Marine imprisoned in Mexico over firearm.


Well-Known Member
just an assumption seeing that you use gringo in nearly every post.

The article it made it sound like he was applying for the proper permit directly after crossing the border.
If you consider the word gringo offensive, I will stop using it. Simple as that, I am not trying to offend anybody, however, American expats have very much embraced the term down here and it does not have racial undertones, it applies to American expats of all ethnicities. I leave it to the audience to whom a word refers to decide if it is offensive.


Active Member
thank you, i appreciate it. I apologize for my post earlier also.

i have never left the country, so i don't really know how border crossing takes place.

so if he were leaving the US under the assumption that he had the proper permits to take his gun with him (had permits issued by US border officials), what did he do wrong? it there a check your gun area that he missed? it seemed to me in the article that he thought he was trying to do everything properly....

i read this article earlier and was unsure of how to take it, i wanted be like WTF mexico, but then feared the media had spun it and he had actually killed 14 children with the gun or something.


Well-Known Member
i have never left the country, so i don't really know how border crossing takes place.

so if he were leaving the US under the assumption that he had the proper permits to take his gun with him (had permits issued by US border officials), what did he do wrong? it there a check your gun area that he missed? it seemed to me in the article that he thought he was trying to do everything properly....
There are signs (in English) warning not to import fire arms to Mexico on every road with a border crossing. I know on I-5 there are many signs and a quarter mile before the final US exit there is a very prominent sign above the lanes warning not to bring fire arms to Mexico, that it is illegal and carries stiff penalties. You literally have to be an idiot or think you are somehow exempt from the law to think you won't get arrested for it if they catch you.



Active Member
When I lived in San Diego I always saw Mexican workers cross the boarder to the US side. I think they have some kind of worker program that allows people from mexico to work in the untied states, then once the day is done, they go back to mexico.

I feel sometimes that some Americans think their shit don't stink, which allows them to look down on people less fortunate. I agree that their needs to be system in place that will not allow illegals, but if I lived in mexico and saw the potential life change that america offers, I would do it too. The difference is hard working people who want to better their lives and the criminals.

Some Americans remind me of the Stanford prison experiment, the Americans are the prison guards and the inmates are the minorities. Once you feel you are on a level higher then another person, you feel like you have right to boss people around and your opinion is the right one. This mentality can be applied in all aspects of life. When you have this mentality in business, politics, law enforcement and environment, the consequences can be devastating.



Active Member
You must be horrible at your job if an illegal alien who doesn't speak English can steal it.
Your logic is horrible...

You do realize that here in US, our economy is based on capitalism. Ergo, if you can earn more by spending less, you do so. Quality, and quantity are independent of that fact. If you could produce the same product x, for half the price, even if the quality is poor, but can still sell it for same as the higher costing quality product, you do. Simple business. Same goes for employees in almost every instance.

No one is going to spend 30$/hr on someone when they can spend $5/hr on another individual who can get the job done at a satisfactory level.


Well-Known Member
Your logic is horrible...

You do realize that here in US, our economy is based on capitalism. Ergo, if you can earn more by spending less, you do so. Quality, and quantity are independent of that fact. If you could produce the same product x, for half the price, even if the quality is poor, but can still sell it for same as the higher costing quality product, you do. Simple business. Same goes for employees in almost every instance.

No one is going to spend 30$/hr on someone when they can spend $5/hr on another individual who can get the job done at a satisfactory level.
I knew someone would step in that. Thanks.



Active Member
I knew someone would step in that. Thanks.

No. Again flawed logic.

Just because Joe Schmo landscaping wants to save a buck by hiring illegals, doesn't mean that capitalism lends itself to that. Nowhere in capitalism does it say to save a buck by acting illegally.
If you want to try that argument, than capitalism isn't to blame, greed is.

Want to solve that instance of greed? Make it impossible to hire illegals by making it impossible for there to be illegals.

Come again


Well-Known Member
No. Again flawed logic.

Just because Joe Schmo landscaping wants to save a buck by hiring illegals, doesn't mean that capitalism lends itself to that. Nowhere in capitalism does it say to save a buck by acting illegally.
If you want to try that argument, than capitalism isn't to blame, greed is.

Want to solve that instance of greed? Make it impossible to hire illegals by making it impossible for there to be illegals.

Come again
Capitalism rewards greed.

and good luck making illegal immigration impossible...


Well-Known Member
So does just about everything else.

Education rewards greed.

Should we abandon education as well?
How does education reward greed exactly? Explain it with out saying or describing capitalism, other wise you will simply be saying capitalism rewards greed.


Active Member
How does education reward greed exactly? Explain it with out saying or describing capitalism, other wise you will simply be saying capitalism rewards greed.
First off, I only agree that capitalism rewards greed in some instances.

Secondly, education rewards greed because intelligence and knowledge is power, simple. If you are fighting for a job, food on the table, even your life, being more intelligent gives you a strong edge. Being smarter than others is a positive, not a negative, ergo, being greedy in terms of your education is positive. What benefit do YOU get from helping 3rd parties learn? Society might get a benefit, but you personally, don't think so.
With that said, should we stop teaching and educating? No

Lastly, if Capitalism truly rewarded the greedy in terms of hiring illegals, then why are the most successful companies in our capitalist society the ones who do not hire illegals?
i.e. Intel, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc.

I only agree that capitalism rewards greed in terms of business; numbers. When you start to talk about breaking laws to gain a buck, you leave the realm of capitalism imo.


Well-Known Member
First off, I only agree that capitalism rewards greed in some instances.

Secondly, education rewards greed because intelligence and knowledge is power, simple. If you are fighting for a job, food on the table, even your life, being more intelligent gives you a strong edge. Being smarter than others is a positive, not a negative, ergo, being greedy in terms of your education is positive. What benefit do YOU get from helping 3rd parties learn? Society might get a benefit, but you personally, don't think so.
With that said, should we stop teaching and educating? No

Lastly, if Capitalism truly rewarded the greedy in terms of hiring illegals, then why are the most successful companies in our capitalist society the ones who do not hire illegals?
i.e. Intel, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc.

I only agree that capitalism rewards greed in terms of business; numbers. When you start to talk about breaking laws to gain a buck, you leave the realm of capitalism imo.
That was a stretch.

Now as far as successful companies not hiring illegals, why would they need to if they are already outsourcing?


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
thank you, i appreciate it. I apologize for my post earlier also.

i have never left the country, so i don't really know how border crossing takes place.

so if he were leaving the US under the assumption that he had the proper permits to take his gun with him (had permits issued by US border officials), what did he do wrong? it there a check your gun area that he missed? it seemed to me in the article that he thought he was trying to do everything properly....

i read this article earlier and was unsure of how to take it, i wanted be like WTF mexico, but then feared the media had spun it and he had actually killed 14 children with the gun or something.
the dude filled out the forms to take his gun out of the USA, and then stepped across the border and asked to fill out the forms to bring his gun with him, which he had already just done. he is a dipshit. you must get the permit to bring your gun across BEFORE crossing the border. not after. he essentially walked up the the federales and said "i'm a dumbass, please throw me in a filthy mexican prison for a couple years, thanks!"

for most americans, visiting mexico is as simple as walking across from san diego to tijuana. getting back can sometimes be a problem, particularly if you look a little mexican. some cats get their papers checked,, but they have never stopped me, and i look mexican as fuck when i got my summer brown on.

shit, i didnt even get stopped when i crossed back to the US with a passed out mexican over my shoulder. funny thing is, he had stpoidly forgot to bring his ID. if he had walked across the border he would have been stopped and sent back to mexico. but i guess getting carried back drunk off your ass is evidence of US citizenship.\

Protip: do not drive a car into mexico. it will be stolen, stripped for parts and vanish forever. also most auto theft insurance policies do not cover your car in mexico. you gotta pay extra to take your car into the automotive bermuda triangle.


Well-Known Member
Outsourcing? Outsourcing implies that someone other than yourself is doing it. If I give my neighbor the job of tilling my soil, I have just outsourced it. Outsourcing isn't illegal and neither is OFFSHORING (which is the term you are trying to use). Offshoring is the act of having a FOREIGN company produce something for you instead of you doing it yourself.
Get with the lingo :mrgreen:


Active Member
That was a stretch.
No it isn't...

Don't just take my word for it. Look at North Korea, Japan during WWII, pretty much any 3rd world country. They are educated in a way that makes them lesser than their rulers. North Korea is a great example for why education is greedy. You think Kim Jong Il Jr is going to educate the masses so they can gain the knowledge they need to learn they are being used for his purposes?


Well-Known Member
the dude filled out the forms to take his gun out of the USA, and then stepped across the border and asked to fill out the forms to bring his gun with him, which he had already just done. he is a dipshit. you must get the permit to bring your gun across BEFORE crossing the border. not after. he essentially walked up the the federales and said "i'm a dumbass, please throw me in a filthy mexican prison for a couple years, thanks!"

for most americans, visiting mexico is as simple as walking across from san diego to tijuana. getting back can sometimes be a problem, particularly if you look a little mexican. some cats get their papers checked,, but they have never stopped me, and i look mexican as fuck when i got my summer brown on.

shit, i didnt even get stopped when i crossed back to the US with a passed out mexican over my shoulder. funny thing is, he had stpoidly forgot to bring his ID. if he had walked across the border he would have been stopped and sent back to mexico. but i guess getting carried back drunk off your ass is evidence of US citizenship.\

Protip: do not drive a car into mexico. it will be stolen, stripped for parts and vanish forever. also most auto theft insurance policies do not cover your car in mexico. you gotta pay extra to take your car into the automotive bermuda triangle.
If you have an ugly car with nothing particularly valuable in it you'll be fine. If it's kind of nice park it in a paid parking lot. If it is a nice truck, the local cops (not the federales) will steal it, especially the ones in Rosarito. Then they will put it up on Craigslist and when you buy it from some average Mexican, you will get pulled over for being in a stolen truck.

If you speak good Spanish, don't act like a dick and give tips when appropriate you'll have fun. If you're there often, people will start to remember you. Once they remember you, they don't bug you or try to get you to go into clubs or hand you flyers or anything. There are plenty of nice vehicles in Mexico and a lot of them have US plates, but the cops will be watching you. The Rats (like street hustlers) in the tourist areas are scouts for cartels and most of the cartel members are local cops (not federales) in what ever turf they operate in. They have a full arsenal of scams and they will immediately tell the cops if you buy their drugs, who will then illicit a bribe, confiscate the drugs and give it back to the rat along with a commission. If you can't pay a bribe, you shouldn't have been a gringo buying drugs in a border town from the rats. If a cop with out a uniform is willing to spend any time on you, I feel sorry for you.

If they see you around a lot and you're never on their radar you can get kind of complacent (drunk) but even then you shouldn't let your guard down, some opportunistic hustler will eat you alive. Think like the movie Tombstone or Wyatt Earp. In fact, that is a perfect analogy, it is like the wild west in many ways. Don't buy drugs from the Rats, if you must have drugs, ask a hooker and don't be a cheapo. There is a certain order and they aren't stupid enough to completely ruin the money that tourism still brings in. Don't fucking piss outside in public either. Soldiers are basically federal cops too and have much more authority than soldiers in the US. Once they remember your face, they ignore you just like the cartels who run local authority. For example, once you have been through a military checkpoint (you won't see any until you get south of Rosarito) enough times that they all remember you, you will never get stopped unless they get a new guy at the post. If they do stop you, they just want to know if you have guns or drugs.

Just to reiterate, the federales are not corrupt in the way that local cops might be. If they are corrupt, they are even more rigid about following protocol. Don't fuck around if they pull you over, be polite. Don't offer a bribe and if they are searching your vehicle, you better pray they don't find shit. Local cops, you can hand em a 20 dollar bill instead of ID, unless it feels semi serious, then hand em a 50.

If you venture forth into the parts of town that are not particularly touristy, you will see that it is just like any place, kind of nice too in some parts, well developed and civilized. The malls and stores are modern and sell the same types of shit you are used to buying in the US and a lot of people speak English. They also speak Spanish and they can tell from a mile away if you are completely foreign and will talk shit about you in Spanish right in your presence.


Ursus marijanus
How does education reward greed exactly? Explain it with out saying or describing capitalism, other wise you will simply be saying capitalism rewards greed.
Can I use the term "money" without falling afoul of the capitalism proscription?
More education = (statistically) more money. cn


Active Member
Hey abandon, you ever been to Ricky's between Rosarito and Ensenada? Or Anthony's in Ensenada?



Well-Known Member
Can I use the term "money" without falling afoul of the capitalism proscription?
More education = (statistically) more money. cn
You got me on a technicality.

Still though, that is the capitalist approach to education or education within a capitalist system. I think FB360's example better shows education rewarding greed independently of capitalism. This example just shows capitalism rewarding greed for education. What is worse is that it is not at all greed for knowledge, but greed for credential.

However, I think even FB360's example is kind of a stretch, I don't know enough about North Korea to make an debate of it though.