Hawaii Growers

Last spring they got nanners at the end they didn't seed them. I dusted the Rose with Willie by accident so figured this maybe good so I'm giving it a go. Next two weeks will tell and she smells like grape Willie
Didnt black rose get male flowers last time you ran it? Nevertheless, that's a beautiful plant.
East, I have some color too! This is my Lemon Diesel X (lemon Thai X C-99). Smells like Lemon Pinesol! I have three of them. One is completely gonna give me purple buds. Another one will have shades of purple mixed in with the green buds. Then the last female is like any other green cannabis plant.


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East, I have some color too! This is my Lemon Diesel X (lemon Thai X C-99). Smells like Lemon Pinesol! I have three of them. One is completely gonna give me purple buds. Another one will have shades of purple mixed in with the green buds. Then the last female is like any other green cannabis plant.

Is their a purple tinge to the resin on the sugar leaves? Also was wondering do you grow veganics?

Is their a purple tinge to the resin on the sugar leaves? Also was wondering do you grow veganics?

yes there is! I've seen some real nice purple hash made from it too! So that is in the back of my mind. We shall see what the new year brings as far as a haul goes? Been using GO veganics lineup, and some of Roots products too! When growing,my focus is on soil, not the plant. If soil is well taken care of, plant will be automatically healthy too. I put a lot of energy into my dirt and the "micro beasties",that call it their home!
yes there is! I've seen some real nice purple hash made from it too! So that is in the back of my mind. We shall see what the new year brings as far as a haul goes? Been using GO veganics lineup, and some of Roots products too! When growing,my focus is on soil, not the plant. If soil is well taken care of, plant will be automatically healthy too. I put a lot of energy into my dirt and the "micro beasties",that call it their home!
awesome puna I want to go veganic, got any tips? All my soils I ever used I put some kind of manure/ guano in so I'm kinda lost when it comes to vegan soil mixes, none of the ones posted here sound efficient for Hawaii growing, maybe mainland or and indoor but I'm growing outdoor in hawaii. Do you aerate your GO nutes?
awesome puna I want to go veganic, got any tips? All my soils I ever used I put some kind of manure/ guano in so I'm kinda lost when it comes to vegan soil mixes, none of the ones posted here sound efficient for Hawaii growing, maybe mainland or and indoor but I'm growing outdoor in hawaii. Do you aerate your GO nutes?

I ventured into the Veganic world of growing after reading about Kyle Kushman's transition to it. I waited till price came down a bit too. You know how a product, or an idea first hits the market....it's all about price gouging at first. So when GH started their GO line I jumped. But I usually like to run side by side nutrient grows. Though the Vegan lifestyle is a commendable one for humans. I'm not sure it's totally the way to go with cannabis. I have found growing with GO products side by side with say my own soil mixes & amendments to be less than stellar. I guess what I'm saying is, in. the end GO finished plants will be cleaner. But haul wise, you'll never be accused of taking in the Motherlode with a vegan grow. Cannabis just loves worm castings to much to cut it out of the grow, plus the color that worm casting puts into your cannabis plant is amazing. Cut it out and your final product can seem somewhat bland.

I only aerate using GO products that I throw in my teas for feeding purposes. I never bought into the idea that you must use a special blended soil when using vegan products either. To me that's just a market ploy. But, what ever you're doing now...it sure is working too! If my soil doesn't have worm casting in it, final product suffers greatly. To me the worm casting makes the cannabis plant rich in color. Everything so vibrant ,the greens, purples,pinks, just jump out at you. I found all my cannabis plants using vegan products solely,all finished up smaller than plants using animal wastes. So I've taken what I think is the best of everything an have blended them together to use on my plants. Plus, I'm 59 years old. I can't walk away from my "old school" ways of growing.
I ventured into the Veganic world of growing after reading about Kyle Kushman's transition to it. I waited till price came down a bit too. You know how a product, or an idea first hits the market....it's all about price gouging at first. So when GH started their GO line I jumped. But I usually like to run side by side nutrient grows. Though the Vegan lifestyle is a commendable one for humans. I'm not sure it's totally the way to go with cannabis. I have found growing with GO products side by side with say my own soil mixes & amendments to be less than stellar. I guess what I'm saying is, in. the end GO finished plants will be cleaner. But haul wise, you'll never be accused of taking in the Motherlode with a vegan grow. Cannabis just loves worm castings to much to cut it out of the grow, plus the color that worm casting puts into your cannabis plant is amazing. Cut it out and your final product can seem somewhat bland.

I only aerate using GO products that I throw in my teas for feeding purposes. I never bought into the idea that you must use a special blended soil when using vegan products either. To me that's just a market ploy. But, what ever you're doing now...it sure is working too! If my soil doesn't have worm casting in it, final product suffers greatly. To me the worm casting makes the cannabis plant rich in color. Everything so vibrant ,the greens, purples,pinks, just jump out at you. I found all my cannabis plants using vegan products solely,all finished up smaller than plants using animal wastes. So I've taken what I think is the best of everything an have blended them together to use on my plants. Plus, I'm 59 years old. I can't walk away from my "old school" ways of growing.
EWC are vegan of you ask me,and i know what you mean everyone has their own style of growing, i dont mind much on lower yield for cleaner smoke either. well I'm going to get the GO box and give it a go!
Puna Budda. Back in March I had some PB seeds and put 2 out for long season. 1 didn't make it and one started to flower on me so I took a cutting. Took forever to come out of flowering and veg. Very nice duckfoot leaves. Don't know what it tastes like or what the effects are. Let you know when I harvest in January.
Safer Caterpillar Killer - 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Apply once a week for two weeks and then once a month.
PB= puna bud;)
yo puna, what's ur take on the general hydroponics line, Calmag, Liquid karma, grow pro, and bloom pro. What GO box y'all fellas talking about?
PB= puna bud;)
yo puna, what's ur take on the general hydroponics line, Calmag, Liquid karma, grow pro, and bloom pro. What GO box y'all fellas talking about?

The GO box is the general organic lines sample pack with the little bottles of everything....Its pretty much the organic version of the general hydro line and supposedly is almost all vegan. IME GO is better than GH if your going for taste and quality but GH makes some f'in huge nugs when done right lol
Safer Caterpillar Killer - 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Apply once a week for two weeks and then once a month.
That product doesn't work nearly as good as BT caterpillar killer, If you do use safer be prepared to be out their spraying every other day. I know from experience because im growing in Hawaii. Please don't suggest products that might work for you in California but not for us hawaii guys.
Be nice now Spliff tis the season to be jolly. So far no nanners but the Rose don't like the rain and the buds are like the size of a dime and square 2 out of six are sq and the others look more normal. 140-1.jpg142-1.jpg145-1.jpg
Sorry Mohican, East is right I've been having a lot of humbug this holiday season. Also on this thread, and I apologize. Like people said were all just trying to get better I've been growing outdoor in Hawaii long enough to know which products work here and which don't,I'm just trying to help fellow outdo hawaii growers out and get the results their looking for without wasting years of going though products. I'm in the middle of getting a lot of tests done and ER visits, three this week and I'm going to the doctors tomorrow morning also I'm on antibiotics so I won't be posting anymore til I get this figured out. Ill still be lurking because honestly, it helps keep my mind off of things when I browse the forums. Black Rosé is looking nice East. I grew some royal purple kush out that looked very similar, only yielding small buds but they were very tasty and fruity. I think that the buds never got that big because of the cold, I could be wrong though. As for BHO, I guinea pigged on myself enough to come to the conclusion fuck it! That stuff is not good for me. Will be experimenting in water ice extracts now that I obtained some value able hash making tips. Aloha everyone, sorry for all the rude remarks. Wish me luck.
No problem - and BTW Safer Caterpillar Killer is BT. Worked great for me this year. Went from 100s of pillars to about 20. And I missed a few sprayings.