the chitown sourkush thread

did u get black ops 2 yet?

figured you'd back out. you act all rich, but can't back it up with a 20 dollar game. i already told you i'm not going to spend 60 dollars on a game i don't even play. you on the other hand said you would get homefront. put your money where your mouth is. or just be a fraud. doesn't matter to me. i already got what i need. :)
figured you'd back out. you act all rich, but can't back it up with a 20 dollar game. i already told you i'm not going to spend 60 dollars on a game i don't even play. you on the other hand said you would get homefront. put your money where your mouth is. or just be a fraud. doesn't matter to me. i already got what i need. :)

its a fucking ten dollar game... and its fucking garbage
ima honer u while u locked up uncle fade by having a huge 100% legal grow in colorado that has cameras filming every inch of my grow cuzz thats what the state law states.. and i will serve those meds outta my disp. my bizzness partner is gonna open in dnever thats 100% legal.. every transaction will be on camera.... and reorded on paper. as state law dictates... i mean id offer u a job when u get out but u a felon and all...
we gettin ready to drop over 100k on grow equip. indoors and out, proper paper work, and lawyers on retainer just in case mother fuckers wanna pull it with us... amendment 64 goes into effect next month... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how u like me now!!!!????? i was growing da green under prop 215... now we getten doe thanx to amendement six foe
we gettin ready to drop over 100k on grow equip. indoors and out, proper paper work, and lawyers on retainer just in case mother fuckers wanna pull it with us... amendment 64 goes into effect next month... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how u like me now!!!!????? i was growing da green under prop 215... now we getten doe thanx to amendement six foe

none of that means anything to me. doesn't affect me in the least bit. i just want to play homefront. which i'm gonna go do in a few minutes here. while you just keep telling stories.
dude youre trippin. she loves the fact that i grow and smoke, she smokes as muh as i do almost. refuckinlax[/QUOTE

i hope so man... id hate to lose a loyal weed soldier who can actually grow some dank...

if i was going to quit growing it would have happened this year. im living on 5 acres of land in prime outdoor growing area... my life would have to be totaly different to actually consider stopping.

but thats the last im going to speak of this. any thoughts about my growing future without considering what ive specifically stated about it are pointless, as far as anyone is concerned im going to grow until my bodyu wont let me.
none of that means anything to me. doesn't affect me in the least bit. i just want to play homefront. which i'm gonna go do in a few minutes here. while you just keep telling stories.

true storey.... lol.................... dude u been growing decent sized outdoor grows for 4 years now.. i know u got 60 bux to buy black ops come on son
if i was going to quit growing it would have happened this year. im living on 5 acres of land in prime outdoor growing area... my life would have to be totaly different to actually consider stopping.

but thats the last im going to speak of this. any thoughts about my growing future without considering what ive specifically stated about it are pointless, as far as anyone is concerned im going to grow until my bodyu wont let me.

lol im glad u tryna reassure me... fact is on more then one occasian u told me u were done and had to reevaluate ur cannabiss useage...
true storey.... lol.................... dude u been growing decent sized outdoor grows for 4 years now.. i know u got 60 bux to buy black ops come on son

ridiculous man, asking someone to buy a 60 dollar game vs 10 or 20? im just being unbiased here, thats not a deal i would go for .....
true storey.... lol.................... dude u been growing decent sized outdoor grows for 4 years now.. i know u got 60 bux to buy black ops come on son

my family is more important then playing games with your fake ass.

either drop 10 dollars or stfu.
lol im glad u tryna reassure me... fact is on more then one occasian u told me u were done and had to reevaluate ur cannabiss useage...
yeah having your best friend of 7 years go insane after smoking nothing but herb with you for 2 years will get you to re evealuate quite a few things.

i think is foolish to not re-evaluate things like this, now i have even clearer reason for continuing to use herb...
my family is more important then playing games with your fake ass.

either drop 10 dollars or stfu.

if ur family is so importent to u then why did u put them threw all the bullshit u did? why u selling to college kids? who u got too many pounds then u supposed to have on u? why didnt u have it somewere else? i know i love my family and wouldnt do that to them... u cold hearted uncle faded... even more so then me.. damn
if ur family is so importent to u then why did u put them threw all the bullshit u did? why u selling to college kids? who u got too many pounds then u supposed to have on u? why didnt u have it somewere else? i know i love my family and wouldnt do that to them... u cold hearted uncle faded... even more so then me.. damn

at least i have "family". who's your daddy? :?