
Well-Known Member
YES! *tackles you to the ground and smothers you in love cuz I can't give you rep at the moment* lol, not just mayonaise, but still...

Or does your corn man just put mayonaise?


Well-Known Member
dude, does anyone here know who/what the Corn Man is? lol, that's what we call him, but yeah, like the small ice cream vendors where they're just pushing a cart...only instead of ice cream he sells corn. Anyone know what I'm talking about? My white friend doesn't believe there's such a thing (she's led a sheltered life....)

i went up to chicago during the summer, chilled at the park, and next thing you know im like "w..t..f...Awsome.."

in illinois the corn is awsome >.<

(i am salivating now that im thinking about it..) :blsmoke::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
My corn man puts mayo, parmisian cheese, and's BOMB....I love that man. Doesn't matter that he doesn't speak a word of English other than "One dollar"


Well-Known Member
My corn man puts mayo, parmisian cheese, and's BOMB....I love that man. Doesn't matter that he doesn't speak a word of English other than "One dollar"
if all im paying is 1 dallaro, then that is al-righto with me-o.

I spent my 4th of July with the corn man, we put this spinny rocket thing on a poll, and the guy goes..(IN the most mexican accent voice you can immagine!)


i was like 'hey hose_a(lol) a blunt in my hand.."

Cant wait to go up for this summer.. to visit my corn man.


Well-Known Member
hahaha... I know cuz... oh yeah.. I know cuz ALL I SEE ARE MEXICANS TRYING TO GET MY MONEY. Let me help you build a deck patio, buy my corn, my son died...

LOL I am totally joking haha


Well-Known Member
I could go for some white corn butter...........ARGG

time to put jose jalapeno on a stick!!! and make him sell us corn


Well-Known Member
(that the dice are loaded)

almost doesn't count (this is the contination of my last post, the first line in ()'s occured to me after I posted that...)


Well-Known Member
i'd probably spit out all the excess mayo.. I am a very picky eater... let's see.. not a fan of most meats... don't like steak, unless it's well done. like bacon and ground beef... like white meat chicken, thin-shaved turkey breast. NEVER HAD LOBSTER.. love most things deep fried. HATE SHREDDED BEEF, gets stuck between my teeth, reminded my of a bad experience going down on a chick... lol ok... I am done. need sleep.. imma hit a little more bud forst though


Well-Known Member
The Top 100 Things I'd Do
If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord

9. I will not include a self-destruct mechanism unless absolutely necessary. If it is necessary, it will not be a large red button labelled "Danger: Do Not Push". The big red button marked "Do Not Push" will instead trigger a spray of bullets on anyone stupid enough to disregard it. Similarly, the ON/OFF switch will not clearly be labelled as such.


Peter's Evil Overlord List
evil enough?? prob not, but I am tired and am going to smoke as we speak... gotta go outside into the 'shack' get my bong...


Well-Known Member
Good morning all....:) When I went to NY I saw some dude selling baked potato's
with peanut butter on them......I've tried chocolate coated ant's.....uggg!!!
I recently saw a program on Asia, the main refrain there is " four feet, good to eat " How's breakfast sounding now ?????


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm off to the bush today to prepare planting spots , I'll be back on when I return, tomorrow sometime,I can't leave the girls for much more than 24 hours or the dehumidifier overflows, which defeats the purpose doesn't it???:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

