Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Mr Cadbury meets Mrs Rowntree

Only the British will get this one !.........................

Cadbury met Miss Rowntree on a Double Decker.

It was just After Eight. They got off at Quality Street , and had a drink in Mars bar.

He asked her name. "Polo, I'm the one with the hole" she said with a Wispa.

"I'm Marathon , the one with the nuts" he replied.

He touched her Cream Eggs, which was a Kinder Surprise for her.

Hen he slipped his hand into her Snickers, which made Her Ripple.

He fondled her Jelly Babies and she rubbed his Tic Tacs.

Soon they were Heart Throbs.

It was a Fab moment as she screamed in Turkish Delight.

But three days later, his Sherbet Dib Dab started to itch.

Turns out Miss Rowntree had been with Bertie Bassett and he had Allsorts.
Wait a minute, 22 poop smearing incidents and it cost 20,000 pounds to clean it? So it cost nearly 1,000 pounds to clean poop up from a train? Bullshit.

It is considered a bio-hazard. How much would you want to be paid to clean up that poo.

People who do that are called Painters. They smear it on top of, under, on ceilings (now would you really want that dripping on you), in cracks, on floors and spread it around as much as possible. I wouldn't do it for all the money in China. Hmmmm, well for that amount I might reconsider.
It is considered a bio-hazard. How much would you want to be paid to clean up that poo.

People who do that are called Painters. They smear it on top of, under, on ceilings (now would you really want that dripping on you), in cracks, on floors and spread it around as much as possible. I wouldn't do it for all the money in China. Hmmmm, well for that amount I might reconsider.

You could hire someone at 100 pounds per hour and give them a full 10 hours to wipe down a train for those prices. I know it doesn't take that long to disinfect and wipe down a train, and I know someone that is going to get that job doesn't have the education or skill set to demand 100 pounds an hour. They are basically a train janitor. I would agree they probably should get paid a little extra because it is such a nasty job, but how much money would that person make if they got a job at mcdonalds? Like 5 pounds an hour? and you have to deal with shitty mcdonald food, customers, cleaning grease up, and I know mcdonalds employees have to clean smeared shit out of the bathroom because I have seen shit smeared in a mcdonalds bathroom.

Those cleaning values are way out of whack. I would have cleaned them for half that price.

she'd do that to your nuts when your sleepin
amazing,the weight and fake firmness of silicone!
funny they should call it SILIcone, should really be SILIcunt!
breast enlargement! The bane of the natural women loving man..ban them!!!
only,no,sorry that's unfair, I guess after cancer etc they help women feel ok about themselves.
other than that though,you have the flip side of the coin, the deranged,mental attention NEEDING tarts,just like Jordan!
just have to keep pumping themselves up, when how they were naturally was/is just fine!
a word to women of the world, boobs are cool,nipples are best though! Size of breast, irrelevant! Stiff nips! Priceless!
another word to the ladies, though crude,maybe!
the wetter the better!hmmm! Lush!
Sorry! Got lost in my thought there...lol.
oh in my opinion too, totally bald is not cool! We want our women to look like women, not a girl with a sugar puff for her...
don't get me wrong, I don't like 1970's. abundance of overgrown hippie muff fluff, a nice trimmed runway, directing me/him where to land..hehe!
just being a little silly, though honest ttoo honesty is always the best policy!!! ;)