Club 600


Well-Known Member
At least your a diligent lovign parent i cant tell you how many growers ive met who grasp the process but dont fucken CARE about the plant, have spidermites on there clones or any bugs and just dont care as long as they dont look to to bad. Dont ever forget its folks like you that are part of the solution not the problem. Hey mang i just found an aerogarden on my local craigslist for 50 bucks im thinkin of grabbin it!View attachment 2448332
i've seen those things before at my local hydro store. it would be cool to use one just for the hell of it.

no bugs at all. no pets to carry them in and i always take my shoes off at the door. i'll have to remember to thoroughly check any clones i get in trade.


Well-Known Member
Well going to get seeds of the fem Dog. Going to clone, then bud. AS I hear the clones won't give pollen sacs?? Well that's how I grow anyways though.
Yip, Ive only popped 1 dog bean, the first gave a few pips nut Ive had it clone for nearly a couple years now and only once has it gave me seeds. Only 12, Ive grew 2 ant both were like clones with no male flowers or seeds ;-)

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Yip, Ive only popped 1 dog bean, the first gave a few pips nut Ive had it clone for nearly a couple years now and only once has it gave me seeds. Only 12, Ive grew 2 ant both were like clones with no male flowers or seeds ;-)
REALLY GLAD TO HEAR THAT. tHANKS FOR THE POST. fuck Caps..Smoking my last Purple kush plant 12 grms). Just chopped it last week. Was never a good yielded indoors, but always finished first, and away had a grape taste, that was great. outdoors well that fucker got me over a pound a plant. Mine didn't get tall, but got wide.

C Cat

Well-Known Member
i finally got the ping pong balls one of youse guys recommended. they take away the fear that i'll poke out my eye.


morning has come

Its a beautiful sunny cold day out today thats for sure,Looks good! Everyone keep up the excellent work!!!

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
i dont mind pulling nuts off my ladies, its just another excuse to go inthere while there flowering, i refuse to go in there and have it a untamed jungle lol. Just so you guys are aware i had no intention of erasing my friends list, i was trying to erase a contact that hasnt been on and i think left or mia or whatever but it deleted everyone. Thats why you got random refriending lol sorry about that i cant navigate that dashboard well tbh.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
lol, got busted today. mods took down my cool Avatar, said I was spamming. So the main guy took it down. All good though, glad that's all they did. Glad I ran in to cool mods here so far.


Well-Known Member
second backcross (BX2) should be ready in Janaury (the pregnant Mum will be coming down in a week I reckon (i'll get pics of some of the swollen calyxes, Pips are hard, just waiting for the husk and the sac to open up so I can see them lovely tiger stripes (although a lot of dog beans are quite silvery). The BX2 is a Male DOG bx1 backcrossed to the original dog Mum.

they have "the dog" and BX1 dog. which one is the prize?

nevermind. "the dog" is feminized.

i am interested in a good sleep med though, so if i go with it, i'd have to do the BX1 dog. i gots ta breed!


Well-Known Member
non carpol tunnel shears oh i must get some! Im using hospital scissors lmao. The local college here in town gives the local plant store free soil test kits and there more accurate then the one's on the rack for sale in the plant store! lol imagine that! i was gonna say in regards to the question asked earlier about dog or the other cross with dog there offering i'd seriously try em both. i would but i spent some bean money on that damn aerogarden lol!View attachment 2448505


Well-Known Member
How do jig, long time pal. Polis tasty :-)
Good to see you pal. Been missing you around these parts. Hope you get to hang around a little while. I got some Dog Kush and Banana OG finishing up in the next couple weeks. And I got a new grow journal... it's the current grow link in my sig.

Fucking DOG... been a while since I had fresh dog and shit is killing me. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up while playing my video game lol. My eyes open, and there I am staring at the 'continue?' screen with the controller in my hands and all the lights on. Check the clock, 1am, 3am, whatever AM. It's worse than hash... just puts me down.

And this is the 7 weeks stuff with no cure. Watch out for the 10 week.

Oh, and cinders.... the cup already happened in Nov. The BB boys were there reppin with a little help from me and duchieman. Was a grand time.


Well-Known Member
hope im not cheating using 2 600's :-P . and the next round in red cups. Thanks for the help D, but I had to use a good old fashion compooter. My phone sucks.

nice work.

i'm going with the tomato cages next time. i like the uniform look they give


Well-Known Member
Well I got one of these USB microscopes up to 200x magnification (or so it claims). Well what a freaking fanny fartinng fiddy fuk up these things are....I am sure I'll get the hang of it. Need to calibrate the thing as wtf, I want plug and play, point and shoot mofos!:)

Anyway, couple of my first attempts.
