working Christmas day

have to work Christmas?

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Well-Known Member
kids are fun at christmas JJ2, i wish we had a few young ones around here, enjoy the day and your kids :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
anyone have to work Christmas day :eyesmoke:
I did for decades. Then when I finally had the seniority I still had to be on call. It's nice to be home but it is the kids who make Christmas. Oh and MySunnyBoy at 46 you are just the right age. Finally mature enough but not to old.


Well-Known Member
no way fuck working on holidays I'm gonna get up eat a canna butter cookie blaze a fatty and watch my kid open presents and then a big ass meal. then smoke some more and drink some egg nog.:bigjoint: I work when I want for how long I want but thats the best thing about not being an employee.


Well-Known Member
No work ever for me. I didn't see the point. They came and shut all my shit off. I said fuck it. I'm actually talking to you on a soupcan. Does that pay time and 1/2 for you Sunnyboy?


Well-Known Member
no way fuck working on holidays I'm gonna get up eat a canna butter cookie blaze a fatty and watch my kid open presents and then a big ass meal. then smoke some more and drink some egg nog.:bigjoint: I work when I want for how long I want but thats the best thing about not being an employee.
Quick question, do your cookies taste like plant material?. I asked b/c I couldn't stomach the last batch of butter I made, tossed the entire pound.


Staff member
ive had to when i worked for a call center that really sucked people were especially bitchy that day when they called in lol....but this year no sir! the shop is closed


Well-Known Member
thanks neo, right back at you my friend
we are having crab legs and ribeye tonight for dinner followed by a healthy heaping of exodus cheese and master kush :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Have to go to work briefly. One of the kids in the program I teach got alcohol poisoning last night. :spew: Have to bill the family for the medical charges. What a lame x-mas present for them, I wish I could put it off awhile :cuss:

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Not this year, but I have to put in another 16 hour shift the day after though, and I clocked at least 80 hours last week.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
LOL i'm 46 man waaaay too old to be running around after them, i have thought about adopting an older child though :eyesmoke:

my parents were 39 and 41 when i was born. i think it kept my mother very young. she was 50 years old playing catch with me so i wouldn't suck at little league, played video games with me, etc. she is currently the youngest 68 you would ever see. looks 50 tops. plus i had the benefit of having a mother with a lot of life experience. not to toot my own horn, but i turned out kind of swell.


Well-Known Member
Wow, shit. My mother isn't 40 yet! She has an older-woman attitude though.. Was always obsessed with academic performance and being strict.

No, I'm not working, though I have scheduled time for next semesters's deadline material and lined up commissions to do after the holiday period. My clients are too busy enjoying Christmas to throw work at me.