Marine imprisoned in Mexico over firearm.


Well-Known Member
but any asshole who wishes can safely scream FUCK AMERICA!

thats the difference between a civil society and a third world banana republic. like mexico.
I would rather have an ass whipping than the NDAA treatment.

Mexico has more freedom than the US does.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
those of us who are free sure are freee, those who are imprisoned got that waay by violating laws.

we have 1/3 of the world's admitted prisoners, since we dont simply butcher aeveryone accused of a crime or make them "disappear" into a gulag or a mass grave.

you still dont see the point, the US is evil because the US does not hide it's warts from the world. north korea and iran seem like a paradise to morons like you, as they keep the dirty laundry hidden in the back. thats why you love their propaganda and adore their ideology, it promises perfection without fail.

the us has not always lived up to it's ideals, this does not mean those ideals are garbage, meanwhile mexico's ideals (signatory to the communist internationals, and advocates of socialism) are as meaningless now as they ever were. all of mexico serves for the pleasure of the 7 families, and it always will. any freedom you think you have in mexico is based on who you bribe and how carefully you conceal your pot growing. but then im not sure you actually grow weed...


Well-Known Member
those of us who are free sure are freee, those who are imprisoned got that waay by violating laws.

we have 1/3 of the world's admitted prisoners, since we dont simply butcher aeveryone accused of a crime or make them
A Marine is imprisoned because he violated one of Mexico's most serious laws.


Active Member
Yes we know he was down there. Which is why you had him "imprisoned"

Because, if we didn't ever hear back from that marine, we would go to Mexico and take over your land. All within one day.

Why so scared Mexico?

BTW, I've heard things from Mexicans I've talked to alot of them. Mostly what sticks out the most is, you can get away with pretty much anything, as long as you bribe people with cold beer. If it's warm, you're fucked, and you gotta pay the price as a criminal


Well-Known Member
Yes we know he was down there. Which is why you had him "imprisoned"

Because, if we didn't ever hear back from that marine, we would go to Mexico and take over your land. All within one day.

Why so scared Mexico?

BTW, I've heard things from Mexicans I've talked to alot of them. Mostly what sticks out the most is, you can get away with pretty much anything, as long as you bribe people with cold beer. If it's warm, you're fucked, and you gotta pay the price as a criminal

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
dude, youll catch on eventually.

arguing with abandonintellect is easy, his positions are as follows:

anarchy is good
"anarchy" is a word who's meaning changes moment by moment, but it always means "goodthings" treat "anarchy" like you would "aloha"
anything american is evil.
anyone who holds a view not currently espoused by abandonintellect is evil.
failing to be fully communist manifesto compliant is evil
calling a communist manifesto compliant person or group communist is evil
using a hyphen to join words with opposite meanings is a guarantee of rhetorical victory, since "in europe those words mean something else..."
racism is evil
white people are evil
white people are also racist
white people are the source of all the world's troubles
capitalists are the source of all the world's troubles
communists are the source of all the world's troubles
authoritarians are the source of all the world's troubles
if you disagree you just arent smart enough to understand his brilliance
or youre evil.

once you figure out that his positions are just a Karl Marx Mad-Lib, you can decipher his lunacy with ease.


Well-Known Member
dude, youll catch on eventually.

arguing with abandonintellect is easy, his positions are as follows:

anarchy is good
"anarchy" is a word who's meaning changes moment by moment, but it always means "goodthings" treat "anarchy" like you would "aloha"
anything american is evil.
anyone who holds a view not currently espoused by abandonintellect is evil.
failing to be fully communist manifesto compliant is evil
calling a communist manifesto compliant person or group communist is evil
using a hyphen to join words with opposite meanings is a guarantee of rhetorical victory, since "in europe those words mean something else..."
racism is evil
white people are evil
white people are also racist
white people are the source of all the world's troubles
capitalists are the source of all the world's troubles
communists are the source of all the world's troubles
authoritarians are the source of all the world's troubles
if you disagree you just arent smart enough to understand his brilliance
or youre evil.

once you figure out that his positions are just a Karl Marx Mad-Lib, you can decipher his lunacy with ease.

"I'm a fascist also and since Abandonconflict uses words that Karl Marx also used, all you have to do is call him a Marxist and you won't have to argue or defend any of your views. This works really well and Fascists have been summarily dismissing opposing views this way for decades. I'm also a racist twatwaffle who believes all Muslims should be exterminated. I have wet dreams about Ayn Rand taking me out to dinner and paying with her social security money since nobody fucking buys her books."


Well-Known Member
A Marine is imprisoned because he violated one of Mexico's most serious laws.
He had a double barreled shotgun (As of the last news report I saw.), on his way to another country to visit his uncle. Mexican law actually allows for a number of guns to be owned by it's private citizens, this guy was probably just a victim of not checking his facts.


Well-Known Member
He had a double barreled shotgun (As of the last news report I saw.), on his way to another country to visit his uncle. Mexican law actually allows for a number of guns to be owned by it's private citizens, this guy was probably just a victim of not checking his facts.
No, fire arms are illegal in Mexico. Mexican citizens can register a fire arm but the only place to acquire them in Mexico is in DF. Importing them is strictly forbidden. As far as not checking facts, he is a fucking moron.



Well-Known Member
No, fire arms are illegal in Mexico. Mexican citizens can register a fire arm but the only place to acquire them in Mexico is in DF. Importing them is strictly forbidden. As far as not checking facts, he is a fucking moron.

Exactly, that's all it is; one guy who was not smart enough to check local gun laws. There is nothing more significant to it than that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the news stories are skewed as hell but I couldn't find any honest ones in English.
When I read the report, it was in English. They tried to add a bunch of details that make you sympathize with him (War vet, ptsd implications, visiting family, etc.); in the end it pretty much boils down to him trusting the word of a friend over reading up on local gun laws. It's really nobody's fault but his own. I wouldn't say they were dishonest, they just tried to dilute the damning facts.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
it really is all explained in his general description: Marine


if he had been army, he would have checked the local laws, paid his bribes with a personal check and been in guatemala before the federales realized the check was gonna bounce
if he had been navy he would have simply sailed around mexico and avoided the whole issue
if he were airforce, he would have hidden the shotgun in his HUGE GAPING VAGINA and nobody would have been any the wiser.
sadly he was a marine, most likely thought the rules only applied to firearms which had not been properly cleaned and maintained.


Ursus marijanus
dude, youll catch on eventually.

arguing with abandonintellect is easy, his positions are as follows:

anarchy is good
"anarchy" is a word who's meaning changes moment by moment, but it always means "goodthings" treat "anarchy" like you would "aloha"
anything american is evil.
anyone who holds a view not currently espoused by abandonintellect is evil.
failing to be fully communist manifesto compliant is evil
calling a communist manifesto compliant person or group communist is evil
using a hyphen to join words with opposite meanings is a guarantee of rhetorical victory, since "in europe those words mean something else..."
racism is evil
white people are evil
white people are also racist
white people are the source of all the world's troubles
capitalists are the source of all the world's troubles
communists are the source of all the world's troubles
authoritarians are the source of all the world's troubles
if you disagree you just arent smart enough to understand his brilliance
or youre evil.

once you figure out that his positions are just a Karl Marx Mad-Lib, you can decipher his lunacy with ease.
We must be about the same age. I played Mad Libs as a kid. I got my best results by using food adjectives and verbs, like "crunchy" and ""deep-fry". cn


Well-Known Member
it really is all explained in his general description: Marine


if he had been army, he would have checked the local laws, paid his bribes with a personal check and been in guatemala before the federales realized the check was gonna bounce
if he had been navy he would have simply sailed around mexico and avoided the whole issue
if he were airforce, he would have hidden the shotgun in his HUGE GAPING VAGINA and nobody would have been any the wiser.
sadly he was a marine, most likely thought the rules only applied to firearms which had not been properly cleaned and maintained.
Nope, he'e just one of the dumb ones. We aren't even allowed to go to mexico on active duty, unless we have family. The emphasize that if you do go to mexico, bring nothing military related with you; they told us how strict their laws were. Dude was just "that guy".


Well-Known Member
I think it is retarded that there is so much media coverage about this act of stupidity. Who does he think he is taking a gun into mexico through customs?

why dont the rest of imprisoned americans get this support?

it is stupid and it is the dudes own fault.


Well-Known Member
I think it is retarded that there is so much media coverage about this act of stupidity. Who does he think he is taking a gun into mexico through customs?

why dont the rest of imprisoned americans get this support?

it is stupid and it is the dudes own fault.
Because being able to paint someone as a valiant combat vet who is the victim sells more papers.