Whats wrong with my plant!? please help


as you can see theres 2 plants in veg and a couple of seedlings but only 1 vegetative plant appears to be effected :?
can someone please help identify the problem and tell me how to fix it???
both plants in veg receiving the same nute solution in equal amounts
it has been getting a little hot in my closet (30 degrees C) but im in process of sorting ventilation and can keep it down to 25 degrees C temporarily if i leave the door open witch i have been doing.
also some of the new growth seems to have been eaten???
please help



Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like spider mites. Check the underside of the leaves and see if can see anything. Adults can be visible by the naked eye, you would need a loop to see the eggs and little ones.


Kinda looks like spider mites. Check the underside of the leaves and see if can see anything. Adults can be visible by the naked eye, you would need a loop to see the eggs and little ones.
The undersides look nice and clean luscious green... going to grab a magnifying glass when i can though just to be safe. my moneys on heat stress. just hope my little lady pulls through!


Well-Known Member
86 degree temps will not do that, I agree it looks like bugs.
Are all your plants exactly the same strain?
What are you feeding and how often?


86 degree temps will not do that, I agree it looks like bugs.
Are all your plants exactly the same strain?
What are you feeding and how often?
the one vegging to the left is lemon skunk, as are both seedlings. the broader leaf plant on the right is O.G kush 3rd gen.
they are getting fed 3 times a day for 45, now reduced to 30 mins with drippers but they give off more of a slow flow of water than a drip. basically the water pump goes off once water has started dripping through the pots and back into the tank. (using a wilma 4 pot system)
using dutch pro nutes slightly below the recommended dosage (have been slowly increasing the dosage to help build the plants tolerance to it, started at next to nothing)

I cant see any sines of spider mites just using my eye but im going to get a magnifying glass asap.


would humidity problems cause this??? the humidity part of my thermometer has broken and iv not got around to getting a new one yet so i have no idea what it is. been in a closet with no intake or outlet of air but a small house fan inside?


actually, i just found a couple of what look like Fungus Gnats drowned in the water in the saucer that the seedlings are in... maybe its them stealing nutes from my plants and thats whats causing the yellowing in the leaves... not sure why they only seem to be effecting the lemon skunk in veg though??? maybe they just have a taste for lemon. little feckers!