the chitown sourkush thread

chilled with this amazing girl yesterday, spent the whole afternoon and night together, just lots of making out and just awesome synergy. this seems like something that could last. I'll keep ya all posted, I'm just buzzin on life right now lol.
i got some new pussy comming this way.... she a str8 bustdown... everyone i knew fucked her.... now its my turn.. i only met this bitch like 5 times in my whole life but i known her like 4 years or so... she sweatin me hard....ima have to lay into her...
i got some new pussy comming this way.... she a str8 bustdown... everyone i knew fucked her.... now its my turn.. i only met this bitch like 5 times in my whole life but i known her like 4 years or so... she sweatin me hard....ima have to lay into her...

make sure to pay by the hour. ;)
this girls titties aint that big... b]so they all gonna be pussy shots... she looks fire when she bent doggy... i can only imagine that naked...
chilled with this amazing girl yesterday, spent the whole afternoon and night together, just lots of making out and just awesome synergy. this seems like something that could last. I'll keep ya all posted, I'm just buzzin on life right now lol.

get er pops....