dont get mad at me, im just stating something most men would agree upon, im more so trying to offer advice, sorry if i offended you but you would have to talk to me face to face to actually understand the situation and where im coming from, also when someone tends to bring up a topic and then insult the other person with it it tends to make the replier more aggravated about said topic and then he retaliated with him defending his wife and trying to contradict you. its how people are and how they argue, you got to look past that and learn to understand where theyre coming from instead of retaliation.
dont get mad at me, im just stating something most men would agree upon, im more so trying to offer advice, sorry if i offended you but you would have to talk to me face to face to actually understand the situation and where im coming from, also when someone tends to bring up a topic and then insult the other person with it it tends to make the replier more aggravated about said topic and then he retaliated with him defending his wife and trying to contradict you. its how people are and how they argue, you got to look past that and learn to understand where theyre coming from instead of retaliation.

Joder ! Que pasa? Pues nada. Estoy bromeando contigo solo !

Fuck! What wrong? It's nothing. Im only joking with you!

Buenos noches
what weight? :?

Omg ! It wasn't even funny the first time. Let's get this into context, you got butthurt coz ur boyfriend rainman got caught out stupidly. Of course you sympathise with this mistake as u recently got caught out. You try to redirect the thread back to the picture of yourself which was it's purpose and all you've done since is poke fun at people who are clearly not aesthetically challenged. You know I've made a living from my looks and an inept retards opinion is gonna fall like water off a ducks back. The only other bitchy men I've come across apart from you have been gay.
Omg ! It wasn't even funny the first time. Let's get this into context, you got butthurt coz ur boyfriend rainman got caught out stupidly. Of course you sympathise with this mistake as u recently got caught out. You try to redirect the thread back to the picture of yourself which was it's purpose and all you've done since is poke fun at people who are clearly not aesthetically challenged. You know I've made a living from my looks and an inept retards opinion is gonna fall like water off a ducks back. The only other bitchy men I've come across apart from you have been gay.

And we can put the Bitch in bitchy. ;)