Speak for yourself streaky !! I don't think they look skinny? Lol
pfft,skinny? wouldn't even class as slim!
more on the scuffer belly type,that thinks...i'm gorgeous! get out the way,i put my handbag in the centre of the dance floor first, now fuck off! i have my fat arse/scuffer belly to shake,i don't need no skinny arsed bitch near me,detracting from my overwhelming gorgeousness.
this is how it is in england! the scuffer belly parade are always! always first on the dance floor! delusional!
though i suppose beer has been helping uglies and fatties to have sex since the dark ages!!!...LOL!!
back to Boxxy ...

NOOOO!!! fucking hell!!!
what a load of shit!!!
sunni, now i see,you are dead

right, similarities end at those first pics i saw.
her singing is atrocious too!!!
there was something else iwished to post....nope! fuck it! it's gone, smoking to much weed, short term memory loss...lol!!
yep. she's going by "aNewHopee" now. her name's not really boxxy. that was simply an "internet personna".

oh! so now the ''jewish princess'' (laughable,is that her alias? the jew princess...ahahaha!)
she thinks she is beautiful,talented and liked enough to ditch the boxy image, now she's the semetic queen, a little classier,but still boxy!!
no thank you!!!
i'll stick with sunni thank you!
boxy you suck!!!
or do you??
good girls do,and swallow too! (a sign of love.)
sorry peeps if i've devolved your thread into crudeness.
sorry! i am just a simple man with overly simple desires...lol.
oh! so now the ''jewish princess'' (laughable,is that her alias? the jew princess...ahahaha!)
she thinks she is beautiful,talented and liked enough to ditch the boxy image, now she's the semetic queen, a little classier,but still boxy!!
no thank you!!!
i'll stick with sunni thank you!
boxy you suck!!!
or do you??
good girls do,and swallow too! (a sign of love.)
sorry peeps if i've devolved your thread into crudeness.
sorry! i am just a simple man with overly simple desires...lol.

serious revelations developed out of this... thanks. This thread moves much too quickly for me to keep up with it, so I will just post in it here or there as things go... and put out whatever I want and think and feel because I can! :D

And of course... an old picture... years old. Thats the thing bout me... nobody ever really takes pics of me. Seems people also take pics of you because they want to remember you or love you.... hmmmmm.... Im not photogenic anyways, dont blame people for not wanting to look at my ugly mug, or remember my "harsh sincere and serious attitude" I guess. This Picture takes me back a couple years... brings about soooo many memories, and draws out questions. I miss that world I lived in, with hope for us and our future.... She did take pics of me at least, and she was always smiling and happy when she did. The blackness covering my face is like the clouds enveloping my heart...
Ditto brother,ditto!!!
the three pics I've posted are quite literally the only three pics of me,that I know of,apart from my old mans funeral!
i feel for you too in regards to the darkness cast by the leaving,loss of a truly loved one.
i have never been the same since,she ,I mean her loss changed me totally!
15 years!!!
ive been accused of being arrogant,self obsessed,even so far as to being accused of being a womanising prick!
nothing is further from the truth!
im 35 and only wokked. 7!
and2 of those I felt for properly,and one was the one who scarred me...lol!
not too funny though,at least I didn'tthink so!

kuroi! If you are out here can you tell me why my iPad has changed from a nice sized whole bottom of the screen keyboard to this shit now,tiny! And half on the other side of the screen??? Not happy with it! I hate the laptop,now I fucking hate this....help,apple mac queen...lol!
Oh I was supposed to add with a quote! SorRy The loaded Dragon...:)

yipee! Kuroi! No worries honey bunny, I sorted it out, thank fuck..lol:)
Oh god, what have you done this time, Kenny? XP

Take a screenshot (press the home button and pock button simultaneously) and post it in the Random Jibber Jabber thread. I don't feel I'm in a position to post a tech help thread you guys keep suggesting as most of this stuff should be within the realm of everyday tech users and anything specialist is better handled by real computer geeks like my boyfriend, Neo, Ryan etc.

EDIT: KENNY! You see that thing at the bottom of your post that says 'Edit Post?'? You don't need more than one post in a row x