How many 4 foot Fluorescents should i use?


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you're trying to achieve. For seedlings and the first week of growing it'll be enough light. For anything beyond that you're going to need a lot more light (especially during flowering).

If you want to go down the T5 fixture route, you'd be best off investing in some high output ones like these:

Tek-Light T5 4FT Fluorescent Grow Lights - Plantlighting Hydroponics & Grow Lights

remember, you're going to want at least 3000 lumens per square foot.

Take the length of your grow area in feet, multiply it by the width and you'll have the area - e.g. 3'x2' = 6' square. 6 feet square x 3000 lumens = 18,000 lumens.

Stick to 3000 lumens per square foot (up to 5000 if you can) and you can't go wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hi, im using several differnt kinds of flouro myself. my light rig is a modified t8 shop light wiht like 7 added cfls and i have spares i can put on in different spots. and i have 4 U shaped 4ft. bulbs. its a good idea to have as much light as possible im down to one plant now and she is thriving under 2 daylight tubes, 3 32 watt, 2 26 watt, 1 26 watt daylight. heres somepics of my set up if your lookin for ideas, check out my grow journal too there are many more pics there :)


in hindsight i woulda used 2 more single sockets with Y adapters instead of those T types.



Well-Known Member
Stoked,at that price i would get an HPS.
Alright,i have to get 2 more 2 bulb 4 footers to get reach 4000


Well-Known Member
i started with flouras and i have to say after a short time i could tell i wanted to upgrade. this is only my first grow and i ended up investing in a MH setup. it was more expensive but if you plan to continually grow all year round to keep a consistant supply for personal use its worth it. as soon as i switched lights my babies grew like mad.

check your local craigslist under gardening or such areas. theres often times lots for sale for fairly cheap. might check ebay too.


Well-Known Member
*No* Floros?

I am pondering a T5 clone/veg room. Bad idea?
(4ft 28W per bulb. 4 bulbs)

The veg room is on the other side of the house from the BloomRoom.
(Bloom is HPS)
thats not a bad idea, florecents are good for veg, my only problem with using them for veg is the constant ajustments you have to make, but with t 5s you can move them all at once


Well-Known Member
When I speak of "NO fluoros" I'm talking about normal output, as opposed to HO (high output) or VHO (very high output). Of course, this is all archaic information from the days before compact fluoros and T5's.

That being said, I grew stony hermatypic corals using normal output fluoros in a shop light fixture. I used two double 48" 40W fixtures, and mixed my lights according to the coral's needs. I also grew a RIGHTEOUS Tridacna derasa (that's a species of giant clam) using that set-up.


Well-Known Member
thats not a bad idea, florecents are good for veg, my only problem with using them for veg is the constant ajustments you have to make, but with t 5s you can move them all at once
I'm all about the automation aspect. Still looking for the light raising 'trick'
A 2D scanner seems overkill. But gotta understand that aleaf may not popr up where you expect.

but back to topic.....

So T5's aren't bad at all huh? (at least for veg/cone. I'm with ya on the 150W HPS)


Well-Known Member
ive never used them but form what ive read and seen they work well for veg and cloning, better than cfls, but not beter than MH


Well-Known Member
ive never used them but form what ive read and seen they work well for veg and cloning, better than cfls, but not beter than MH
Good to know. Haven't purchased anything yet. Veg room now has a 70W HPS and a few CFLs.

MH is better then T5s, but by how much? If a new room, 2M X 1M X 2.1 high Which would be the best bang for the buck (including heat)?

I wanna keep electric and heat down. Yes, I am a BIG proponent for HID over CFLs (but not a CFL in the least) Lumens per consumption HID wins. But the T5s are a different breed.