don't quit your day job. I start this thread for people that think we need help in the mj industry.
I've lived in SW CO (Durango and Bayfield), the Front Range (Ft Collins and Aurora) as well as Greeley and Windsor. I'm a medical pro and have a difficult time finding work in CO. I obviously found it but many people have moved to CO just to "be on vacation year-round" from MN and NY and NJ and . . .. I never noticed any shortage of high quality Rocky Mountain-grown bud either.
My prediction? Newbies there will be given a new name and be hated. They will be the targets of ridicule and derision. Coloradans can be a snobby bunch of assholes, especially to those like Texans - ME!!!!!!
u guys crack me up with all ur hate... i understand what ur trying to do... ur trying to deter people from moving to ur state just the cali people... ur scared of comp. im not... im not even worried about it... i know my bud will sell... somewere...
and dont come to Washington either we give you DUI'S if you smoke . . . .and we have a saying about our water
if its brown drink it down , if its black send it back
no, just trying to deter criminals that want to peddle their weed for "donations" from moving here, they fuck up the tax system.
awwwww tuff titty said da kitty but da milk still good... we both criminals to da feds eyes....
difference being I pay my taxes and def stay withon MY states legal limits, how bout you meow?
as long as they come and respect laws that were voted on by the people that are already here I don't give a fuck if they're from mars, welcome.
You're not a native Coloradan, right?