i cant believe i found this in my basement


Active Member

it says 400 watt max , i found 9 250 watt ballists idk if its hps or w.e else there is but this seems like the right thing but it may be too strong for what i want now.

I also found this 0508081354.jpg which i feel is much smaller, consumes less energy and is a 500W halogen bulb the only problem is..... from reading the forums i really dont know if this is the right bulb so i need help..

downsized_0508081407.jpg this is what i have basically put together for air ventilation and lighting since i am in my bathroom i have a fan vent , i have 2 strong fans to move air around. 1 in each section grow space and flowering space. I have 6 single bulb florecent fixtures, im sure these are the right ones i am going to put 3cool white and 3warm white florescent bulbs in these fictures. The only problem is idk what wattage or which bulb to even look at when i go to home depot. i need help with this too. since i already have saved on lighting since it was free. for the mean time im going to use soil as a medium, and really soon buy a hydroponic system ...

so mainly can anyone answer these questions please?

-will that halogen light work for my flowering period? ofcoarse im going to buy a highly reflective cover for it.
-what watt florescent bulbs do i need 6 fixtures 3 of each type



Well-Known Member
i don't know much about halogens..... I'm not sure they can be used for growing.


Well-Known Member
i really hate to chime in on this note, but halogens are not great for producing anything but heat. it's not that their spectrum is bad, but their efficiency is like 20lumens / watt, compared to near 150 for HPS and 115 for MH.

if you get more info on the other ballasts or whatever they are, someone might be able to identify those for you.

i would start with soil for your first grow, as it's simpler.

if you want to go fluorescents, i would check out 3-packs of larger bulbs, say 42W on ebay or the internet for good prices. Get yourself some cool white (6K color temperature or the highest you can find) bulbs, and start off your veg with that. As soon as you're off and growing, you can decide whether to flower with CFL, upgrade to HID, or whatever...


Active Member
Ceestyle is right bro. Halogens are a no no. Way too much heat and not effective. I been reading up on CFL's (Compact Flouresent Lamps) and it seems a good way to go unless you can afford the HPS and or MH Lamps. I just purchased some CFL's this morning at walmart pretty cheap. 7 dollars for a 2 pack. They are 26 watt, 1600 Lumens and 6500k. They don't get hot and it's cost effective. Your light bill won't go thru the roof like it may with the HPS and or MH. Now you will need like 6 per plant I think (or close to that) to get good light coverage then when your ready for flowering I think you want to switch over to something more like 2700k-3200k. I'm in nooooo way a veteran grower, as a matter of fact this is my first grow but the info i have gotten back from these awesome people has set me in the right direction. I hope this may of helped some bro and best of luck!!! May yer buds be sweet and strong!!!:mrgreen:


Active Member
0508081503.jpg ok so here is my 250watt phillips ballast the numbers and letter are c225s50/ew the back contents mentions the arc tube of the lamp contains sodium and mercury. then under ballast info its says lamp=250 watt ansi spec= s50 like i said i plan to use this for flowering when i decide to do more plants ill switch to 400 because my unit can handle up to 400w i know bulbs are inexpensive but if i have these why waste more money i hope these are the right ones if someone could identify.

i found out info on them

225 ED-18,100V Mog. 32291-7 C225S50/EW S50 12 EW,G,S(360)(373) 53⁄4 93⁄4 24,000+ Approx. Lumens(352):mean27,500 initial 24,800 21 cct (k) im guesing kelvin ? 2100


Well-Known Member
that's HPS, so you're money. do you have bulbs? if not, pick up a conversion MH bulb or an HPS labeled "full spectrum" for veg. you can use that for several plants.


Active Member
well how expensive would that 250 watt get if it would be running over about a 2-3 month period for flowering? its probly like 22 bucks a month. and how expensive would my florecent usage get for my growing if i had 6 bulbs 42w+/- ? thanks


Well-Known Member
Well, 6x42W would be essentially the same price: the number of Watts determines the power draw. The difference is that with 250W HPS you get 26000 mean lumens, while for the 252W fluoros you'll have about 16000.

Running 24/0 at 10cents/kWh is about $18 / month, then flowering at 12/12 would be $9/month.


Well-Known Member
well i don't know what the power supply thing is, but i would assume if you found the bulb with it, and it says 225W somewhere on it, it's the right ballast.


Active Member
I have 6 single bulb florecent fixtures, im sure these are the right ones i am going to put 3cool white and 3warm white florescent bulbs in these fictures. The only problem is idk what wattage or which bulb to even look at when i go to home depot.

if you go to home depot they have daylight spectrum 4' 40watt 2 packs for 7 bucks. they also have a bunch of other styles in the two packs but the daylight has the most blue range output so i would suggest that one.


Well-Known Member
hey don't get hot and it's cost effective. Your light bill won't go thru the roof like it may with the HPS and or MH.
Umm... i use both hps and cfl in my grow cab... and i have to say that cfls put out as much heat as my hps after all the fans and shit....the little ballasts on the cfls that we bought at walmart get pretty hot .. and make sure that the bulb doesnt touch any mylar or stuff like that... honestly cfl is a great way to go until you can buy the hps... just my 2 cents... :peace: & :joint:


Active Member
it seems like the hps bulbs i have not powered mine yet, they seem to be really really hot. Its practically like a street lamp lol... and its so bright its blinding...


Well-Known Member
I would use it to cover a 3 foot by 3 foot piece of ground. So however many you can fit under there spaced out whatever you think you are gonna need based on your vegging.


Well-Known Member
Westside Wholesale, Inc. - Cooper Lighting 400W HID (Metal Halide) Lumark Floodlight with Trunnion Base - Bronze this is the link to the actual unit that i have found. Its been a few days since i could find it. From the amount of lumins that it puts out, how many plants do you think i could put under it? thanks guys...

Metal halide is used for vegging period.... your want HPS for flowering.... HOnestly i have been doing both with my hps with great results.. The cfls i only use them for the clones and stuff ( 4 weeks max ) .......Thats what you would use it for... clonses and a mother..... and that is nice.. if you dont want it ill pay for shipping and take it off your hands hehehehhe:joint: good luck man

Actually.. i just saw a picture of it and dont want it thanks... hehehee.. those things are good for heat... I mean it was free so you should try it... It might work great for you..... But remember.... its for vegging.. if you try and flower with that thing you will be very disappointed witht he quality of the final product.

But dont worry... by the time you get some moms going.... 4 weeks or so.... you'll be able to save up for a light.... If your not growing allready .. you probably spend at least 50 a week... and if your like me more like 150.... LOL.... So take a week or 3 break and get your bad ass light for your ladies!


Well-Known Member
Metal halide is used for vegging period.... your want HPS for flowering.... HOnestly i have been doing both with my hps with great results.. The cfls i only use them for the clones and stuff ( 4 weeks max ) .......Thats what you would use it for... clonses and a mother..... and that is nice.. if you dont want it ill pay for shipping and take it off your hands hehehehhe:joint: good luck man

Actually.. i just saw a picture of it and dont want it thanks... hehehee.. those things are good for heat... I mean it was free so you should try it... It might work great for you..... But remember.... its for vegging.. if you try and flower with that thing you will be very disappointed witht he quality of the final product.

But dont worry... by the time you get some moms going.... 4 weeks or so.... you'll be able to save up for a light.... If your not growing allready .. you probably spend at least 50 a week... and if your like me more like 150.... LOL.... So take a week or 3 break and get your bad ass light for your ladies!
actually from the bulb on the previous page and his description, it has to be HPS. he must have found the wrong one on the web.


Active Member
well i posted in my journal but i guess to many posts going on in there... and i dont wanna make new threads... just wanna see if i should do anything else to my plants. 1 is already growing nicely, another is about to penetrate the dirt. these are pictires... i planted the germinated seeds at exactly this time same time yesterday. 12:39 my lights are going off in like 4 hours .... pictures: yesterday night : CIMG1145.jpg this is a picture i took in the today in the morning... and i bought a few 24" flourecent bulbs like this: they are brillo solar f20 tubes: CIMG1149.jpg im thinking of using these if my plants get bigger or for my flowering season because my helical bulbs seem to work for now... thanks for the help guys.

pictures are out of order u get the deal :)

