Help from some pros?


Well-Known Member
Alright, im growing with a friend, and we are pretty new to the growing side of this (veterans to the smoking side).

I started the plants from seeds from a slice, which i KNOW is bad. Aside from that, how good am i doing?

I started with 30 seeds-10 lived-killed 4 that looked sick.
Took the 6-transplanted them into larger pots to grow-all thrived
Within two weeks they were between 8-5 inches tall and had 22-11 leaves apiece.

At three weeks theyre starting to smell, and i can begin to see where the nodes will come out of.

Conditions: Indoor, constant fan, 14/10 for light, supreme potting soil, enough water...

I dont know the genders yet, but how am i doin?


Well-Known Member
got any pics of your babies?

also, 14/10 for the light schedule?

The general consensus around here, is that 24/7 or 18/6 for veg is optimal. 14/10 I can only assume would slow your growth rate down during veg.


Well-Known Member
ok i can crank that up to 18/6 but im afraid my lights might get too toastey if i go full blast.

sorry no pics, but i think that you would agree that they look healthy. deep green, no burns, decent size.

once i get my phone working again, i can show them



Well-Known Member
What light are you using?

You're far better off making sure you have proper ventilation in your grow area, than reducing the amount of light you give the plants in order to reduce the amount of heat.

Depending on what light you are using (MH, HPS, CFLs), even a couple of high CFM 120mm PC fans wired up to a 12v charger/power supply might do the trick - one as an exhaust fan to pull hot air out of the cabinet and one to blow air onto the light.

Give us some more info on your setup and we can make some suggestions.


Well-Known Member
im using one 8 inch outlet fan to keep circulation

i use two 120v 60watt "natural light" bulbs. incandescant, not flourescent.

however, im planning on getting them outside to a nice locale when they get bigger


Well-Known Member
im using one 8 inch outlet fan to keep circulation

i use two 120v 60watt "natural light" bulbs. incandescant, not flourescent.

however, im planning on getting them outside to a nice locale when they get bigger

There is the first prob! No light. Never use incandescent, halogen, or MV bulbs

Prefered in order (best to ...)
For veg:
Metal Halide

For flowering
T5/Metal Halide

pH your water. Also pH the water drainage.
balance the two. But little adjustments to get both the same.

As stated earlier lighting should be 18 hours on 6 hours off or 24 on 0 off.

Once the plants see 12 hours of dark they start flowering. Bad thing to go in and out of it.



Well-Known Member
K got it! ill increase ventilation to keep the 24/7 light bulb cooled off...

i cant really afford a $70 HPS bulb + shipping
the best i could do would be a CFL...but ill get one soon

as for water, im using distilled (7.0 pH) and purified water once every two days, cant give an exact volume though. i eye it out...


Well-Known Member
K got it! ill increase ventilation to keep the 24/7 light bulb cooled off...

i cant really afford a $70 HPS bulb + shipping
the best i could do would be a CFL...but ill get one soon

as for water, im using distilled (7.0 pH) and purified water once every two days, cant give an exact volume though. i eye it out...
Grab a Y adapter or 2 and a few CFLs. More light the better. 18/6 is the norm. (others, in the minority, like 24/0) Venting shouldn't' be a prob if unless you are growing in a shoe box. Tough air refresh is *always* good.

Daylight CFLs to grow the the plant then (not sure about the type for flowering) to flower. I use HPS to flower and transitioning to T5 for vegging.

The 7.0 Distilled water is a bit high. But the nutes can bring it down.
But still a good choice. As to volume and freq of the water, thats too hard to judge. (as you say, you do it by 'feel') Pots, media, enviorment conditions, plant size all vary the amount and freq of watering.

Just a fish tank pH kit and adjusting chemicals will work just peachy fine.
(but the 7.0 water is fairly safe)


Well-Known Member
get rid of the incandescent lights like already stated.
and definitely go up to 24/0 in my opinion. if they are starting to smell it sounds like they are trying to flower. you dont want that this early in. if you're using flouras the lights shouldnt get that hot. mine didnt on a 24/0 setting. if you're growing in a closet open it through the day to let it air out and get a thermometer to monitor the heat!


Well-Known Member
would a fish tank kit be safe more making the water more acidic?! that would have been my last resort, but if its safe, i can give it a try...


Well-Known Member
would a fish tank kit be safe more making the water more acidic?! that would have been my last resort, but if its safe, i can give it a try...

If you think these plants are touchy, try tropical fish!

The pH up/down are fine as are the kits. (though, after enough looking at it, I can see any color I want on the test kits) I went digital.