bottom branches


Hi guys and gals right got a plant of my friend and he had her under 400w hps with 5 others and tbh didn't think she was gunna live but she has she has loads of branches on the bottom which won't be getting any light or very little was wondering if I could cut em off or not ? Advice much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Depends if it looks promising. I could give a better recommendation with some pictures.

Usually the branches on the bottom don't produce much product, but it all depends on your light setup. Outdoors, I'd say cut em, but if you can control the light and have the bottom branches lit up like the top, keep it growing.

From my experience, the bottom branches produced light, fluffy buds, still smokable, but not nearly as dense as the top or middle buds. I've only grown outdoors, so that could vary from an indoor grow


Well-Known Member
I cut my bottom branches off. Not worth the time to grow, trim or save. Concentrate on the big buds.


Well-Known Member
I would go with pada
If you are indoors as I am it's easy to get light to the lower buds, treat it like two separate canopies
Even if they are only boosted with lower fluorescent lights you can still produce tight nuggets,
Remember also that even cuttings taken 6weeks into flower can be cloned.
Waste nothing, electric is not getting any cheaper umbre. . .


Active Member
If you're in flower for 5 weeks it's probably not going to make a difference and stress out the plant.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm wrong but I have always been under the impression that the lower branches/leafs sort of feed the upper part of the plant as the top colas/flowers mature. Once the lower leafs are completely yellow and wilted I remove them, but if they aren't, why would you want to cut off and remove a potential natural food source to the plant and at the same time stress it?