I got a place to grow


Well-Known Member
Some of you may have read my other post about trying to hide my plants but i told a friend of mine that if they give me a place to grow that ill go half on all the final bud. So they got a friend and we're gonna split it 3 ways, but now i can get more plants cause theirs more room, and i cant get busted :)

My seed germinated and i put it in a styrofoam cup with some soil with food in it from lowes like the "how to" thread shows. and i have a computer fan and a regular light on it right now, if it doesnt work out i wont be to upset cause i know i got a place for the real thing. and in a few days i should be growing in friends house.

i was wondering if anyone had a list of recomended supplies like wattage of bulbs, brand of nutrients, etc. with approximate prices:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Its my friends friend....not a friend of a friend of a friend....asshole....i know the person too moron....


Well-Known Member
what r u trying to say....it makes no sense. why would i wear gloves?....its not my property i aint getting into any trouble....


Well-Known Member
1. it's not your property
2. Lets not hope people get busted
3. If they bust your friends friend they will know about how you grow it
4. All they got to do is get your prints off the pots to know that you were involved


Well-Known Member
ok my first idea wasnt good now this one isnt...wtf do u want me to do....? ur basically sayin that about everyone here....its illegal to grow marijuana....anyone on here can go to jail....im playin it safe by having it in someone elses house. and why would anyone find out about it in the first place. it cant be proved that im involved all i have to say is they showed me....everything i say its turned down....wtf u want me to grow it out my ass....?


Well-Known Member
if you want to keep a secret between 3 people yo need to bury 2...... and yes i do want to see you grow it out your ass. Why not grow it at your house and not tell anyone.that way the cops wouldn't ever know about it


Well-Known Member
i cant i dont own the house its my parents, i wouldnt want them to find out. why would they tell anyone cause they would be getting fcked. im just settin it up with the timers etc. and when its time to get it i will. ill hardly be their, and im gonna wear gloves just for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
dude this really isn't a great idea - as others have pointed out.

the first rule of growing is TELL NO ONE.

by having 2 other's in on it you're FAR more likely to get busted - you might not tell any one but what's to say they won't..you'd be taking a pretty big gamble.

you'd be better off growing in your room.


Well-Known Member
ok my first idea wasnt good now this one isnt...wtf do u want me to do....? ur basically sayin that about everyone here....its illegal to grow marijuana....anyone on here can go to jail....im playin it safe by having it in someone elses house. and why would anyone find out about it in the first place. it cant be proved that im involved all i have to say is they showed me....everything i say its turned down....wtf u want me to grow it out my ass....?
what everyone is saying is that if you don't have your own safe and secure location, i.e. your OWN house, or appt, and cant find somewhere outside, that it isn't a good idea to try... it is hard enough for people to grow by them self, without someone finding out(slip of the tongue, etc...) but now you need to worry about 3 people, who says that your friend or friends friend font tell his gf? she can tell her friend, and so on and so on till the cops are there...

if you want to keep a secret between 3 people yo need to bury 2...... and yes i do want to see you grow it out your ass. Why not grow it at your house and not tell anyone.that way the cops wouldn't ever know about it
he lives at his parents house and was planning to grow with his snake... we talked him out of it, that it was a bad idea


Well-Known Member
well let just say there a thread already about this. And dude gets caught. But do what u want. Just realize they are people you could turn their back on u too. ( just like you said u would do if they get busted) and just stop letting u come over after they are done and harvest it themselves. People are shady sometimes.


Well-Known Member
well can do have any suggestions? idk what to do anymore....some1 in my last thread said to do it at a friends and go half. how can i be blamed if its not at my house....? help me plz....
sTOKED and newtoit you guys seem to know ur stuff any suggestions? i cant grow outside thats the worst thing i can do ill get knocked so much faster.


Well-Known Member
well can do have any suggestions? idk what to do anymore....some1 in my last thread said to do it at a friends and go half. how can i be blamed if its not at my house....? help me plz....
sTOKED and newtoit you guys seem to know ur stuff any suggestions? i cant grow outside thats the worst thing i can do ill get knocked so much faster.

check my journal... see what i am going thru to grow... i dont have anywhere to grow indoors(wish i could) live downtown in a tiny appt... cleared out my closet so i could atleast start my plants, to get to my grow site i have to drive 30-45 min, drag a kayak about 200 yards, paddle somewhere around 1/2 to 1 mile up river, and then hike thru the bush for a half hour or so, i wont risk getting anyone in trouble, and I have people that offered to grow my plants at there place, but i thought to my self, do i really want to trust them to take care of 10-20 plants for me and do i really want to give up that much smoke... what i am trying to say is if you cant find somewhere to grow then why are you trying too, can you honestly say there isnt any woods/swamp land, etc. around you somewhere?

plus you said you only have a coupe of seeds so you will probably be lucky to get one female plant, and maybe a ounce or two of pot, split that 3 ways... is it really worth it to take the risk?


Well-Known Member
my friend has seeds an we were planning on having our male pollinate the male for more seeds. i dont have a kayak or even a car for that matter. i know what people are probably thinking....you dont even have a car....i give up im just gonna find someones property. plus i cant grow year round outside.


Well-Known Member
well can do have any suggestions? idk what to do anymore....some1 in my last thread said to do it at a friends and go half. how can i be blamed if its not at my house....? help me plz....
sTOKED and newtoit you guys seem to know ur stuff any suggestions? i cant grow outside thats the worst thing i can do ill get knocked so much faster.
I hate to say it but I don't see too many ways for you to grow 'safely' - obviously there's a risk involved no matter where you grow (medicinal growers excluded) but the risk goes up by a LOT by having others involved.

Are you at school?

I'd never recommended growing in your parents house (in fact I'd recommend you don't), but there'd be less risk (to you) of you attemtping a grow at your parents house in a couple of Rubbermaid containers (hidden in a closet) - there's info on this site on setups using Rubbermaid containers.

Also, your 'friends' are more than likely, in the event of being busted, going to dob you in and the cops will somehow manage to prove the equipment is yours - fingerprints, receipts for equipment (always pay cash!) etc..

I know you wanna grow man but you may have to come to the realization it's not possible for now..certainly not without a whole bunch of risk.