Would you break up with a girlfriend if she was horrible in bed?


Well-Known Member
I dated a girl who was great in bed, but we were about to play this board game, it was a map of europe, she couldn't find england... She knew where spain was, and italy that's it. I broke up with her about 10 minutes later after she said stuff like that didn't matter and I only knew where it was because I lived there.


Well-Known Member
A poll was done awhile ago, forgot by who, and 76% of the adults polled thought Europe was a country.

She didn't even know where England was!? That kinda reminds me of an old Simpsons episode, where Marge was acting as a substitute teacher because everyone had gone on strike.

Marge: It took the kids 20 minutes to locate Canada on a map!
Homer: ANYONE could miss Canada, all tucked away down there ...

Haha actually she had really dark brown/black hair and she was a 32-b or something


Well-Known Member
This is what did it:

*watching TV, History Channel ... some show about Jesus*
TV: And Jesus became a carpenter, like his father Joseph ...
Her: No he didn't! They didn't HAVE carpet in those days.

... And she wasn't trying to be funny. She was serious. And when I tried to enlighten her ... she got all pissy.
Sometimes I am 'sure' that some parents raise their daughters (or sons) to be plain ignorant. They must think that good looks and a 'bubbly' personality is all they need to get on in life.

That whatsername woman from the new Dukes of Hazzard movie (I choose to not remember) was just funny. "Buffalo Wings. I'm sorry, I only eat white meat." I think that's what she said. I probably should Google that.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I am 'sure' that some parents raise their daughters (or sons) to be plain ignorant. They must think that good looks and a 'bubbly' personality is all they need to get on in life.

That whatsername woman from the new Dukes of Hazzard movie (I choose to not remember) was just funny. "Buffalo Wings. I'm sorry, I only eat white meat." I think that's what she said. I probably should Google that.
or "why is it called chicken of the sea. its not chicken its tuna."


Well-Known Member
haha, I need to find some marijuana around here to smoke. Resin scrape here I come!

LOL. I havent done the old resin scrape in years. Blaghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I remember when I used depend on the resin scrape when my bag ran out.

NASTY, now I just wash that shit on down the drain.