic future, choose from a hundred or more strains to smoke up with (at an affordable price), and then go to the garden store and buy s33ds of those strains, along with our other grow supplies, just like a "real" garden center....

been offline for the past few days while working out a stupid problem between Java SE Runtime Environment, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, and Windows Vista: 4 installs later, and she's finally stable again.

**edit again:
currently working on finishing up my Cam-tar 5000 mk-II™. Prototype phase is finished, and moving on to the final version. Will see about making a bass cover vid with it later tonight.
If you come to the Dam at the right time you can do just that:)
too bad these bean banks dont let us smoke what were buying before we buy! Now thats fucken customer service!View attachment 2458195

Will be quite the day when we can go to a cannabis lounge in some idyllic future, choose from a hundred or more strains to smoke up with (at an affordable price), and then go to the garden store and buy seeds of those strains, along with our other grow supplies, just like a "real" garden center....

been offline for the past few days while working out a stupid problem between Java SE Runtime Environment, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, and Windows Vista: 4 installs later, and I'm she's finally stable again.

**edit again:
currently working on finishing up my Cam-tar 5000 mk-II™. Prototype phase is finished, and moving on to the final version. Will see about making a bass cover vid with it later tonight.
Pretty much spent the entire day installing a fuel pump in my truck (like I said Im no mechanic) Getting the tank back up and all the lines connected again was 98% of the work.,,, what a pain in the ass! Now I think some debris made its way into the tank and is hindering the pump... Tomorrow I'll be removing the bed to gain access...FUCK DROPPING THAT GAS TANK AND PUTTING IT BACK UP AGAIN! Never again!
Im sore as hell and will be getting an early night in tonight. I'll post a measly day 5 from seed update on my journal then Im out for the night.

Good night folks :peace:
Pretty much spent the entire day installing a fuel pump in my truck (like I said Im no mechanic) Getting the tank back up and all the lines connected again was 98% of the work.,,, what a pain in the ass! Now I think some debris made its way into the tank and is hindering the pump... Tomorrow I'll be removing the bed to gain access...FUCK DROPPING THAT GAS TANK AND PUTTING IT BACK UP AGAIN! Never again!
Im sore as hell and will be getting an early night in tonight. I'll post a measly day 5 from seed update on my journal then Im out for the night.

Good night folks :peace:

I suspect dirt in the fuel line. I would blow out the fuel line before dropping the tank again. Disconnect the line at the tank and the fuel injection and blow out the line with an air compressor. It's a quick test.

The raw materials:
(22ga galvanized sheet metal)


the prototype:
(the finished version will be a bit different. This was needed as a starting point to figure out the needed angles to get the view I want for my vids)


Have you changed your fuel filter?


I did that before getting a new fuel pump, and yes it looked like it hadnt been changed since 93 (probably has) Truck ran fantastic then started sputtering again... My line of thought was the clogged filter did a number on the pump, and it did. When I got the old pump out the mesh type filter was falling apart, old old old. Put the new pump in and runs even better than before, im happy as a clam... Then noticed a slight sputter after letting it sit then starting again.
Thanks for the advice cof.
So its been an eventful Chrimbo, cracked over head with flying bottle ( some young culprit was seen and caught ;), an accident but non the less it cost me 4 staples and the best part of the night in hosp waiting to get them, then out of action for a couple days and laid in bed watching old films as wind took out the sky and broadband! ( caught The Big Lebowski jig haha )
I think ive had about 4-5 beers all week, its a disgrace.
Anyway on to greener things.......
Ive not had much time to graft in ' Da Garden ', its needing a good clean out and alot of re-potting to be done, snips ect.....
My Dog and SLH are almost done, i'll get snaps done today, and got a couple smaller seedlings i was gifted at a few weeks 12/12. 1 Purple le Pew ( Special Skunk x Master Kush i believe ) and a nice looking H.B x Chem Sour D.
Hope everyone had a good Chrimbo, bring on next week so i can get out!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see the mason, ln to send the greetings :)


Got me a little more space today. Went from 4x2 to 4.5x3' Had to sew a couple seams and may still need some work. I'm not super looking forward to rearranging the closet tomorrow.
i hit my favourite belgian restaurant up yesterday. their range of brews is awesome. managed to avoid a brain ache by the skin of my teeth.

posties just rocked up with a stinky parcel!!!! think it mght be time to clean the bong and have a toot
I got a crate from the Brouwerij so had a few tiples before I left, but the place we went to last night was a disgrace, got served our Fizzy Pop, Wine, and beer in plastic cups!! ffs. It was a Club combo restaraunt thing, but come on, I am hardly likely to start throwing my plates around, so why not give me glass. They only served Palm, and Grolsch....grolsch is okay but it's a tad dry for me.
View attachment 2458965my family used to grow this many moons ago. If you look closely you'll see the fan leaves resemble ducks feet, hence its name ducksfoot indica. I was wondering if anyone and i mean ANYONE in the club has seen heard or knows of how i may be able to get back these genetics. Truly a gem in the rough ducksfoot is.
you'll have more luck in the ozzy growers thread VTMi. fairly sure it heralds from down under originally.

a crate of zatte in the house eh DST lmao going doon quick?