NO nutes at all grow yield

Wuts up this my first grow I actually took care off n shit funds real low n just had a baby boy but n e way... here it is.... 2' 1/2"w 2'L 9' tall...unknown clone strain I lst the 2 tops for more light penetration... I have 400 watt mh single wing reflector 40 to 60 humidity 80 temp on 70 light off fox farm ocean forest 3 gal pot looks like it doin pretty good and I'm I think 15 days into flower so 2 n half weeks into flower....just wondering bout how much will I yield off this 1 foot 8 inch clone I got goin... wut bout the most minimum I should shoot for dry yield wize.. thx and is there n e one else did a no nute through a whole grow and have good yields... also bout how many bag seeds of 8 plant I cn fit n closet will b female.. prolly 1 or 2 if lucky I herd... how is everyone


Well-Known Member
damn i know about being broke but your gonna have to at least get it some flowering nutes high in P. you should be able to find SOMETHING for under 10 bucks...


Active Member
if you can buy a 400W light, and ocean forest why can you not buy nutes? is there a reason you're growing without them?


Active Member
get a bag of maxi bloom and do lucas formula... thats what i did in ffof soil.and my shit came out great. and i had 3 plants all under a foot and yeilded about 2 oZ