Whats inconvenient for you? Serious question.

I HATE minivans. They are the cause of every accident....just start noticing....very inconvenient.

Also, it's inconvenient when I try to flick a booger and it stays on my finger for like 10 flicks in a row.
I HATE minivans. They are the cause of every accident....just start noticing....very inconvenient.

Also, it's inconvenient when I try to flick a booger and it stays on my finger for like 10 flicks in a row.

or when they get stuck to your tooth.. :D
I HATE minivans. They are the cause of every accident....just start noticing....very inconvenient.

Also, it's inconvenient when I try to flick a booger and it stays on my finger for like 10 flicks in a row.
It's not necessarily the van's fault......
Usually if you look closer, it was because of the black growth coming from the ear of the driver and the screaming kids in the back.
It's not necessarily the van's fault......
Usually if you look closer, it was because of the black growth coming from the ear of the driver and the screaming kids in the back.

Oh, maybe it's kids I hate then...that's inconvenient all on its own!
i take it you've never heard of being truck toothed??
I thought that was when a truck knocked your tooth out.
My old neighbor's girlfriend used to do so much meth, I called her 'Summer' even though I knew her name was 'Debbie'.
One day, after a few months, she asked me why I called her that.
I replied, 'Because of your teeth:mrgreen:'
She says 'What do you mean?'
To which I said, with a completely straight face, 'Summer dere, summer not.'
Afraid not..but I'll start using that phrase and see if anyone asks me what it means. We'll start a world-wide trend!

sorry, been reading too many of cannabineers posts.. sometimes i fall on me face, what can i say?? they can't all be winners.. :(
When they close finshaggys thread before I can finish responding to kuroi :(

to kuroi about the laser bong sessions-"Video has been removed by the user" :(

edit: also, when 5 of the threads on the front page of T&T are closed...and started by finshaggy...all the grey slashes and locks makes me sad

edit: LMFAO finshaggy, not finshafty, my b.
when im go to open a can of soda and the tab rips off and the soda doesnt open.. and i have to open the thing like a fuckin viking
when im go to open a can of soda and the tab rips off and the soda doesnt open.. and i have to open the thing like a fuckin viking
Spam is worse.
I'm usually too lazy to do it right then, so I just grab another can.
I ALWAYS got another can of beer or soda, but not always another can of spam.
When those fucking biscuits that you have to tear the paper off to have them pop open don't tear properly and you have to bang the thing on the counter to watch it take off like a fucking rocket.
When those fucking biscuits that you have to tear the paper off to have them pop open don't tear properly and you have to bang the thing on the counter to watch it take off like a fucking rocket.

fuck those things. scary as fuck. i can never manage to open them because i have this fear that something will happen to my eye. those things are my version of "can you start my orange?" if someone else isn't around i don't open them.
fuck those things. scary as fuck. i can never manage to open them because i have this fear that something will happen to my eye. those things are my version of "can you start my orange?" if someone else isn't around i don't open them.

Haha exactly I have my girl do it for me lmao. But no really I always think the fuck is gonna pop and cut my hand or some shit. Whoever designed those things is the devil or has a sick sense of humor lol
fuck those things. scary as fuck. i can never manage to open them because i have this fear that something will happen to my eye. those things are my version of "can you start my orange?" if someone else isn't around i don't open them.
Are you like me, and forget what you opened the fridge door for? Then stand there staring, figuring it will come to you eventually?