Why is Racism Bad?

meechz 024

Active Member
People......it's not race. Race is not the root cause to all the hate and separation, it's just one of the differences in humans but there are a lot more differences that people use to separate us.

If you put whites and blacks together, the whites will team together and black will team together....simple.

But if you take away the blacks and leaver the white together, they will find ways to separate themselves based on culture, ethnicity, and nationality....White people will take pride over other white people and make up their own white nigger.

Why do you think they call the Irish people that?

So the bottom line is people find ways to separate, it's just that race is the most obvious one. We have to tackle the separation issue that is the root cause.


Well-Known Member
Replying to old threads is immature?


Well-Known Member
It's not bad or good... but don't be racist around me or you might find my fist in your face, because i don't like stupid ass holes.
It used to have a good side (hospitality would be given by certain people and to certain people if you were from the right families and cultures), but now it's just bad shit all around.


New Member
only 1 place for racism.That is in the history books.Anybody who is into thats shit is "Stuck on Stupid"


Well-Known Member
To view a person with different features with suspicion, aggression and to be seen as an outsider is a natural instinct {not part of the clan so to speak}, but to act on those instincts with malice is racism. There are many words that have become bastardized due to their association with stereotypes once held {and still prevail in some parts, to my dismay}.
There's no need for it.


Active Member
true racistm, is now just a memory. it started, with if u hung someone, you were racist. then, the "N" word. was racist. now, if a perosn of color is expected to abey the same laws as the rest, well, they now call that racism. so. its creeps like jessie, al, and others, who make thier living, off keeping racism alive. its really hurting our country. we arent communist yet. so, if anyone who does not like it here, can still leave.....the old saying "given a yard, they take a mile." applies here. a vote against ohbama, was called racist. seems it was more racist to hire him to begin with. both times, i voted for the american!! -lol. does this make me racist? to some. after all, no rules should apply to "people of color", right? seems to be the new trend.....