I have no heat in my house so it gets really cold and I'm about to start a PC grow


Active Member
Hi guys, thanks for checking out my thread, as the title says....my house is normally around 60-65 degrees to due my dad not wanting to use too much heating, and i can drop as low as 55 degrees. I'm planning on using a 18 inch height pc box with 4x 23w cfl with 1 or 2 intakes and 1 or 2 exhausts. Everyone seems to be troubled with things getting too hot, i'm worried about things getting too cold if that's possible in my situation? What do you guys think? THANK YOU!


Well, i am not terribly experienced on the matter, but since im here ill throw in my two cents. my roommate tried to grow last year with a few cfls, and we had our heat set to 55F.. the plant was not in a very good box (half-'asked' cardboard and duct tape) and grew very little. yielded probably about 5 grams give or take. i would say for sure don't worry about intake/exhaust fans other than for your plant's co2/o2 needs since external airflow will decrease the temperature. Best bet would be to run a hotter bulb, or sadly, wait for warmer weather. Take it or leave it, but those are my thoughts. peace.


Active Member
Hi guys, thanks for checking out my thread, as the title says....my house is normally around 60-65 degrees to due my dad not wanting to use too much heating, and i can drop as low as 55 degrees. I'm planning on using a 18 inch height pc box with 4x 23w cfl with 1 or 2 intakes and 1 or 2 exhausts. Everyone seems to be troubled with things getting too hot, i'm worried about things getting too cold if that's possible in my situation? What do you guys think? THANK YOU!
Actually you'll be surprised at how much heat 4x23w cfls can put out in a small space. I used to PC case too, the 4x23w cfls could increase the temps by up 10 degrees C in less than an hour without ventilation.

Well since you are using a PC case I'm going to assume you are either using PC case fans or a similar size muffin fan powered by the mains.

If you are using PC case fans, get a fan speed controller for them and adjust the passive/exhaust fan RPMs as needed to increase the heat.
If you want to use a muffin fan(i think it's also known as a server fan) you could use similar timers to what you use on the lights and only have the exhaust/intake fan turn on when needed.
With either way, your going to have to sit there and get measurements to fine tune the fans till you get it right.

Insulate the PC case if you can, it will trap heat. Perhaps Styrofoam might be a good material to line the walls with.
A low wattage reptile/heating bulb might help too.