Well-Known Member
More children die from poisoning, suffocation and car crashes than anything else. Hell the number of children killed by being run over by a vehicle itself is more than the number of children murdered by gun.
When I say children I mean 12 and under to be specific. I don't think there has ever been more than 200 or so children murdered by gun in any given year in the USA. about ten times that number die in car crashes alone.
Its a terrible thing that happened for sure, but it is not possible to disarm US Citizens and trying will only cause a whole heap of trouble where a whole hell of a lot more people die.
why is that your response? as if i said i want to disarm US citizens? you can't, and on top of that i don't think its right. but needing drum mags and things of that nature is not necessary. and less than 200? lol gotta love those made up nodrama facts. haha
so weak