N,N-DMT vs. 5-MeO-DMT


New Member
Good day ya'll, a while back probably a good 3 months ago I tried DMT for the first time. I smoked 30mg out of my friends Roor bong mixed with some nice indoor grown Kush. My I say I was HIGH off my ass then after I exhaled on the 3rd hit is when shit got real wierd. I was trying to stay awake when all of the sudden I just picture myself traveling in my own mind. Like I could see a visual of me going inside my mind, deep inside my head getting thrown into a whole bunch of differnt colors and geometric patterns. About 2-3 minutes in is when I could see this spirit like thing rise from out of me and travel into the universe. I was getting real scared because at this point I did not know whether or not this was from the DMT or I was dying lol sounds crazy. Around me in my own imagination I could see very very bright vibrant colors. It's hard to descirbe but I'll do my best. It was if I was looking into a kaleidoscope. Then I followed this mysterious man up a ladder... He was wearing complete white suite and he was black. It was almost as if he was a pimp of some sort... After following this crazed man in the white suit throught all these colors and patterns of what not all my feelings began to die down and all I could feel is beauty. Nothing could seem more beatiful. I shouldn't of opened my eyes. Cause when I did that all VANISHED POOF!
Anyways the same guy just contacted me earlier tody and told me he had some 5-MeO-DMT (A Research chemical I believe). I told him to come over and around 3pm he will be over. I'm pretty excited yet anxious. He told me that it is A LOT more potent than regular N,N-DMT and that I will only need 5-10mg to have a awakening experience like last time. He also said that too much is really dangerous and that it can fuck with your mind forever if your not cautious.... All this info is kind of sketching me out... Anyone ever had any expirience with 5-MeO-DMT?
I've done a few shares of psychedelics. I've done legit LSD once, from a vendor online (Silk Road). Me and my friends purchased 20 200ug blotters for $75 +$15 for shipping and handling. I dropped 2 tabs so around 400ug of LSD and was tripping hard for around 7-8 hours. And was high for around 12 hours. I have also done shrooms alot, highest dose being 6.4 grams of Nice cubes. That was a mindfuck yet still managed to have a pretty enjoyable time. I have dropped 25I-NBOMe before probably a total of 6 or 7 times. All times being 800ug tabs. (Ordered them from Silk Road.) Great shit, 2CP 10mg would not recommend anyone to do very dark trip but still did not freak out just never did it again and last N,N-DMT. So as you can tell I'm a bit expirienced with Psychs but still want to make sure that I am ready for this because I don't want to freak out and have a extremely bad time.
I myself have never done 5-Meo but have done DMT. but I have heard that it indeed is more potent/stronger but with less visuals.... I don't know how that makes sense.. More visuals seems like more of a stronger outcome to me.
And yes i have smoked both. I've done DMT a total of 5 times each time gradually increasing the dose, 15mg first trip pretty mild but still could be considered a pretty decent DMT trip, 22mg next trip very well could say I felt what a true DMT trip was like, 28mg after that, 35mg after that (i broke throught at that trip) and the highest amount being 52mg and was in a full blown DMT trip, kind of like what KUSH GOD described but WAY more intense being so I did 22mg more and 5-MeO-DMT only did 8mg both times due to the fact that you can OD on this shit.
That is some nice Chronic you got there. And to confirm, 5-MeO-DMT is more potent then regular DMT. Do not talk out of the ass until you smoke it. I thought the same thing but believe me you are wrong to say that N,N-DMT is stronger then 5-MeO-DMT. Plus it lasts way longer then normal DMT
To start off DMT is not as potent as 5-MeO-DMT. It totally depends on what your are aiming for. If you want an incredible visaul trip near an Out of body exp. with a lot of geometric patterns and vibrant colors then N,N-DMT is for you. Now if you want to get to a whole nother demention with some of the deepest and darkest thoughts and Images you have yet to see inside yourself with a significant body high as well 5-MeO-DMT is ment for you.
To start off DMT is not as potent as 5-MeO-DMT. It totally depends on what your are aiming for. If you want an incredible visaul trip near an Out of body exp. with a lot of geometric patterns and vibrant colors then N,N-DMT is for you. Now if you want to get to a whole nother demention with some of the deepest and darkest thoughts and Images you have yet to see inside yourself with a significant body high as well 5-MeO-DMT is ment for you.
Wow... Your uneducated completley on the two matters. DMT is much stronger then 5-MeO with the whole trip its self. On 5Meo you can't leave your body and have extreme OEV as well as extreme CEV. ON DMT you can tho. 5Meo is NO WHERE NEAR as strong as DMT other than the facts that it lasts longer and gives a more intense body high. Please dont even say that 5-MeO-DMT is as good as N,N-DMT. Because it's not.
I could actually see it going both way but as "Trip" wise N,N-DMT wins this one. You also have to take into consideration that 5-MeO-DMT requires MUCH less of the chemical to be in a full blown trip then it does for DMT. 30mg of DMT is nothing compared to 25mg of 5-MeO. Anything over 15mg with 5-MeO when smoked is pretty significant.
SO therefor yes 5-MeO is very potent with a small dose. If two people were to smoke DMT and one was given 20mg of N,N-DMT and the other 20mg of 5-MeO-DMT, it's no doubt the one who smoked the 5-MeO is going to be gone longer then the user who smoked the normal DMT.
Prepare your self for a full blown Tryptamine exp. This shall be great. I recommend smoking 10-12mg. That way you get the normal DMT effects as well as the crazy ass 5-MeO-DMT trip with the STRONG body high...
Let That Kush Burn, SmokingTree
You two are idiots. N,N-DMT is much more potent then 5-MeO. MUCH MORE. You guys are sicing this up and I'm going to laugh my ass off when he get's none of the effects you two tools said he was going to exp.
On the 5-meo I did not hallucinate at all. I saw a few mild geometric patterns and colors where indeed brighter. It is more like MDMA and a slight DMT trip. The body high is very overwhelming tho that I will say.
Let That Kush Burn, SmokingTree
You two are idiots. N,N-DMT is much more potent then 5-MeO. MUCH MORE. You guys are sicing this up and I'm going to laugh my ass off when he get's none of the effects you two tools said he was going to exp.
On the 5-meo I did not hallucinate at all. I saw a few mild geometric patterns and colors where indeed brighter. It is more like MDMA and a slight DMT trip. The body high is very overwhelming tho that I will say.

Incorrect. the 5-methoxy is about five times as potent as the unsubstituted parent. Potency refers to size of dose needed for full effect. the depth of that effect is covered by the term efficacy. I've never done the 5-MeO so cannot comment on its efficacy, but DMT is generally and universally considered the standard. cn
Incorrect. the 5-methoxy is about five times as potent as the unsubstituted parent. Potency refers to size of dose needed for full effect. the depth of that effect is covered by the term efficacy. I've never done the 5-MeO so cannot comment on its efficacy, but DMT is generally and universally considered the standard. cn
again untill you guys have tried BOTH please don't just throw assumptions out. I'll say it for the last time. N,N-DMT is a stronger hallucinogen then 5meo.
again untill you guys have tried BOTH please don't just throw assumptions out. I'll say it for the last time. N,N-DMT is a stronger hallucinogen then 5meo.

If you read with care, you'll see that I am agreeing. I am pointing out that you didn't use "potent" right. 20 mg DMT will just barely get you into the giggles. 20 mg MeO will floor you. cn
Wow. I just came down from smoking 8mg of the 5-MeO-DMT and I must say I was pretty high but not tripping really at all. I did how ever have some crazy psychedelic thought process like exploring the inside of your mind type kind of shit like on Shrooms but no OEV or CEV, no geometric patterns or vibrant colors. Just a EXTREME body high that I felt like I was going to throw up if I move and some deep intellectual thougths. I agree that N,N-DMT is much more of a halluconigen then 5-MeO-DMT.
I consumed the smoke out of a water bong with 0.34 of the half pound of Skunk I aquired. I smoked it around 1:40 and was high until 2:10ish. It did last longer then DMT but I think it's not as powerful and psychedelic as N,N-DMT.
Just my opinion. Thank you guys for your feedback.
What did I say?!?! Exactly. You guys are jackasses I didn't just pull this shit out of my ass. And Let That Kush Burn what was the exp. he was suppose to have? Tools.