Well-Known Member

coons can be fun, but....they can be pests too. keep feeding them and they will move in. nice looking coons you got there btw. if you want to know how to prep them for cooking pm wife feeding the coons.
they've been around for a few years now. they have been troublesome in the past. if we don't put food out for them outside they come in thru the cat door and tear our kitchen apart. they ate the baby opossums and left body parts strewn across the backyard. we haven't seen an opossum in over 2 years now. i was worried about them messing with the cats, but they really don't seem to mind each other. my cats were all on the floor sleeping the other night when a coon came in, walked right past them all and started eating their food. the cats know how to keep their distance when the coon are eating.coons can be fun, but....they can be pests too. keep feeding them and they will move in. nice looking coons you got there btw. if you want to know how to prep them for cooking pm me.
bwahahahahah!!!That reminded me of this! lmfao!
hereSHEgrows' hubby ? good to meet you mr grows[video=youtube;7rRJ6PrKtFU][/video]
this one reminds me of the video padawanbater just posted.