why would it blow?i don't even trust the one in the cooltube.
once we have our own place instead of renting, i'll be installing a fire sprinkler system installed.
See, I'm afraid my enclosed lights will blow if my fan seizes up. Sprinkler seems like a great idea, I'm gonna do it too.
Order one online in between naps?i have thought about grabn one of those ^, as i like to nap, and sometimes i sleep when the lights are on...
Why don't you just get a couple flame defenders? I have the smallest one in my tent. I'd like to get a couple more. They're pretty cheap.
Order one online in between naps?
yes I do but I have thesethought i'd see where everyone else is at, especially with the holidays (and probably some traveling) coming up.
i refuse to leave any HID lamps on without being at home (or having someone at home). CFLs can be left on while the house is empty, but never HID lamps.
whenever i have to go out of town, i hire a trusted friend to stay at my house. if i can't find someone who is able to stay over during lights on, i leave the lights off, even if it means a week in the dark. the worst i've had to do so far is 3 days in the dark and it didn't seem to hurt anything.
just wanted to see where everyone else is at on this one.
Why don't you just get a couple flame defenders? I have the smallest one in my tent. I'd like to get a couple more. They're pretty cheap.
flame defenders?
*commence googling*
well hot damn! that seems much easier than the alternative and really would bring peace of mind.
*now googling cost*
and the price is right!
i'd rather have a freak false positive wipe out a crop every now and then rather than ever risk a fire in a grow space.
would rep you if i could. a like will have to do.
why would it blow?
Damnit!!! Reading this thread made me paranoid to the point that I just ordered a 6kg Flame Defender! And I'm only using T5's!!! And I'm NOT stoned! lol
Seriously, though, I had contemplated ordering one in the past anyway, so why the fuck not? Seems like a relatively cheap way to get some 'peace of mind'. I'd rather deal with cleaning up a closet/room than having the insurance company reject my claim, and/or having to explain to a judge what I was doing in the privacy of my own home that led to the destruction of it.
Also, I too have animal life (birds) living with me that I'd be very upset losing due to my own stupidity or some random unforseable grow incident. I normally run my lights at night when I'm (usually) at home, and I've parsed my grow area (closet) to the minimum possible of flamable materials...the prefilter of the carbon filter, aside from the plants themselves.
This hobby is costing me way more up front than it would cost to buy decent bud from my 'connects' for the next 2 years...lol!!! It's not about the cash, however. It's worth it NOT to have to chase dealers, and deal with the unknown quality of the bud, or the potential that it was treated with something that I wouldn't want to smoke, or that comes from some cartel. Plus I learn how to grow and gain the pride of 'growing my own', even if it's not the most potent herb available. And it's been almost a year since I've had to chase...
Good thread. Thanks UncleBuck!
If they get too hot?