To all that think they're just gonna pick up and move to Co and make their fortune

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Oh, I'm coming alright. And I will make a fortune... just as soon as I can ship all these bad boys out there:


don't quit your day job. I start this thread for people that think we need help in the mj industry.

I've lived in SW CO (Durango and Bayfield), the Front Range (Ft Collins and Aurora) as well as Greeley and Windsor. I'm a medical pro and have a difficult time finding work in CO. I obviously found it but many people have moved to CO just to "be on vacation year-round" from MN and NY and NJ and . . .. I never noticed any shortage of high quality Rocky Mountain-grown bud either.

My prediction? Newbies there will be given a new name and be hated. They will be the targets of ridicule and derision. Coloradans can be a snobby bunch of assholes, especially to those like Texans - ME!!!!!!
I've lived in SW CO (Durango and Bayfield), the Front Range (Ft Collins and Aurora) as well as Greeley and Windsor. I'm a medical pro and have a difficult time finding work in CO. I obviously found it but many people have moved to CO just to "be on vacation year-round" from MN and NY and NJ and . . .. I never noticed any shortage of high quality Rocky Mountain-grown bud either.

My prediction? Newbies there will be given a new name and be hated. They will be the targets of ridicule and derision. Coloradans can be a snobby bunch of assholes, especially to those like Texans - ME!!!!!!

as long as they come and respect laws that were voted on by the people that are already here I don't give a fuck if they're from mars, welcome.
I dont know if its so much the "closet grower" you should be worried about but the peeps who dont know anything about weed but have the money to attempt some type of money making grow setup.....Here in Washington, there is this cat that has been all over the news. He was, at one time, a big wig for Boeing or Microsoft and claims to be the great grandson of some Spanish breeder from 100 years ago... He plans on growing some "Top Secret" gear that has been in his family for ever and when he grows it out, it will be the best of the best. He will open up high end, membership only smoke houses where you can buy his 50% THC gear that has been in his family, for generations mind you, and he will be the one that everyone comes too for weed. He is goin revolutionize the Weed industry.... WTF? Good luck with that.
u guys crack me up with all ur hate... i understand what ur trying to do... ur trying to deter people from moving to ur state just the cali people... ur scared of comp. im not... im not even worried about it... i know my bud will sell... somewere...
u guys crack me up with all ur hate... i understand what ur trying to do... ur trying to deter people from moving to ur state just the cali people... ur scared of comp. im not... im not even worried about it... i know my bud will sell... somewere...

no, just trying to deter criminals that want to peddle their weed for "donations" from moving here, they fuck up the tax system.
and dont come to Washington either we give you DUI'S if you smoke . . . .and we have a saying about our water

if its brown drink it down , if its black send it back

id move to norcal or southern oregan before washington..... i think you guys are safe... nonew faces.. you guys are the first place to fully legalize weed in america on the west coast {though i always thought cali would} any way noone cares about yall... you got bc above u... u got oregan and cali below you.... and a few states to the east you got colorado {which is way better looking state then washington}no one is going to washing to make a living offf growing bro lol
difference being I pay my taxes and def stay withon MY states legal limits, how bout you meow?

i grow better bud then most... in vast amounts... i know people from everywere.... i just need a spot to grw my nugget in peace.. other then that im not worried... ROAAAAAAAR!!!!!
Entertaining read... Zubey you may me closer to the bullseye than you realize. I would not doubt that established businesses with little playgrounds attached to them will certainly make it into playbook somehow.
I'm not interested in where your from, what color you are, nor your political views. With that said if some "good people" come to CO for a chance at the 2nd green rush that may or may not come in early 2014 depending on what laws are passed in October, sweet. Let me know if you need some clones to get ya started. I wish the best of luck to anyone with enough passion for a plant to risk it all to take a shot at their dream. Just don't be a douche, we have enough of those in CO already =D Smoke on brethren.
you simply just can't walk right in to Colorado and jump in the field, as was mentioned on another thread there are badges that have to be held to work in the industry legally. the people that issue these badges do so on their terms not yours. they're backed up for months.
and the laws will change... and keep changing they'll add some.. change some... on both the state and the fed level.. and they'll do it for many reasons, some for the protection of the purchaser, some to balance the power between grower and distributor, or they'll change them, frankly for their own amusement to see people squirm(the feds more so).. right now all the "dispensaries" are run as non profit.... its so shaky i'd never invest in this right now , you have to renew your store license every year.. and they can deny it at any time for any reason. lol and i think its like 10,000 to renew?
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