How do u block out thermal imaging camaras


Well-Known Member
whoops - sorry - itchy trigger finger.



New Member
So would a 1000w put off enough lheat to be detected form the air? I realize yes, but would it send up red flags? How hot would it have to be for them to KNOW it is a grow room?Could the signal possibly be from anything else?


Well-Known Member
hahaha i watched that shit too! but do you know how much money that cost the DEA to do that sorta thing? its too costly just to be goin around with a thermal cam whenever they please


Well-Known Member
not only does it cost alot for them. but they can't prove that your growing illegal plants with the FLIR, so unless your house lights up that that dudes did, you aren't sending red flags. think about it, plenty of people use the SAME equipment that we do to grow their veggies indoors, or other flowers. so unless your running some serious amount of lights, they shouldn't be able to get a warrant for that, it's not probable cause, only reasonable suspicion.


Well-Known Member
not only does it cost alot for them. but they can't prove that your growing illegal plants with the FLIR, so unless your house lights up that that dudes did, you aren't sending red flags. think about it, plenty of people use the SAME equipment that we do to grow their veggies indoors, or other flowers. so unless your running some serious amount of lights, they shouldn't be able to get a warrant for that, it's not probable cause, only reasonable suspicion.
so true!!! i know lots of old people growing tomatoes and different herbs indoors. its just too damn hot in FL for them


Well-Known Member
hahaha i watched that shit too! but do you know how much money that cost the DEA to do that sorta thing? its too costly just to be goin around with a thermal cam whenever they please
You guy's can live in denial all you want.
But the truth is people get caught all the time, usually because they can't keep their mouth shut.

Cops do whatever is necessary to make arrests. The way they came to their conclusions sometimes never make it to the courts. But cops do what it takes to keep drugs off the streets.
A F.L.I.R. camera doesn't cost that much for state officials. In fact they buy them by the case. For you and I it would cost about 5 grand or more. But it wouldn't surprise me if they got'em for half that or less.
In fact when I was shopping for new windows, I had a guy come out to my house with one.

From what I've heard, or read about cops mainly look for the big gardens trying to make alot of money. If you only have a few plants, I would say your pretty safe. Because a few plants is'nt going a spike an electrical bill enough to gain suspicion.

But just for your info. it wouldn't take much suspicion to raise an eyebrow with cops. FLIR cameras come in sizes no bigger than a pocket television. Eventually they'll be the size of a cell phone. Plus, what's stopping a cop from sitting in his car and pointing the camera at your house one day.

Once you've been spotted and the police suspect something is going on. They'll start digging until they find something to arrest you on.

My philosophy is "Keep it Simple" and "Keep you mouth shut". until marijuana is legal.


Well-Known Member
^ I think most people here are referring to the risk of the police finding a small grow operation with Flir and it's small chances when compared with other risks.

You are right, talking is going to get many more people busted than thermal imaging.

Keep it small, keep it quiet and there should be little to no problem.


Active Member
one day when our kidz iz buying this shit out of a 7 11 well tell stories of how we had 2 bootleg, an buy out of shady drug


Well-Known Member
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Also a copter thermal imaging scanner can see through the roof. and all the floors leading down to the basement. For every floor it goes through, the image gets weaker and weaker.
I beg to differ! Thermal imaging cameras don't "see-through" anything - they aren't X-rays. All they do is detect heat differentials in thier target area. If a mouse is "warmer" than its' surroundings, at night, it will "light-up" on a thermal imaging camera. On a warm day, that same mouse, might look like a shadowey bit of smoke (if it was visible at all).

All that a thermal imaging camera can do is detect a higher level of heat that is absorbed by a wall - it can't see through it! If your friend told you that it can, he's wrong - do the math! Any "good amount" of insulation will defeat "Thermal detection" - just be careful about discharging a plume of hot exhaust air (that shows up like a torch on thermal scans).


Well-Known Member
by using plexy glass it makes area look like a cold zone (black on camera ) saw it on daily planet i think


Well-Known Member
by using plexy glass it makes area look like a cold zone (black on camera ) saw it on daily planet i think
Only if the plexiglass was cold and probably not even then.

The problem with Flir is that it also has alot of false positives in that almost any shiny surface can reflect back and cause a false positive.

Many times it is necessary to cover part of a shiny object with black tape to get the true temperature gradient. Also, when using one of these devices you can see ghosts because if you point it toward a piece of glass you will see your own infra red radiation shining back at you from the glass just as if it was a mirror.

Mylar is effective in reflecting the light back away from walls, etc but that does not completely dissipate the heat and all the device detects is the heat radiating from objects.


Well-Known Member
Put your grow under your fireplace, least you can try to bullshit them..
Probably works better in winter.


Well-Known Member
well i dont see what the debate is about, they can see your 6 lights grow op... big whoop,,, dont grow that much and keep your mouth shut


Well-Known Member
thermal imaging was outlawed in PA. look it up on the net. allot of things they used to be able to bust people on were declared unconstitutional. they cant even listen in on cell phone calls anymore even if you say key words. look it up.

edit: read it


New Member
It wouldnt be that hard for me to listen in on your cellphone convos. It is also easier than shit to steal your number and use it for anything. If I can do it, why wouldnt the cops?


Well-Known Member
Any "good amount" of insulation will defeat "Thermal detection" - just be careful about discharging a plume of hot exhaust air (that shows up like a torch on thermal scans).
Funny that you mention that. I remember someone telling me that here they look for the exhaust from the house not the actual room they grow in.

Only thing about that, wouldn't a dryer do the same thing? Or a vent from the stove?


Well-Known Member
Sure, a dryer or stove would show up the same way! But they don't come and bust you because of one isolated scan, they come around several times - in order to develope a pattern. Once they see what you're up to (day in and day out); they just might come knocking at the door.
Let's face it - nobody cooks, or does thier laundry, 12 to 18 hours a day, everyday of the week (at the same time no less). You might have a little trouble explaining that to LEO.