Well-Known Member
Lol wat kinda drugs this nigga slingin it aint weed lol
I got a bunch of Mason jars and a Pecan tree in my back yard. Come on over, Shovel ready.I currently fill sacks then bury, where else can i store cash of 1-40grand?
Dude. Are you fuckin serious. You got a bunch of answers. I think you're just trolling. Oh look, 10 grand just fell in your lap. If you really are making the kind of money you're describing, illegally, you're dense as fuck for drawing attention to it so readily.another 10grand cmon guys more places i just put some in the toiler bowl
exactlyy 10,000 is minor put it in your pants girls will think you got a large packageI'm notand im using a VPN and 2 proxies are running, no one knows me on here and 10grand is too minor for anyone big in law lol
Do you have any dessicant bags in there? It wouldn't hurt.I do not have any money buried anywhere, but I do have a pair of 5' long 8" pvc tubes with a cap on one end and a screw cap on the other that are buried out in the woods near the lake, that must be reached by boat. They contain 4 ruger 10/22's and 10k rounds of 22 ammo and 2 9mm pistols with 2k rounds of ammo and some survival gear all in zytel bags( rust proof). Just incase the "man" gets gun grabbin happy.
They have been there since before 2009 and I have checked on them 2 times since I buried them. It is a PITA to get to but I look at it as an investment of sorts, who knows.
coulda, woulda, shoulda don't work to well in my
Alright, touche. At least you're taking precautions. Sorry for the harsh comments.I'm notand im using a VPN and 2 proxies are running, no one knows me on here and 10grand is too minor for anyone big in law lol