Creating an Automated Drip System?


Well-Known Member

I'm fairly new to the game. Looking to start a 2L Hempy grow, but I want to automate it so if I go away I don't have to worry about my babies. I will probably have 2 600w lights and plan on using around 60 2 liters with perlite/verm as the growing medium. I want to feed these about 8 ounces of water per day. How can I create a drip system to do this?

PS I need step by step details lol



Well-Known Member
I want to water them exactly 8 oz a day not how much blumats or these globes think they need, plus will have nutes in the water


Well-Known Member
I want to water them exactly 8 oz a day not how much blumats or these globes think they need, plus will have nutes in the water
if you water your plants according to what YOU want and not what your PLANTS want you will either end up overwatering them or underwatering them, ...although i realize that hempys give you a certain cushion, they aren't all so cookie-cutter similar that you can just say 'i will water 8 oz's per day' and expect that that's gonna be good enough.



Well-Known Member
Just saying I want something like this : but don't know how to build it or where to get the supplies
unfortunately, the best way to put together a system like that is to read many threads on drip irrigation, it's not all that complicated but i've not learned enough on the topic to be able to teach, ...i can provide you with links if you'd like.

as to the parts, well, you should be able to source all the parts you need at any Lowes or Home Depot. could also do a search on Amazon and i'd bet you dollars to donuts that you'd find several books and videos on the topic as well as all the needed components, ...come to think of it, i'd bet you'd find an assload of vids on youtube as well.

keep in mind that the information you need is already out there, you just have to find it and you could just ask questions and wait but then you also have to take on faith that the answers you get are the right ones.


btw, thanks for the link, it looks like i'm really gonna enjoy reading that thread!