Would you break up with a girlfriend if she was horrible in bed?


New Member
Thanks Herm. I think. :confused: :roll:
I can't pm you back because my pm box is full and I don't want to empty it right now.:-|

That was kind.



Well-Known Member
if she was good in every other aspect that seems like a pretty shitty reason to dump her. especially considering with a little guidance she could become good in bed. if you cant even communicate how you like your sex then she's better of without you anyways. You're probably not even a "catch" anyways!:fire:


Well-Known Member
No you're right that's not the reason, I actually broke up with her for a real reason.

God dammit, I didn't feel like going into the whole detail of why we broke up and I still won't it was just a joke about dating someone bad in bed. Glad people have taken it personally.


Well-Known Member
I once broke up with a girl because she was an ignorant fucktard.

She was ... meh ... not great in bed ... but idiocy is worse than a bad lay.


Well-Known Member
for sex, depends on how bad.. like not willing to do kinky shit if she ain't good at all would be getting them the boot.


Well-Known Member
I once broke up with a girl because she was an ignorant fucktard.

She was ... meh ... not great in bed ... but idiocy is worse than a bad lay.
ignorance is always unattractive and unless the person is willing to learn to not be ignorant or willing to look at things from a different perspective then theres absolutely no way i could deal with it. i'd be embarassed if they said something ignorant in front of family or friends.


Well-Known Member
This is what did it:

*watching TV, History Channel ... some show about Jesus*
TV: And Jesus became a carpenter, like his father Joseph ...
Her: No he didn't! They didn't HAVE carpet in those days.

... And she wasn't trying to be funny. She was serious. And when I tried to enlighten her ... she got all pissy.

ignorance is always unattractive and unless the person is willing to learn to not be ignorant or willing to look at things from a different perspective then theres absolutely no way i could deal with it. i'd be embarassed if they said something ignorant in front of family or friends.


Well-Known Member
This is what did it:

*watching TV, History Channel ... some show about Jesus*
TV: And Jesus became a carpenter, like his father Joseph ...
Her: No he didn't! They didn't HAVE carpet in those days.

... And she wasn't trying to be funny. She was serious. And when I tried to enlighten her ... she got all pissy.
o_0 thats just plain stupidity!! lol.


Well-Known Member
This is what did it:

*watching TV, History Channel ... some show about Jesus*
TV: And Jesus became a carpenter, like his father Joseph ...
Her: No he didn't! They didn't HAVE carpet in those days.

... And she wasn't trying to be funny. She was serious. And when I tried to enlighten her ... she got all pissy.



New Member
OMG that is funny.

My hubby's friends wife is quite clueless as well.
When they first met he had a pic of himself in his aquatic gear minus the snorkel etc...

she said in front of the group .........'wow I didn't know you were a fire fighter"? :shock::wall:

....but didn't have carpets is priceless. :dunce:
This is what did it:

*watching TV, History Channel ... some show about Jesus*
TV: And Jesus became a carpenter, like his father Joseph ...
Her: No he didn't! They didn't HAVE carpet in those days.

... And she wasn't trying to be funny. She was serious. And when I tried to enlighten her ... she got all pissy.


Well-Known Member
Not a firefighter ... HONESTLY, where do these people come from!?

I wonder where she is sometimes. Haven't seen her in almost 5 years now.

OMG that is funny.

My hubby's friends wife is quite clueless as well.
When they first met he had a pic of himself in his aquatic gear minus the snorkel etc...

she said in front of the group .........'wow I didn't know you were a fire fighter"? :shock::wall:

....but didn't have carpets is priceless. :dunce: