FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

Sweet brother, cant wait to see the colours you get out of her too :)

picking the rest of my stuff up after xmas for mine too Flowa :D getting closer now!! Woo hoo!
Sweet brother, cant wait to see the colours you get out of her too :)

picking the rest of my stuff up after xmas for mine too Flowa :D getting closer now!! Woo hoo!
I think you're gonna likey :p

Good to see you're almost up and growing!!! can't beat this for a hobby ;)

Hey Flowamasta, what kind of room size do you have for this grow? And this is just 1 plant correct?

My tent is now a 140 x 140 x 200. Yes this is 1 plant grown in 50 litres of 100% perlite, and a recirculating auto-feed system. Sounds kinda complicated, its really not :)
This is the biggest plant i've grown in my opinion. weigh in will tell, i wasn't actually going for this big but she had quite a growth spurt during week 3 veg after the XL acid treatment. I'm not here to show off, as my identity is of fiction, but i am here to show people an easy method of growing so they got more money for pleasures in life by not having to buy street erb or expensive 'patient' erb. Those shops selling a quart oz @ $90 in the states?? thats around 6 grand for 1 lb. Thats over 7 and a half Gees worth of erb on 1 plant. Do the math and you might just get yourself tent ;) Its not that expensive here, but still its so easy to grow this way.

Day 42 Flowering. Things are happening Sooooooooooooooooo Fast!!!! Resin is at maximum production, and clear trichomes are filling fast with a delicious cloudy mix of cannabanoids and THC :) I don't need to tell you about weight now do i...... Yes every main cola is supported in some way or another, some by multiple angles just to keep from falling into each other! I rubbed a sugar leaf last night and nearly had an orgasm.

THIS IS the best i've ever grown. This IS the most resin i've EVER produced hands down. EVER. Even the large fan leaves are coated with resin at the lower half of the leaf. Incredible.

Thanx all for being here! and enjoy my pics. This is again Day 42 Flowering.


I know........ i know... Yum.

Flowa i think i just came a little in my pants :lol: she is looking stunning! And even in the pics you can see how much resin there is...WOW!

I know I'll likey too bro, i likey all your grows! And im very excited to be getting it all set up again! Got a little outdoor girl that im growing specifically to find one awesome cutting and then im off and running! If i can pull 8-10 oz out of my setup i will be absolutely stoked ;-)
Sorry bud, quick question, how high do you keep your light during veg and during flowa? Ive been told 2ft above canopy during veg and flowering...cheers bud ;)
My girlfriend, who doesn't smoke much, just saw that picture and walked out of the room shaking her head saying "I can't even fathom that that's one plant.."

;) way to go man
Flowa i think i just came a little in my pants :lol: she is looking stunning! And even in the pics you can see how much resin there is...WOW!

I know I'll likey too bro, i likey all your grows! And im very excited to be getting it all set up again! Got a little outdoor girl that im growing specifically to find one awesome cutting and then im off and running! If i can pull 8-10 oz out of my setup i will be absolutely stoked ;-)
lol :) Mate a system like mine will pull 8-10 ounces with 3 weeks veg with 1 plant. Once you have things dialed in and nutrient clean and fresh at optimum levels, things fly along, sometimes when we try to push things its easy to feed that little bit extra, but most times less is best ;)

Sorry bud, quick question, how high do you keep your light during veg and during flowa? Ive been told 2ft above canopy during veg and flowering...cheers bud ;)
I keep my light as high as it goes during veg and bloom, the idea is to get her to want to stretch as fast as you can while promoting fast growth by planting in perlite, so leaves become thick and lush fast :) The light being high as you can will force the plant to chase to get the most light it can. Remembering though that the base of the pot is raised above my nutrient level so already nearly a foot off the ground. Then there's the pot around 50cm in height so the plant isn't ever that far away but i do 1 tie down early veg after the first stretch after first topping which spreads her out and the centre flourishes and becomes more tops to tip later.... hope that made sense!!

During flowering my glass from the hood will be within 8-10 inches from my cola tips at their closest. The light is another 2 inches above the glass slider. 12 inches in total, But this can only be achieved using a air-cooled hood so there is much less radiant heat. If using a standard shade i would add another 4-6 inches, but then you will be losing out on lumens per inch and output is somewhat limited. I can have to run the hood during summer, but winter is fine, fresh air pumped into the tent will counteract most heat issues. Fresh air and circulation being the ULTIMATE key in addition to the lighting itself.

Yeah im subbed up too im lovin it bro.
lol :) nice time to pop on in! Thanx for being here man i'm here to show my methods to get people keen!!! This will be the new way of growing i'm almost positive.
It just makes sense. doesn't it? ;) see you round

My girlfriend, who doesn't smoke much, just saw that picture and walked out of the room shaking her head saying "I can't even fathom that that's one plant.."

;) way to go man
LOL!! My lady says it each day she walks past while i'm tending....... She does think this is a little out of the ordinary. But then again i have always tried to do the best i can at the things i like to do... I can make a mean chocolate pudding to. But thats another forum :p
Cheers brother, that makes perfect sense and will in fact work a lot better for me. It may have been the reason for why my first plants didnt take to well as the tent is a lot smaller than yours and i had the light only about 12 inches above during veg, it bleached the poor things! Glad ive got an air cooled hood too, got a 260cfm fan blowing through it and with the cooler nights it should work sweet :) bit damn excited hey! Im quietly confident of pulling 8-10oz man ;)
I used floralicious all through veg, but i was very careful, it states to use .5 ml per litre. I halved that again. VERY concentrated, and the plants don't need alot of it, once you see a visual difference in your uptake of nutrients you can start to back it off or stop it all together.

Hey flowa, read somewhere way back in the thread you were using Floralicious and on your advice went and picked up a bottle and have noticed a HUGE difference in nutrient uptake and just general colour & aroma of the plants... I've only been using .10ml/l and shit it's potent :mrgreen: I'm running DWC and used it from about day 12 in veg.

Thanks again for the journal, your methods & techniques are a godsend. cheers
Hey Flowa mate! LOOKING so amazing. jaw dropping eye poppin fist sized buds.

I did not realize a mere drop in temperature just 3 degrees from day to night is so significant as you said. And will produce significant colour.WOW!

During my present grow i have been up and down and not very consistant with both my day and night temps until more recently.
With my adjustable intake fan i have had humidiy issues and cold issues. so i really dont use my intake anymore inside the tent. I did pick up 2 more oscilatin fans whichs work well. Im actually quite Surprised , very much, to see that lack of fresh intake aint really making all that much difference. I have a been a huge fan of fresh intake and used it all grows until this one because it was causing such issues.

What i did notice was a real slow down in growth with cool temps. So I added a small electric heater which bumbed up my night time temps to be about the same as my day time temps.. round 73 degrees and she really responded well and drank a lot more food and growth increased substantually.

Light hieght.. as a beginner i always heard.. get the light AS close as Possible to your girl.. bumb up the glass to your buds.. I have never had anysuccess with this . Bleaching, burning. ugly buds.... So i back my light up more each grow and the results are amazing... but it still remains kind a mystery as to what the perfect height is . I just intuitively adjust its height .
Can you elaborate a bit more about your technique with light distance and why you do what you do with it im stil a bit confused.
This is where im at now with my light hieght. should i be higher (the light not me)lol ?

and just one more question.. flushing.. if u start now how long is your flush to last?

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Cheers brother, that makes perfect sense and will in fact work a lot better for me. It may have been the reason for why my first plants didnt take to well as the tent is a lot smaller than yours and i had the light only about 12 inches above during veg, it bleached the poor things! Glad ive got an air cooled hood too, got a 260cfm fan blowing through it and with the cooler nights it should work sweet :) bit damn excited hey! Im quietly confident of pulling 8-10oz man ;)

:) Excellent man can't wait!!! Buds don't like to be stressed, being under intense light must be managed to a limit, every globe is different, but the main indicators of too much light will be your leaves health, sometimes mistaken for health of the plant, but just laves transpiring too close to the heat of the lamp and burning as the moisture evaporates fast enough to burn the leaves and leach the colour from the leaves.

looking unreal mate. awesome coloured leaves! well done
Thanx mate!! I think its update night, it might be a little later busy for couple of hours.

I have removed 1 sample bud. A nice rich in THC bud :) Guess where from in the pics.

Hey Flowa mate! LOOKING so amazing. jaw dropping eye poppin fist sized buds.

I did not realize a mere drop in temperature just 3 degrees from day to night is so significant as you said. And will produce significant colour.WOW!

During my present grow i have been up and down and not very consistant with both my day and night temps until more recently.
With my adjustable intake fan i have had humidiy issues and cold issues. so i really dont use my intake anymore inside the tent. I did pick up 2 more oscilatin fans whichs work well. Im actually quite Surprised , very much, to see that lack of fresh intake aint really making all that much difference. I have a been a huge fan of fresh intake and used it all grows until this one because it was causing such issues.

What i did notice was a real slow down in growth with cool temps. So I added a small electric heater which bumbed up my night time temps to be about the same as my day time temps.. round 73 degrees and she really responded well and drank a lot more food and growth increased substantually.

Light hieght.. as a beginner i always heard.. get the light AS close as Possible to your girl.. bumb up the glass to your buds.. I have never had anysuccess with this . Bleaching, burning. ugly buds.... So i back my light up more each grow and the results are amazing... but it still remains kind a mystery as to what the perfect height is . I just intuitively adjust its height .
Can you elaborate a bit more about your technique with light distance and why you do what you do with it im stil a bit confused.
This is where im at now with my light hieght. should i be higher (the light not me)lol ?

and just one more question.. flushing.. if u start now how long is your flush to last?

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Thanx heaps Conkey!!!
Light height must be evaluated all the time especially during the flowering period. Maintaining a consistency is extremely vital to promote the correct ongoing set period of growth, If temperatures vary too much the plant can stress sometimes some strains i have seen from friends have hermied due to temp variations... That is also a good reason to pick a faster flowering strain if growing in a location where temperatures are always up and down. The longer flowering period for some strains can mean more stress more time for things to go wrong, Soo many variations its incredible.
You MUST be able to hold your hand under your lamp at canopy height for atleast 1-2 minutes comfortably. IF YOU CANT THE PLANT MORE THAN LIKELY DOESN'T WANT TO. Stress signs can be a number of things also which wouldn't be much help as to many variable to consider. Some people think 'ooohhh its kinda hot, but the plant doesn't seem to mind' But really a plant can be heavily transpiring and using alot of wasted energy trying to handle the heat by transpiring and cooling herself. Perlite also helps in creating a thirsty plant and a excellent water/air ratio so the leaves transpire according to my climate conditions. The closer i get to my lamp which is ALWAYS set at the top of the tent, sometimes i may drop it 1 foot or so during veg to help promote bushy growth. But I mainly keep it high to help her stretch. My light could very well be a couple of inches too close as she grew a bit wild in the last week of veg! But i should be ok, i have a tiny bit of FOX-TAILING instead of light bleaching, but that may still come yet!! The cooling hood takes the radiant heat away but still the UV light is too intense so here's my theory : It leaches the colour out of the flavanoid parts of the plant so bleaching is almost the right word for it if you ask me, as last time this happened to me the buds were 100% A1 OK except the flavour in those tiny sections of light bleached sections was almost tasteless, but still rich in THC and other actives. So if you can combat the radiant heat, (fans over canopy will help but ALSO dry out leaves if too close!! so best to find a suitable height where the main canopy is comfortable and everywhere else is in between warm, and cool and especially breezy :)

Saying this, if i dropped my light 2 inches i could very well lose out .... guessing around 4 ounces upwards. Height is critical because of the intensity of the appropriate flowers. The Light spread must cover ALL vital locations. remove growth that is not. ;)

Hope that helps a little.
Thanks flowa for all that information. You really break things down wonderfully and you are always teaching me new things . Before i started growing mj 2 and a half years ago , i never grew a plant , owned a plant or even waterered a plant. I really appreaciate you taking time to go into the technicalities and science of it all and it makes perfect sence. There is soooo much bullshit out there ive been trying to sort through as i grow and see thing unfold in front of me...So having someone with your skills,knowledge and training for me to turn to here is invaluable. You have saved my ass many times.
Damn my picture didnt show up.. here it is again. This is where i have been keeping all my lights approximately...
I will raise all of my lights tonight and do the 1 -2and a half minute comfort test. i was under the impression it was a 30 second test..LOL!
R O change out and strawberry cheesecake 006.jpg
:) Excellent man can't wait!!! Buds don't like to be stressed, being under intense light must be managed to a limit, every globe is different, but the main indicators of too much light will be your leaves health, sometimes mistaken for health of the plant, but just laves transpiring too close to the heat of the lamp and burning as the moisture evaporates fast enough to burn the leaves and leach the colour from the leaves.

Thanx mate!! I think its update night, it might be a little later busy for couple of hours.

I have removed 1 sample bud. A nice rich in THC bud :) Guess where from in the pics.

Thanx heaps Conkey!!!
Light height must be evaluated all the time especially during the flowering period. Maintaining a consistency is extremely vital to promote the correct ongoing set period of growth, If temperatures vary too much the plant can stress sometimes some strains i have seen from friends have hermied due to temp variations... That is also a good reason to pick a faster flowering strain if growing in a location where temperatures are always up and down. The longer flowering period for some strains can mean more stress more time for things to go wrong, Soo many variations its incredible.
You MUST be able to hold your hand under your lamp at canopy height for atleast 1-2 minutes comfortably. IF YOU CANT THE PLANT MORE THAN LIKELY DOESN'T WANT TO. Stress signs can be a number of things also which wouldn't be much help as to many variable to consider. Some people think 'ooohhh its kinda hot, but the plant doesn't seem to mind' But really a plant can be heavily transpiring and using alot of wasted energy trying to handle the heat by transpiring and cooling herself. Perlite also helps in creating a thirsty plant and a excellent water/air ratio so the leaves transpire according to my climate conditions. The closer i get to my lamp which is ALWAYS set at the top of the tent, sometimes i may drop it 1 foot or so during veg to help promote bushy growth. But I mainly keep it high to help her stretch. My light could very well be a couple of inches too close as she grew a bit wild in the last week of veg! But i should be ok, i have a tiny bit of FOX-TAILING instead of light bleaching, but that may still come yet!! The cooling hood takes the radiant heat away but still the UV light is too intense so here's my theory : It leaches the colour out of the flavanoid parts of the plant so bleaching is almost the right word for it if you ask me, as last time this happened to me the buds were 100% A1 OK except the flavour in those tiny sections of light bleached sections was almost tasteless, but still rich in THC and other actives. So if you can combat the radiant heat, (fans over canopy will help but ALSO dry out leaves if too close!! so best to find a suitable height where the main canopy is comfortable and everywhere else is in between warm, and cool and especially breezy :)

Saying this, if i dropped my light 2 inches i could very well lose out .... guessing around 4 ounces upwards. Height is critical because of the intensity of the appropriate flowers. The Light spread must cover ALL vital locations. remove growth that is not. ;)

Hope that helps a little.

Thanks man, makes sense hey! Think i learnt that one on my last grow, wont make that mistake again :D

Merry Christmas champ, hope you and your lovely mrs have a wicked day!

Merry Christmas to everyone else as well! Blaze it up hey :-)
MerryChristmas!!! Christmas Eve here in Australia!!! CHOOF CHOOF CHOOF!!! MERRY X-MAS!!!

Thanks flowa for all that information. You really break things down wonderfully and you are always teaching me new things . Before i started growing mj 2 and a half years ago , i never grew a plant , owned a plant or even waterered a plant. I really appreaciate you taking time to go into the technicalities and science of it all and it makes perfect sence. There is soooo much bullshit out there ive been trying to sort through as i grow and see thing unfold in front of me...So having someone with your skills,knowledge and training for me to turn to here is invaluable. You have saved my ass many times.
Damn my picture didnt show up.. here it is again. This is where i have been keeping all my lights approximately...
I will raise all of my lights tonight and do the 1 -2and a half minute comfort test. i was under the impression it was a 30 second test..LOL!
View attachment 2452931

Great pic Conkey!!
Thanx so much for the great compliments!! I really do appreciate such kind feedback! I'm a proud grower :)

I'm not sure if you're as picky as i am, but i sometimes see things that make the tiniest difference, but all add up together to change things dramatically :) I see you're ducting has some awkward angles, i know this can't be helped entirely with each tent but i always try to make sure the ducting doesn't go lower than the lights, it may not make any difference at all but Logic does tell me to try to keep as little bends as possible, you could perhaps pull the ducting through some more out the top or sides of your tent, temp will vary either way ofcourse but having a nice flowing bend imagine it traveling through the hood and then try to imagine the vibrations of the hood with the bends. The less bends you have the more quiet and efficient your fans will be. I'm very picky about noisy vibrations, as listening to them for many hours a day can become quite drowning and travel some distance through the neigborhood on a quiet night.

Even your hoods reflective material can differ greatly i try to find 95% reflective and + anything less is inefficient and a heat nuisance.

I too have heard the 30 second test, but lets be Logical, i know if i'm out in the sun and i look up at the sun and it hurts for more than 20 seconds i tend to look away just by human instinct, pushing to do more is anything but natural so i feel around 2 minutes is a safeguard. With adaquate ventilation and sufficient temps you can squeeze an extra inch or 2 lower then the comfort level for there to be a mild indication of stress perhaps, depending on strain also. The further away you get from your light the farther spread each spectral beam of light reflecting off the shade is. Try to see or imagine where your lights greatest output is and try to train the plants in the direction. Some digi cams will allow you to see spectral beams by turning the negative mode on. This picks up colour 'wavelengths' and will show you where the brightest locations are in your tent, almost like a thermal imaging device only working without the Infra-red mode. Even better if you have the infra red filter.

Thanks man, makes sense hey! Think i learnt that one on my last grow, wont make that mistake again :D

Merry Christmas champ, hope you and your lovely mrs have a wicked day!

Merry Christmas to everyone else as well! Blaze it up hey :-)

No problem!!
LOVE your input easty!!! Merry Christmas to all of you to!! what a great time to have a new little one in the family ;)

Here was yesterdays day 44 update after the snipping of a sample nug. Sorry bout the late update, life in the physical world was calling....


65 grams... still more growth to happen yet, but it all happens in the last couple of weeks ;)
Merry X mas eve to you as well FLOwa.
congratualtions on the new baby addition to your family!
Thanks again for all the information. I knew i would get busted for my ducting. lol
ive been trying to pull it through better but its so hard cuz its so tight in the hole but i finally managed last night with some extra determination.
I looked for that negitive mode feature on my lil canon digi camera but it dont have it unfortunetly.
Your sample bud looks absolutely delicious!!!! and the monster looks almost ready too!
Can you tell me a bit more about your flush methodology?
ive tried a couple different ways. one was a quick quicky due to an unforeseen move and early chop.
the last one was a 10 day flush which i thought was fair. Just straight r/o water and they still grew all the way to chop time!!

ITs totally amazing that your only at 44 days and flushing.. thats really fast to finish for such a monster plant. another record right there.
All those little details you pay attention to do really add up in the end . You have it all figured out so well.
Holy shit Flowa that sample nug looks amazing! To see how much actually came off it is phenominal :-)

Mate, we couldnt have picked a better time to have a bub! So exciting :-)

have a wicked day all and hope santa is/was good to you ;)
Merry X mas eve to you as well FLOwa.
congratualtions on the new baby addition to your family!
Thanks again for all the information. I knew i would get busted for my ducting. lol
ive been trying to pull it through better but its so hard cuz its so tight in the hole but i finally managed last night with some extra determination.
I looked for that negitive mode feature on my lil canon digi camera but it dont have it unfortunetly.
Your sample bud looks absolutely delicious!!!! and the monster looks almost ready too!
Can you tell me a bit more about your flush methodology?
ive tried a couple different ways. one was a quick quicky due to an unforeseen move and early chop.
the last one was a 10 day flush which i thought was fair. Just straight r/o water and they still grew all the way to chop time!!

ITs totally amazing that your only at 44 days and flushing.. thats really fast to finish for such a monster plant. another record right there.
All those little details you pay attention to do really add up in the end . You have it all figured out so well.
Merry Christmas Morning to all!!

The new addition i was referring to was eastcostmo's below ;) What an awesome Christmas!

It looks like i'm going to have a busy new years :p

lol on the ducting, I get picked on with things like that by my better half.

I've always completed around 4-7 days with flushing and never had an issue but i try to say 7 days to be safe. Perlite is very easy to keep clean providing you flush on a weekly basis, which is a massive bonus if using a recirculating system. Some people think there is alot of waste.... not so. You will see the res level go down like its got a massive leak somewhere during flowering!! 10-15 litres a day is not a surprise to me anymore.
I have changed my water daily with my flush the first 3 days i began, with fresh water from the tap which sits overnight to let most of the chlorine evaporate. Then i move on to R.O water, i usually just went fresh water, never an issue but i just want to see how much difference or if any faster the R.O will leach the colours out of her leaves and force her to finish up. The inside of the buds tells me there is little amount of nitrates left anyway, but my safety test after 6 or so days ofcourse, I will break a fan leaf away from a cola and taste the sap/water and see what it tastes like. It should not taste salty, that will mean there is still certain metals or byproducts left to flush out of her. More R.O water and watch it go cloudy after a few feedings, that is acidic salt which will make your smoke harsher and burn hotter so not really getting the most of it especially if you love your bongs.

If you've ever had the chance to do some water curing even with already dried buds that haven't been flushed, you will see the salts and nutrients left behind leach into the water, along with chlorophyl that might be because the grower force dried his end product by rushing in a heated room with fans.

Saying this, i DONT think flushing is as vital as drying your erbs. slowly and NEVER less than 10 days is my rule, before attempting to jar or bag. I bunch mine close together, not so close they can't breathe, and break my Colas down as you see in the pic (except for my few favourites that get pampered and dried full cola size. Yes its possible ;) ) and proceed to bunch the cut down colas and rest of the buds in allocated spots in my drying net or Clothes dryer to hang the colas so they are undisturbed. After a day or two the seem to look more spread out, so i Move the outside buds to the centre and move them all closer in eventually becoming 3 piles of buds not 7 massive fresh piles. I have found that cutting down the colas doesn't change potency but may..... just MAY!!! hold a little more flavour, but i think that is due to my full size colas being picked out as favourites and getting the big jars for the treasure chest :p

So 7-10 days is not a problem, never think you are starving the plant in its last few weeks, the plant is naturally sourcing its food from its own leaves and stems and the rest of what's attached to the root system. The cleaner the bud is when flushed and dried is a smoother, always fresh and more tasty burning cone in the end, and it stays like that until you pull it out of your favourite jars.

My theory in drying buds too fast is the trichomes dry out quicker than the flowers themselves as they are oil based but tiny and any variations will cause dramatic effects. So drying them slowly your cure will be more at which you selected while growing it. Damaging them or forcing them to dry faster in my opinion makes them turn amber or crumble and drop off the buds more easily. Dried properly and cured slowly the trichomes stay flexible and more oil based as the flowers didn't just 'dry' out, they dehydrated which is EXACTLY what I want. If their is any HYDRATION their must be amounts of chlorophyl. Again, this is my logic but it makes sense to me, and i cant get enough of my erb.

Actually i think i'll be ok this round ;)

Holy shit Flowa that sample nug looks amazing! To see how much actually came off it is phenominal :-)

Mate, we couldnt have picked a better time to have a bub! So exciting :-)

have a wicked day all and hope santa is/was good to you ;)

LOL! I think around 12-15 grams would be a safe guess with that cola. Maybe 18, but its early stuff so not expecting much. Merry Christmas morning to you matey!!! Time for bacon & eggs, and then some more bacon with bacon i rekon :)