Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
Pusta Chots (sp), almond paste cookies, fig cookies, and a colorful layered cookie.
7 fish as well.
I'm going to go finish my apples from last night.

....mmm not sure id have ot see a photo between the different dialects theyre all called osmething different in every area


Staff member
this is random for sure

but heres my letter no one will under stand this but i gotta say it and i need somewhere to get it off my chest so ignore if oyu need ot

im so sorry i recovered you didnt
im sorry you felt yo u needed to do what you did
and i didnt
im sorry i lived and youre gone, i know you were suffering im sorry i wasnt your nancy im so sorry
i know you were unwell and i couldnt help it
and im sorry i cant remember any of the days we had together
im sorry i wasnt there like i shouldve been and maybe i should've pressed a little harder
I told them one couldnt be done, but yet I did what I did
I am so sorry , Please dont regret me,
You cried alone and now youre gone, there are no mor enights
and no more pain but I cant help but feel I am responsible
There were never talking about you, no one ever was,
now youre on everyones mind and I hope
I do that you can see how everyone truly cared about you

I am sorry ....I regret recovering...I regret now fixing my life, I was sure I had enough
I thought you could get over it,....I didnt think youd like yourself go
I miss you xo.


Well-Known Member
One of my best friends just made it home to visit for the holidays! Man lives in a war zone, so it's always good when he makes it out to visit us!


Well-Known Member
Boneless Pork in the crockpot for the last 6 hours. Going to make some Cubans later, some sort of salad and fresh spinach.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
i just loved him so much and now hes gone...:(
Think I know who you're talking about if I recall.

Sorry you had to see that.

I'm still indifferent on open casket but depends how they look before they passed I reckon.

Stay strong sunni, sounds like you already have though.



Well-Known Member
But this is Toke N Talk! -- the operative word there is Toke, BTW.

Well, had I seen this before my own random jibber jabber thread (oopf, I'm having to look at the keys when I type. Crap!) I would have posted in the right...oh, yeah! Chinese food delivery guy here!