Tahoe OG Kush Scrog in Dual Monster Plant System: Third Round with PO Tahoe


Active Member
It's so fun to read along and see other people's methods. I feel like I am learning a lot. I almost ran a giant cooler DWC this time around so I really like your setup!

What's the difference between Tahoe and Larry og? Have some Larry (hopefully) making its way to me in the mail so excited to see how it looks!


Well-Known Member
Lol, Round 2 where you and I are on the same schedule Slanty.. great minds think alike I suppose. Lookin good dude.

@ Ron Swanson - DWC cooler grows are epic mang. If you live in an area that gets pretty hot, or your AC wont get temps down below 70 F, then coolers are definitely the best way to go in DWC. (unless you are RDWC and run a chiller). Even then, if I could afford coolers I'd use em, instead of my ghetto rigged totes. :P


Active Member
I had a crisis to deal with a week ago. I didn't put my netting in this round, and what a mistake!:wall:

The smaller of my 2 plants was having issues with the branches unable to support the weight the buds were starting to develop. The larger one, well it is just so damn massive that the weight of it was forcing my net pot right through the lid of my tote! I managed to get some support in there, but still is not as good as it could have been. Oh well, live and learn as they say!


Well-Known Member
I had a crisis to deal with a week ago. I didn't put my netting in this round, and what a mistake!:wall:

The smaller of my 2 plants was having issues with the branches unable to support the weight the buds were starting to develop. The larger one, well it is just so damn massive that the weight of it was forcing my net pot right through the lid of my tote! I managed to get some support in there, but still is not as good as it could have been. Oh well, live and learn as they say!
Hey, it still looks great. Especially on Green Gurlz.


Active Member
Jin I really like your duct tape and string training method. I was wondering how I was going to get my plants to start out growing sideways and think you gave me the idea. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
But you know where to go if you want all the gory details.

How about that? Looks like they're growing.

Two plants enter, two plants leave. This isn't Thunderdome.


Well-Known Member
very cool. I'm a fan of photography and good looking girls too! lol .. I don't know if you can tell or not, but in the "purp" picture background there is a beer pong table that a friend and I made with vintage playboy and hustler magazines. :) need to clean them off.. they're a little sticky at the moment.. (its laminated)