600w multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
i hate using rooter they always seem to rot on me if they are mushy thats a sure sign of too much moisture in the rotter;) i dont really like organic cloning although it yeilds the best roots and faster vegging clones, got to say i like my cloner, and if not that rockwool for the sheer fact i can avoid the rot buy avoiding biology for a short time(thing that sucks about rockwool though is if you dont bury the cube deep enough it just drys out and you have to keep spraying it daily.)

i use the paper towel method, just put them in a container of baggie labeled and wrap them in a piece soaked paper towel, wait for the tap root to get about an inch long then i plant it in a rooter. best way way, i use tweezers for the seed transfer and just point the root down in the hole dont even push it all the way in sometimes.

plants are looking strong, too big or those 3gals but its working, i though those where 1gals tho tbh, but 3 gal makes more sense. if you start you clones in small pots and transfer as they grow you can get faster veg time, transferring can increase growth you wont experience any shock of you transplant efficiently and before the root completely fill the pots.

making me consider going back to horizontal tho thaose plants look like they are loving the light situation you got going on.


Active Member
Last grow I used a 400w in a 3 x 3 tent.. I'm down to a 2 x 2 tent and a 250W setup.

Any suggestions on pot size and number of plants?

I've cracked 6 seeds

I've never grown under 250w so I wonder if its better to grow 6 smaller plants than try to run 2 large trees... last 400 w grow I had 5 gallon buckets

Matt let me know if you mind the q's in your forum I'll delete this


Well-Known Member
Last grow I used a 400w in a 3 x 3 tent.. I'm down to a 2 x 2 tent and a 250W setup.

Any suggestions on pot size and number of plants?

I've cracked 6 seeds

I've never grown under 250w so I wonder if its better to grow 6 smaller plants than try to run 2 large trees... last 400 w grow I had 5 gallon buckets

Matt let me know if you mind the q's in your forum I'll delete this
haha man i dont care ask away.

are they fem beans?

if so i would go SOG style and use 2 gal pots

if not i would use 1 gal pots till preflowers showed, pick a couple decent females and go at it with 3 gal transplant 1 week before flower.....

to be honest thats probabally not the best way but what i would do.

you also have the ScROG method you can utilize, basically with only a 250w you will want to make a even canopy so you can bring that light as close as possible and get a even footprint.


Well-Known Member
yeah 3 gal pots 12/12 from start to finish would be the most efficient. honestly with a plant number so low i wouldnt even bother with soil and just build some individual DWC containers out of 3 gal buckets and 3" netpots with rocks(rockwool or rooters to start)

if you trim up whilst 12/12 from start you can basically get a scrog going or a lolipop sog but honestly if you do it right and just LST everything with zip ties you can keep the canopy within the 2-3ft range above the pots and get good growth on the entire plant.


Active Member
Thanks guys.. I got 4 beans cracked and in soil (no DWC for me this time.. keeping it simple for this stupid head.. soil only with dry amendments and a few teas)

Just waiting on the other two beans.

Matt I like your idea (my beans aren't feminized) so I'll go with the 1 gallon until I get flowers... I was going to veg them at 13/11 and then flip them to flower after two weeks at 11/13


Well-Known Member
yeah 3 gal pots 12/12 from start to finish would be the most efficient. honestly with a plant number so low i wouldnt even bother with soil and just build some individual DWC containers out of 3 gal buckets and 3" netpots with rocks(rockwool or rooters to start)

if you trim up whilst 12/12 from start you can basically get a scrog going or a lolipop sog but honestly if you do it right and just LST everything with zip ties you can keep the canopy within the 2-3ft range above the pots and get good growth on the entire plant.
the problem with 12/12 from seed is that not all strains do well with it so its experimantal which is great if you have a perpetual going and 2 different rooms but if your looking for a start to finish its just asking to be set up for failure. What you dont see on these 12/12 from seed threads are the wasted beans because they just didnt want to go 12/12 from seed.

Thanks guys.. I got 4 beans cracked and in soil (no DWC for me this time.. keeping it simple for this stupid head.. soil only with dry amendments and a few teas)

Just waiting on the other two beans.

Matt I like your idea (my beans aren't feminized) so I'll go with the 1 gallon until I get flowers... I was going to veg them at 13/11 and then flip them to flower after two weeks at 11/13
not sure about that light schedule as i have never really heard of it but personally i think 24/0 for 2 weeks then drop down to the 12/12, 24/0 will give you more growth for the time your vegging. just my 2¢

simple is best imo


Active Member
the problem with 12/12 from seed is that not all strains do well with it so its experimantal which is great if you have a perpetual going and 2 different rooms but if your looking for a start to finish its just asking to be set up for failure. What you dont see on these 12/12 from seed threads are the wasted beans because they just didnt want to go 12/12 from seed.

not sure about that light schedule as i have never really heard of it but personally i think 24/0 for 2 weeks then drop down to the 12/12, 24/0 will give you more growth for the time your vegging. just my 2¢

simple is best imo
Thanks for the tips.. I might go 18/6 for a little while but I don't want to grow anything too large in such a small area.. I also don't want to kill off any females! Also like to find out what they are sooner rather than later.

I've started a journal too .. my signature link should take you there. :P


Well-Known Member
well i have a new project. a buddy of mine just became a patient and needs to get setup growing. fundage is about 0$ i need to setup a ligh system for him and some form of ventilation.

he lives in an apartment on the 3rd floor, he has 2 great grow closets but the temps are simply too dam warm so im going to frame him out a small room out of strapping and poly film. i need to order a new MH bulb and get my 400w balast working again so i can let him have my CFL rig. he already purchased a 4ft 2 bulb T8 fixture so were going to roll with that for a veg room and my 360w CFL hood for flower.

I will be doing a ScROG and donating a bean to the cause so he has some good genetics to start with. (or clone not sure which yet) I have him signed up to rollitup and subbed to my thread hope he reads this and introduces himself :)



Well-Known Member
Hey Matt, I might be able to help out a bit, I got some cfl's laying around, I think I got 2x 125w red and blue and a red 68 or 63w from HD. If I a find a box and some packing shit I'm might be able to send it your way. Let me know.


Well-Known Member
any help would be great man my friend is disabled and he is a legit patient, it helps him with his pain and keeps him off the narcotics which he had a problem with and he dosent want to get back into them.

those CFL's would be ahuge help i could use the 125w blue gor his veg chamber and not have to build to implement a 4ft t8 unit


Active Member
well i have a new project. a buddy of mine just became a patient and needs to get setup growing. fundage is about 0$ i need to setup a ligh system for him and some form of ventilation.

he lives in an apartment on the 3rd floor, he has 2 great grow closets but the temps are simply too dam warm so im going to frame him out a small room out of strapping and poly film. i need to order a new MH bulb and get my 400w balast working again so i can let him have my CFL rig. he already purchased a 4ft 2 bulb T8 fixture so were going to roll with that for a veg room and my 360w CFL hood for flower.

I will be doing a ScROG and donating a bean to the cause so he has some good genetics to start with. (or clone not sure which yet) I have him signed up to rollitup and subbed to my thread hope he reads this and introduces himself :)

Good for you Matt.. I gave about 30% of my stash to a friend who was going through chemo in the spring.. spread the love


Well-Known Member
Hey Matt how's that chronic going? You think I'm going to be able to fit two of those in 3gal pots veg for about 3-4 weeks in my box? of course I'll be scroging the shit out of them, just don't want the box to get to overcrowded, or maybe veg. for a bit less? like 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hey Matt how's that chronic going? You think I'm going to be able to fit two of those in 3gal pots veg for about 3-4 weeks in my box? of course I'll be scroging the shit out of them, just don't want the box to get to overcrowded, or maybe veg. for a bit less? like 2 weeks?
everything seems to be going well, my blue OG, white lavendar ane critical kush have all germinated and waiting on the blueberry gum to pop its head up. I think im going to just do a straight water this week as i feel the plants all have plenty of nutes in the soil and i dont want to waste them and no need to over fert.

ill get some more pics up later tonight.


Well-Known Member
IMG_4347.jpgIMG_4346.jpgIMG_4345.jpgIMG_4343.jpgIMG_4342.jpgIMG_4340.jpgIMG_4339.jpgthanks to a good buddy on here i just recieved a White widow x big bud and a Kandy Kush seed, both have been put into soil along with another blueberry gum (my last one didnt make it :( )

so now i have..

blue cheese
blue OG
white lavander
fruity chronic juice
critical Kush
blueberry gum
Kandy Kush

got a bit of a variety going now :)

had a bagseed plant hermie on my.......didnt shop it down but going to keep a close eye on it and if i see any more nanners im gonna hash it up.....

my rockwoool cloning station is KICKING ASS got lots of rooted clones and i feel they will all be gtg by end of week, will be doing a SoG style event with them as i ahve around 17 clones, once i take all them out ill be able to get more clones going....

I think im going to re design my grow room to something like this


so i would have a big ScROG in the middle and some shelfs on the outside to do SoG style plants.....

anyways heres some pics of the grow, the fruity chronic juice is kicking ass!!!

IMG_4331.jpgIMG_4332.jpgIMG_4333.jpgIMG_4348.jpgIMG_4349.jpgIMG_4350.jpgIMG_4334.jpgIMG_4335.jpgIMG_4344.jpgView attachment 2446481IMG_4341.jpgIMG_4337.jpgIMG_4338.jpg