Guys!! Dont worry about gun control!


Well-Known Member
If he knew some chemistry, could he have possibly taken out the whole school?
This is still the worst in us history. Didnt use a single gun to kill anyone.
second worst in the world.
2. Bath School disaster 45 died | 58 injured | Andrew Kehoe

May 18, 1927 : In the deadliest mass school murder in United States history, former school board member Andrew Kehoe set off three bombs in Bath Township, Michigan killing 45 people and wounding 58. Kehoe killed himself and the superintendent by blowing up his own vehicle.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Gordon Stewart Northcott killed over 20 kids using another kid as his weapon to lure them.
I propose we ban kids to save kids! Kids are vile assholes used to kill other kids. Think of the children!


Well-Known Member
like what?.... :roll:
We have a system that works fine and with only 88 killed nationally in mass shootings this year, this is very minute compared to the 300+ million firearms that didn't kill anyone this year.

Yea because only 88 people have been killed by firearms this year. You're the perfect example of why gun control is a wise thing.


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of guns wont stop crimr look at cali and mexico lol...then look at the netherlands(i think) where almoat everyone has a gun and there is hardly any crime there


King Tut
i don't agree with breyer on that, and you probably cannot quote a majority of justices who would agree.

priavte right of armed self defense is completely fundamental to the notion of autonomy and thus liberty. i am all for some bad ass self defense weapons.

i do draw a distinction between weapons of war and self defense weapons though.
If you don't consider self defense to be a form of war, then you're doing it wrong ;)


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of guns wont stop crimr look at cali and mexico lol...then look at the netherlands(i think) where almoat everyone has a gun and there is hardly any crime there

Really? Everyone carries a gun in the Netherlands? Its becoming painfully obvious the low IQ people in this country are the ones obsessed with guns, sweet.


Well-Known Member
if he got them from her, they were not locked away safely enough. unless this lanza kid was cracking open diebolds since age 8, like some people who post here, i'm convinced the gun owner did not do enough, especially considering she was trying to get her kid committed.

these tragedies would still occur inevitably, but many can easily be mitigated or outright prevented with common sense gun safety laws that are fully constitutional.
how would a gun safety law have prevented this? Do storage laws make gun safes extra hard to get open?


Active Member
these tragedies would still occur inevitably, but many can easily be mitigated or outright prevented with common sense gun safety laws that are fully constitutional.
Well lets see, the school was a gun free zone. That was due to common sense gun safety laws, which mandated that in the event of a violent disturbance, no one on the property would be carrying a self-defense weapon. And how would you legislate this incident have been stopped by some law (that violent criminals are gonna definitely obey) without banning private ownership of firearms?

I don't think its helpful to talk statistics here, other than to demonstrate to people who won't listen since they're too closed minded to see the truth, that whether its a knife, a car, a bomb, a fire, a gun, or something else, evil people will figure out a way and use whatever's available to commit violence on innocents. We aren't supposed to acknowledge this because this is a crisis that's too important not to use to expand the power of the central government. Have you noticed how big our "constitutionally limited" federal government has become since this recession started? And you want them to invent more crimes with which to charge us to advance your social agenda?

If you ban all legal possession of firearms, the only people who will possess firearms will be the criminals. Is that what you want?


Well-Known Member
It took 20 minutes for the cops to respond to the school shooting... Almost half an hour for them to waddle their fat asses over to see what was going on. Why isnt anyone demanding changes in the police department?

The police department exists to protect society and not the individual yet we keep hearing anti-gun activists trying to make more and more legal citizens defenseless and dependant upon the government that has no responsibility to respond according to the supreme court.



Well-Known Member
I think everyone should just be issued an M16, fellons included! We would be much safer then, right?


Well-Known Member
If you don't consider self defense to be a form of war, then you're doing it wrong ;)
So true. And if you can't instantly form a vicious demeanor, (willing to kill, to save yourself) it doesn't matter about weapons are not.
A vicious demeanor speaks the yuki's (attacker) gut. It says, "abandon all hope." It might be all you need. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should just be issued an M16, fellons included! We would be much safer then, right?
No, nor are we enlightened by this thin sarcasm. I will just take your M16 out of your hand. It doesn't sound like you could stop me. It has nothing to do with the weapon. It has everything to do with mastering fear and the art of deception. If I need a weapon I can just take yours.

If everyone was trained to use it, we would not have a problem.
You would know how to prevent me from taking it.

The problem is the bad guys know we are afraid to defend ourselves.

"All war is deception." Sun Tsu


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should just be issued an M16, fellons included! We would be much safer then, right?
Probably much safer.
You put the felon at a severe disadvantage by giving every one of his victims the means to defend themselves vigorously/ I think the Felons would get jobs due to Detente and the inability to find anyone that was easy to prey upon. Problem solved. Now you just have to watch out for the suicide wackos who don't care if they get killed.


Well-Known Member
some dude in china injured 20+ people with a knife the same day or so that lanza kid mowed down 20+ kids and teachers.

do you think lanza would have massacred as many kindergarteners had he used a fork?
lol YES! YES I DO ACTUALLY! you can kill with a fork JUST AS EASY as a knife if you know what your doing.


Well-Known Member
No, nor are we enlightened by this thin sarcasm. I will just take your M16 out of your hand. It doesn't sound like you could stop me. It has nothing to do with the weapon. It has everything to do with mastering fear and the art of deception. If I need a weapon I can just take yours.

If everyone was trained to use it, we would not have a problem.
You would know how to prevent me from taking it.

The problem is the bad guys know we are afraid to defend ourselves.

"All war is deception." Sun Tsu
LOL!! Do you leap tall buildings in a single bound too?


Well-Known Member
You get a knife, I get a gun. Lets see who dies first.

The only you can kill with a fork just as easy is if you cook someone first.


Well-Known Member
Wow, a bunch of Bruce Lee's that do nothing but sit around on a weed forum day and night. Impressive.


Well-Known Member
Yea because only 88 people have been killed by firearms this year. You're the perfect example of why gun control is a wise thing.
Notice i said mass shootings?
A little comprehension goes a long way.
Should have engaged in more conversation through out your life, more practice makes you better at it, also it raises your comprehension. Guess you're fucked.