Hps for veg???


Active Member
If I do the paper towl method to germ then put them in party cups will my 600watt hps be sufficient for vegging or do I have to get a mh bulb? 18\6 light for veg 12/12 for flower. What should I expect? Thanks for any and all advice!!!!


Active Member
MH for veg, HPS for flower. I've heard you can use the HPS for veg also but won't get as good results.


Active Member
yeah , but in the first 2 weeks keep them at a very long distance from the bulb caz they will sufer from the high intensity , or leave gradually below the bulb, 2 cfl for 1st week will be pefect .

those are my plants , fist few days under 50 w CFL an then HPS 24 /24, they have been suffered a bit for the light intensity but in time they recovered.DSC02352.jpgDSC02349.jpgDSC02371.jpgDSC02384.jpgDSC02479.jpg


Well-Known Member
If I do the paper towl method to germ then put them in party cups will my 600watt hps be sufficient for vegging or do I have to get a mh bulb? 18\6 light for veg 12/12 for flower. What should I expect? Thanks for any and all advice!!!!
HPS works fine in veg but it's heavy in the red so you'll get more stretch than you'll like, if you can afford it, get a Metal Halide for vegging and only use the HPS for flowering.

...btw, 600watts is WAY too much light for seedlings, you'd be far better off with just a couple of 23watt CFLs for the first month.

...here's something you could put together for cheap that will do the job for a whole lot less than a 600watt MH.

DSCI0095.jpg P5040008.jpg P4020020.jpg



Active Member
Thanks everyone for all the help. I love this site!!its by far the best social network. Fuck Facebook! I will take all this into consideration. I really screwed up my first set of seeds. They're all dead now. At first my light was too far away and they were stretching really bad and the stems became week. Then I think I put the light too close cause they didn't make it. What's a good distance between light and seedlings in inches? My hps is my only option at this point so that's what I'm working with. Thanks again!!!!!


Well-Known Member
HPS works just fine. I would add CFL to veg due to cost before I added a MH in your case. But I have done complete grows under HPS.