Stealing electricity all the other posts

Hey poster here looking around.

I have read many posts about people getting capped based off stealing electricity to support grows. I am temporarily watching a 12,000 Watt grow running continuously 24 / 7 (stealing elec) for a friend while he goes on vacation. Apparently this location has already been going strong for 2-3 years. I am doing my research and see many people get caught roughly 3-4 months after they start stealing. I wonder if there is a huge risk for the 2 months I am watching the place for my friend?

The lines next to the meter was modified by a professional electrician so even when they check the meter or wiring set-up noone can tell. All the modifications were done underground.

I assume they have one transformer per 20 homes. Calculating the average household consumption to be at 1.2 kwh / day i think that with 20 houses on the same transformer, you would only be looking at an extraneous 500 kwh per home. If they knew someone was stealing can they pinpoint the exact house assuming we are using the old electrical meter system? (just from their computers) Or can they just narrow it down to the transformer. I would ask the electrician working for my friend but that would be an unnecessary introduction.

Everything about this operation seems very clean (no word of mouth, only the very trusted, and electrician did all modifications to tap into the grid) It is just the electricity stealing that concerns me.

I have read all the other posts on the internet about stealing electricity but it seems like on one end my friends know of 20 other growers stealing electricity running everything just fine for years on end and then on the internet you find all these people who get caught. Has anyone here been stealing electricity for over 5 years with no consequences?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
You can get 100% of people here telling you no one will ever find out about the electricity theft but you won't feel any better about it. And that's because you're an honest person. And - your feelings about this - aka: guilt - are normal.

I'd say - since it's your friends place and he's ultimately responsible - that you shouldn't worry too much about getting in trouble. You're just house sitting my friend and that operation has been going on for a couple years.

Relax - and don't forget the nutes..... :leaf:


Active Member
It will catch up to you bro, one way or another. I used to be dumb and crazy, but I no longer live that way. Please dont give growers a bad rep.


Well-Known Member
Kharma, is one nasty bitch. She is patient and vigilant and her timing is always perfect.

Good Luck with that M8




Well-Known Member
I remember a lot of busts on the news where the electricity was stolen and it led to the bust.


Active Member
different areas do different things, round my way power company investigators sit off hydro stores, follow you home and check your power cables, you will be charged with minding a crop, so not the mastermind but punished as good as, great way to cover your own ass is to have someone else look after your crop


Mr I Can Do That For Half
More then likely they will get caught. Next question since your here on this site which has really crappy site security and servers on US soil you did use multiple proxies and no real sign up info when coming here to post correct? If you didn't use proxies and other self protections you just opened everyone involved to easy trace and prosecution. You never ever come use this site without multiple proxies and rolling ip's unless you don't mind giving your exact location and personal ip which are now allowed to be given to police upon request into possible criminal activity. Hopefully you didn't use an email that's has any real connection to you in real life also since that's the easiest trace from here.


Well-Known Member
More then likely they will get caught. Next question since your hear on this site which has really crappy site security and servers on US soil you did use multiple proxies and no real sign up info when coming here to post correct? If you didnt use proxies and other self protections you just opened everyone involved to easy trace and prosecution. You never ever come use this site without multiple proxies and rolling ip's unless you don't mind giving your exact location and personal ip which are now allowed to be given to police upon request into possible criminal activity. Hopefully you didnt use an email thats has any real connection to you in real life also since thats the easiest trace from here.
Awesome advice. I personally lived in Idaho when I joined here. There arrest and warrant records are public there so I found a random person my age and used their info for everything so if something happened they'll likely be looking for some Guy that ditched out on his probation 10 years ago. He still has a warrant lol

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I'd say - since it's your friends place and he's ultimately responsible - that you shouldn't worry too much about getting in trouble. You're just house sitting my friend and that operation has been going on for a couple years.
This is so wrong....

I hope you're getting some serious compensation. If you get caught up for an illegal grow PLUS stealing electricity you are going to be fucked by the long dick of the law.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah bets to make garbage up set an email created on a computer not on your network dont use it for anything else ever and use the proxies otherwise your home ip is logged directly. Use like and then use 3 or 4 of their proxies back to back to hide any trace.
I'm wondering if any electricians have any concrete knowledge of whether they can narrow the electricity down to the specific house. Or can they only narrow it down to the block. If they can only narrow it down to the block maybe the compensation is worth the risk. If they can narrow it down to the specific house without smart meters then the risk may not be worth my while.


Well-Known Member
If they're on smart meters it wont be long at all before ur busted. I'm amazed ur not already if that's the case. If not as soon as the switch is made you'll be found out


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if any electricians have any concrete knowledge of whether they can narrow the electricity down to the specific house. Or can they only narrow it down to the block. If they can only narrow it down to the block maybe the compensation is worth the risk. If they can narrow it down to the specific house without smart meters then the risk may not be worth my while.
In my opinion M8, you are being played to be the perfect stool pigeon. They have multiple ways of seeing the load that place is pulling, have had it for a while. Only a matter of time.
You must have an unreal amount of faith in this person to place your ass out on a limb for a complete uncertainty. I have found only 2 people that were worthy of that much trust and they are no longer among the living.

A fool and his freedom are soon parted.




Well-Known Member
There is one elctrician going around where i am and for 1000 he will put sub panel in and go through ground to cut off the meter... not worth it. Read online about it. Electric company will make a complaint which will lead to warrant is there is origional suspicion. 12k watts is alot of electric to steal. They can and will eventually find out and will sue for what THEY think you stole and at THEIR price to pay...

A friend had an apartment with old school meter. They shut his electric off so he just bypassed meter(same as your friend just not as sneaky) well the company narrowed down the useage and the cops came looking at meters and knocking to see if the name on account matched. Im sure in your friends situation they dont want cops even close to your spot. Stealing the electric is a obvious way for them to come knocking and draw attention.

It was good while it lasted an he should correct the situation while hes not in jail. If its an illegal op then prob is good size. 3yrs of doing it he should have money to spread it out to another location to keep off the grib like an industrial zone.