I'm just sick of all the BS. From complicated economic jargon to scare people away to out right strawmen about Marxism, this is really not sorcery.
I'll break it down. The message being sent in the actions, measures and rhetoric of the owning class, can be translated into the following:
"We want to own everything, we have the right to own everything and will continue to accumulate and consolidate until we own everything and if you don't own anything it is your fault and you should work for us and devote your life to such labor instead of what ever dreams you had. If you want to have a better life, you have to win in the competition that life has become, which we impose upon you. Even then what ever dreams and visions you had in life will come secondary to the pursuit of money. Money is your god. We have every right to defend the hegemony we impose and if you wish to obtain any of the privilege we have INHERITED, you will have to fight for it and become like us and exploit as many people as you can."
This cut throat philosophy would have you believe that there is no limit to acquisition and that there is still plenty which has not yet been acquired. They devote their entire lives to acquisition and therefore make other people's live devoted to acquisition. For if you do not devote your life to acquisition, you can not live. While there is indeed enough resources like food, water and materials for luxurious lives for everyone on the planet to live decently, there are a very small few who inflict utter poverty upon the rest.
It is not required that a violent redistribution take place. They just have to share a little.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~JFK