First Indoor grow, White Rhino.


Hey guys, I'm doing my first indoor grow here with some Nirvana White Rhino seeds. I have 4 In some Root Riot cubes Germinating for about 24 hours now. I'm going to start the CFL lighting on them today or tomorrow. They are in a prop dome on a Super Sprouter Seedling Heating Mat in a room about 75 degrees (starting to get cold up here in the north). Also starting some cucumbers for pickles if anyone likes those too. I haven't gotten medium yet, but I'm open to opinions for: auto air pump pots, coco, dirt i.e. {foxfarm and other companies}. If anyone's got some grade A suggestions for White Rhino, I'm all ears. I'm using a max of 400w MH for vegging. Flowering and nutes are up in the air right now too.

I have a 3x3x5.5' Mylar tent, 400w MH, CO2 tank.


UH OH looks like I aether over watered or seedlings did not like the riot cubes. Here's a pic what do you all think it could be? about 75 degrees in here in a prop dome so pretty moist im thinking too much water. What should I do?seedlings bad.jpg


Active Member
looks like you over watered, lose the dome they don't need it

also you need to get your lights closer, your babies are stretching a bit. Best of luck to you and your grow


added some water last night, cubes were starting to dry up. Plants still look the same today with no growth. Starting to get a little concerned with the growth and conditions hm.


My start, well, whole grow has seem subpar in growth compared to others but they still are doing OK so I would'nt been too concerned, give it time and let them do their thing. :)


My start, well, whole grow has seem subpar in growth compared to others but they still are doing OK so I would'nt been too concerned, give it time and let them do their thing. :)
Yeah, I guess your right. Nuthing I can do now! hahaha except stare at thembfor another 8 hours.


thought that too but they had been without the prop dome not heat matt and under 4 28w cfls with a mini fan blowing about 75F, I let the riot cubes dry out a little too. So just for experimental reasons I am putting the dome back on with the heater and pulling the light away, and on top of the dome to see if anything happens.

PS I had remembered that the seeds were green and small, maybe a genetic weakness???


If these girls die, Im going to start another grow full DWC with one plant SCROG IF i can get past the seedling stage, holy crap.


Active Member
Whats up newmanhax, I started some White Rhino from Mr. Nice recently. My advice is to go ahead and put your seedlings under your 400W MH. Only clones need to be slowly adjusted to HID lighting, seeds can grow up out in the sun in 105 degree weather.

This is why you are having over-watering issues as well. More light = more water usage for photosynthesis. Your girls are big enough to put into plastic-cups that are filled w/ soil and poked for drainage. Make sure to cover the Riot Rooter completely because it can dry out faster than your medium.

I will start a journal soon! Peace and good luck homie.:bigjoint:


Active Member
If you've got the patience to wait 5 weeks, I would whip up a batch of Subcool's Super Soil, found in the organic sub-section of this website. Its great, you just spend $150 bucks on soil amendments, wait 5 weeks, then transplant and add water. Super easyn Other than that I would do Earth Juice, Roots, or General Organics fed into Roots Organics Soil or just straight coco-coir if you're doing hydro. Also make sure to purchase a 5 gallon bucket and a 15L air pump so you can make some compost tea! There is a great compost tea thread in the organic section too.


Whats up newmanhax, I started some White Rhino from Mr. Nice recently. My advice is to go ahead and put your seedlings under your 400W MH. Only clones need to be slowly adjusted to HID lighting, seeds can grow up out in the sun in 105 degree weather.

This is why you are having over-watering issues as well. More light = more water usage for photosynthesis. Your girls are big enough to put into plastic-cups that are filled w/ soil and poked for drainage. Make sure to cover the Riot Rooter completely because it can dry out faster than your medium.

I will start a journal soon! Peace and good luck homie.:bigjoint:

Hey Secondscollide, were your seeds from Mr.Nice a nice brown? This is the First time i had ever received Nirvana seeds green and little. Also I'm going to set them under the 400w with the dome, and see if anyhting can help these girls.


also I am using the dome because the humidity in my room is terrible right now until I get some actual vegetation or dwc this is the best i can do. How high above my dome do you think the 400w MH should be? (7" dome)


So I turned on my 400w MH and slipped the seedlings into the dome and... BAM! the drooping seedling stood to attention, the girls are looking much better already. They are just a little light greedy... never had plants like these! I'm going to be watering more often from now on, because of the heat and intensity change from 4 28w cfl, to 400w MH. I hope they stay alright and don't stretch too much i have the light about 1.5' -2' away right now. seedlings doing better.jpg


Today the girls are doing nicely. So are my cucumbers! I'm letting them air out of the dome today with a paper towel soaked in the tent for a little extra humidity than basically 20%, but going to re-dome them at night because it's going to be cold again tonight, hopefully some of that moister traps some heat! I'm not counting on them to grow at the moment because there's no room for the roots right now but soon!


Active Member
Awesome! I'm glad the extra light helped. I usually keep the MH 16 inches away, especially if its not air-cooled. My seeds were a mix of brown and green, but mostly brown with dark spots and cool patterns. I definitely am digging the genetics though.


Hey guys! my big update. Finally moved the girls to a DWC with Dutchmaster advance base nuts for now, I'm also open to any pointers on some good easy nuts!! I've heard the dutchmaster base is good starter and probably going to be adding some of the DM Gold soon too. 15 gal of H2O 18 gal tote and dual air pump for 3 plants (sorry guys one girl died on me). right now water is at 6.2 pH and 375ppm. I know the ppm is probably a little high and and pH as well i'm getting some pH up and down tomorrow to adjust it. sorry for the crap picture bu the phone wont adjust is settings enough for me to get a clear pic! DWC.jpg