forgot ta say lad ill be puttin the tent in it,its termally protected so the heat will stay in the tent,ill have it exaustin the hot air inta the gullys or chimney,so they be no hot air in the worries then, would of thought a nice toast room surrounded by cold damp earth would of been a recipe for swimming pool.
Was that area of the stem getting wet a lot?
Some nice cake...
Have you the plants tossed already. Even with 6 from 12/12 you should get 2 O's at least... Given prices at the moment the ESB wouldn't be far off and better quality
Thai stick? It got the red string gong thorugh? I remember a good few years ago, prob 6 or 7 it was the only shit around for months upon months. I absolutely hate the stuff but it is cheap as chips. It's mad to think years and years ago that this was the best shit around LOL and was getting exported all around the world!!View attachment 2454160
Early Christmas present. Some of Thailand's finest...
Happy Christmas everyone. Not even around here a year and a lot of you lads helped me a lot!!! Thanks to all of you and I hope ye all have the best 2013 you can have!!!
No red string anyway bill and only started smokin the last 4 or 5 years. One of the boys brought it back when they were coming home.
It's a nice smoke but not great to be fair. It was like it was pressed into a tablet like cube and so dry it's a cunt to break up