Random Jibber Jabber Thread

my internet is so slow right now it's driving me mad. No games and even navigating the web is becoming impossible, pages are taking forever to load and half the time it gives me an error saying to connect to the internet from taking so long. At least it's on, earlier today I could connect but didn't actually have internet even after resetting the modem multiple times. -.- :finger:
That sucks who is your internet provider ?

Frontier. Someone said that the servers went down which makes sense, the whole valley is having issues apparently. I did the chat with support, the first person said they weren't aware of any outages and directed me to tech chat. The person there didn't deny or confirm downed servers, probably because I just stated I knew they went down. What they did say is I'm currently in a congested area. I asked how long until things are up to speed again (reading riu is even a hassle it's so slow :( ). They said the people working on it (if they exist) don't know when it will be back to normal. It makes sense though, once the servers went up they were probably flooded with activity and now they are bogged down. When I was running mmo's that would happen with my servers so I get that. It's just irritating, I thought it would be back to speed by now.
Damn I want to vent hardcore, but all I will say is that my close friends girlfriend can be a serious cunt to me for no reason from time to time. I'm about to just start ignoring her when I'm over at my friends house. I'm sick of her looking for reasons to jump down my throat and call me out on whatever. It's like we will agree on nine out of ten topics, then on the tenth I'm like "I dunno, are you sure about that?" and I get fucking yelled at by her for it. I swear the only person the she yells at as my buddy. She's a pretty smart gal, but she is clearly intimidated by other smart people and can get pretty hostile when challenged intellectually. It's like I should just agree with her at every point in her mind.

That bitch is now on my IRL ignore list.
big storm here and power just went out here for about 5 seconds but luckily i was in the garage and leaped into action quickly to turn off all the HPS lights. it's no good to turn them on and off real quick like that, gotta wait 15 minutes.

that little piece of advice has probably saved me a good amount of money on ballasts so far.
I fell asleep with the Comedy Channel on last night, when I woke, it was on CNBC "Swawk box". It's too early to have to salvage the day. I am getting a tooth pulled at 10 this morning, I'm sure my mood will improve.
I fell asleep with the Comedy Channel on last night, when I woke, it was on CNBC "Swawk box". It's too early to have to salvage the day. I am getting a tooth pulled at 10 this morning, I'm sure my mood will improve.

liked at 10:00 and i kinda chuckled, sorry man

You guys should 've heard what I just heard.
A later 70s Grateful Dead bootleg.A really sweet Sampson and Delilah with Donna Jean.
All thru my Klipsch Lascalas with Heresy's on top.Loud n clear through the subdivision.
So how does this work? Im lookin at google skymap and as predicted the planets are just about lined up. But i go to nasa's site and nasa says there will be no allignment of the planets in 2012. Whats the deal with that?
So how does this work? Im lookin at google skymap and as predicted the planets are just about lined up. But i go to nasa's site and nasa says there will be no allignment of the planets in 2012. Whats the deal with that?

google is not up to date ?
So I just woke up to my dogs barking at a UPS truck across the street like they always do, but it was from outside. My first thought was crap did I leave them on their lines or something? I run downstairs to let them in so they don't bug the neighbors barking and my back door is freaking wide open, dogs gone. I ran outside called them and one came running from behind the house, and the other ran from across the street because he was right at the UPS truck probably scaring the shit out of the guy.

The door opened earlier while I was in the kitchen like maybe 10 feet away from it, I had it closed but heard the dogs walking towards it and I looked back and boom open. now I KNOW I closed it that time and good because I was like 'crap!' when I saw it open. There is no way it just opened on it's own, it has never done that and is working fine, which means some mother fucker, probably the piece of shit neighbor kids that I've talked about on here before, opened my door! It's now currently closed and LOCKED in case someone tries opening it again. Now I'm worried because I don't know how long they were out there because I was asleep or what they could have done. I feel like they may have just lied in the yard that we have fenced off for them (even though the gate was open) out of habit and may have just left the yard when the ups guy came. But honestly I have a hard time believing that. Hopefully no one comes knocking on my door. :|
can anyone tell me if the forums here are safe? like tracking ip address and showing up at my door wanting to take my good stuff to there xmass party while they put me behind bars?
thats not a good answer lol if i would care alittle more about the ? i would prolly take out my grow in fear with your response