The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
ok ....
I am looking in growfaq to compair
and looking for the part that this hooks up to,
pic 8.
pic 9.
pic 10.
is that what this hooks onto.
I am confused for you said it was not finished...
and unfinished In your world can be just about anything one can imageen.


Well-Known Member
its a hybrid aero.

the RO res is just a standby res b/c it takes so long for the RO filter to filter the water.

when i say not finished i was referring to hooking up the RO system. i dont quite have it hooked up the way i want it. i have the input connected to a faucet outside. im trying to hook it up inside


Well-Known Member
I am glad it is still here.
woke up and had to go look again....
still trying to figure a few things out...
I understand WHY it works.....
Am just really concentrating on how it works....
I saw no timers.
no floats.
no spray heads.
and number #7 still has me stumped... { rotating output spout }
but my gosh is this ever sweet.
its like e-mail air. when I looked at it.. well just seemed to make sense.
did not know why. but something ..... just elegant.
this is like that... elegant.


Well-Known Member
The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry, CHECK IT OUT!!! this thing could be a breakthrough..............


Well-Known Member
I am glad it is still here.
woke up and had to go look again....
still trying to figure a few things out...
I understand WHY it works.....
Am just really concentrating on how it works....
I saw no timers.
no floats.
no spray heads.
and number #7 still has me stumped... { rotating output spout }
but my gosh is this ever sweet.
its like e-mail air. when I looked at it.. well just seemed to make sense.
did not know why. but something ..... just elegant.
this is like that... elegant.
no timers need on a RO system. it has an automatic shut off. and a shut off valve on the RO treated blue tubing. it isnt ran off runs from pressurized water being pushed thru permeable filters

No float valve yet....although i do want to make a controller bucket with float valves connected to the RO res to keep the res at my desired line!!!! that would make me even more lazy! but i do need help setting it up. people have shown me many times....but sometimes i still dont get it!

no spray heads in the RO res because none is needed. If you are referring to the hybrid aero tub...than yes it has sprayers...i just didnt take off the top of the tub to show....i can take more pics if you like.

number 7 is just a pump to pump the water upwards through the tubing because you know relying on gravity just isnt going to do it....i would have to elevate my res higher than what ever i was filling. Its kinda my fault because i made the clear tubing so long.....but its worth it. you see in picture number 1? the white piece that connect from inside to outside the ball valve? i just put the black tubing from the pump into white piece inside the RES, plug in the pump and open the ball valves and wahhlaaa water is pumping through the clear tubing

its really not sophisticated as you may think. i got the idea from email!!

and i had to make something cuz i refuse to be moving that aero tub with big plants in the system.....for one it is just too damn heavy, hard on my back.....basically working harder instead of smarter!


Well-Known Member
you're way too humble man lol

and damn you're like a ninja. i didnt think you were online....i posted a question in your main journal man


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to the hybrid aero tub...than yes it has sprayers...i just didnt take off the top of the tub to show....i can take more pics if you like.
Yep.... thats what I was wondering we had a conversation on spray heads. mr.fletches little red ones and e-mails $98.00 one that spins in circles... I just had not seen any at all and this is why I was not sure if it was areo or dwc...
number 7 is just a pump to pump the water upwards through the tubing because you know relying on gravity just isnt going to do it....i would have to elevate my res higher than what ever i was filling.
That explains it.... Was having trouble with that gravity part again.
REALLY do like this... to you both... elegant is the most sophisticated.
like a sting of pearls. somthings are just so real... elegant... eye catching stand out.

.............YOUR BOTH to Humble.................



Well-Known Member

i woulda took more pics, but i was getting sprayed down.

nevermind the floating bubble curtains....those damn things never suction right!

oh and before you ask....that white thing is a filter bag that my pump sits in


Well-Known Member
Now the pic is complete...........
amazing.... with that it all clicked.
o what one could do with such an invention in
a little basement garden... a filter bag make sense.
with cocoa tec dropping in the water good solution.
your explanations brought the pics to life.


Well-Known Member
not a problem....

did i tell you im going to link to res for my rainharvesting system? i figure one res wont be enough to catch enough imma link them together, aerate it and it will be all good.

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
its a hybrid aero.

the RO res is just a standby res b/c it takes so long for the RO filter to filter the water.

when i say not finished i was referring to hooking up the RO system. i dont quite have it hooked up the way i want it. i have the input connected to a faucet outside. im trying to hook it up inside

LB go to the hardware store and get one of those Valved Spigot Spliters, put it on your Washing machine cold outlet, mount the unit above/behind the washer(or where ever). Run the drain into the washer drain. All set! ;)

Sorry to highjack your thread MrsMcGreggor.

BTW looking good lil-bunny!



Well-Known Member
Mr.Amoeba... your funny...

{psst have you fellers seen what Mr.Amoeba been splashing round in}

I stuffed real thick garden hose rubber washers in it.
that stoped the leak.... when it gets nicer out I will have
to show you the garden sprinkler system YOUR going to get a real
kick out of the feeding receptacle...




Well-Known Member
yep a boo boo was made the
30 each Edelweiss Grape's
This is the most disease resistant grape we carry. Vigorous. Green-white with high sugar content, good 'grapy' taste. Dessert and wine grape. (Zone 4-8)
should be here no latter then early next week.
Now I just have to find a place to plant a 60 foot hedge of
Aronia Mel Autumn Magic Black Chokeberrys...
They said I could keep them....


Well-Known Member
yep a boo boo was made the
30 each Edelweiss Grape's
This is the most disease resistant grape we carry. Vigorous. Green-white with high sugar content, good 'grapy' taste. Dessert and wine grape. (Zone 4-8)
should be here no latter then early next week.
Now I just have to find a place to plant a 60 foot hedge of
Aronia Mel Autumn Magic Black Chokeberrys...
They said I could keep them....
you got a bonus! zone 4-8 - they must be hardy!