Peyton Manning the Best?


Well-Known Member
Not A Denver, or was a Colts fan, But this Peyton Manning amazes me. Pro Football's Johnny Football.
one of the best definitley...tom brady is better, and joe montana is the best all time, but i think tom will be in the end. just my 02
That's funny, I'm a Patriot fan, back to Steve Grogan days, I will say, Brady is one of the few top dogs. In the end, he'll probaby be the top guy, no argument about Joe either, top Big game Quarterback. I guess i just happen to be watching the Denver game. I will say this, they both don't F ck around. They are the definition of Quarterbacks, non of this look and run bullshit. It's look and gun.
i agree, im an eagles fan. but tom brady is hands down the best, peyton is a very very close second though, they are all in the same argument i think, not really one is better than the other, they all have there perks
Mike Vick, ha, my wife is eagle fan. You guys are the ones that hired offense coach to run your defense, ha, ha.
Rodgers is the best the last 2 or three years...Brady g.o.a.t. IMO ....Rodgers. may overtake him.
Rodgers is the best the last 2 or three years...Brady g.o.a.t. IMO ....Rodgers. may overtake him.
while i do agree with this to an extent, i feel rodgers has a better d...i also think rodgers would be ALOT better if he had better or different receivers.

and rodgers still has to prove ''eliteness'' to me, anyone can be good for 3 or 4 years, it takes many years of being great to be considered in talks with montana, IMO
Rodgers line blows...he is not good ..he is the best in the world for three years running...give him a hof. Wideout like rice or Harrison...or Wayne n you see even greater...that why I like Brady...he had an old moss for two years n killed it...lets see what Manning does in the playoffs...history has shown he wets the bed.
Rodgers line blows...he is not good ..he is the best in the world for three years running...give him a hof. Wideout like rice or Harrison...or Wayne n you see even greater...that why I like Brady...he had an old moss for two years n killed it...lets see what Manning does in the playoffs...history has shown he wets the bed.
i dont think hes the best in the world for three years running lol :lol: could even argue eli is better and i HATE eli(drew brees as well) for peyton choking in the playoffs, well, its true but he still has one ring, and thats all that really matters in the end
You could never argue Eli was better....rings matter...but the end all be all...Marino n moon n Cunningham much better than dilfer..Doug Williams or Brad Johnson.
Peyton is the best, all time. Brady is great, but he is surrounded by great players and the AFC East hasn't been any competition for many years.
Lol....what great players Brady has had? N Manning the dome queen been in the afc his whole career...his only ring came when he was the first qb ever in NFL history to throw more pics than tds n a post season have his team win the DB.
I think it's manning time this year!
Called it when I seen we sign this guy. Said we were super bowl bound **knocks on wood
Said we'd go 12-4 this year now at 12-3 with a game to go. Although I think will when but who knows..
Peyton Manning isn't the best. He's probably the smartest....most cerebral. And easily top 5 probably All-time.
It's all about rings, default Tom Brady is the best. Just like Mike....championships or bust
I'm from indy and I want to let everyone know that Peyton Manning will not win a Superbowl with Denver... There's to much pressure on Denver... It's a Superbowl win or Bust... Just because of what Tebow did with a One handed Von Miller, no Dawkins and no Decker... All I know is that Peyton chokes way to much under pressure and in bad weather... Good luck with those home games... The Colts will be better off in the long run.... The Colts offense as I see it will kick in about the half way point of next year... Thats scary...Poor Houston thought they were gonna have easy go for years to come.... So sad... GO Colts... By the way Peyton can't beat Brady anyways...
The Colts are obviously FAR better off. Andrew Luck is incredible. Dont they have like 10 wins this year? Think they had 2 last year? Folks in Indy I'm sure are like "Peyton who??"
Man, Peyton lives in Colorado, cold weather, I'm sure Peyton has a medical card now. Toke a couple fatties, what cold. Ha, Ha. Like I said, not a Manning fan, those corny commercials and antics at the line kind of made me sick of him. But watching this past weekend, he just amazed me. Hate to say it, I think the orange crush are going all the way. We have sports betting here in Delaware, will be taking Denver to go all the way,3/1 odds, week before 9/2 odds. hope they lose this week, odds may get better. Also, maybe Seattle at 12/1, they're hot, offense and defense, just the right time.
I agree, if Luck stays healthy, and they give him a healthy line every year, look out. Not to take anything away from RG3, I love the complete drop back passers, always looking, here,there, back to here then boom. I guess they call them classic dropback QB's.